Add Some Operating Expenses

Now we are going add some operating expenses to the report. To do this, we will open the Member Selector for the Account cell, and search on "operating." We will then drill into the operating expenses hierarchy, and add a function to select the children of the operating expenses before they are allocated. Finally, we will select the total operating expenses.

  1. Begin by right-clicking Account, and choosing Select Members.

    Account cell selected in the grid with Select Member highlighted in the drop-down

  2. In the Member Selector, deselect Account, and then expand it. (We want to select the members of Account - not Account itself.)

  3. Search on "operating".

    Member Selector searching on Operating

  4. The members that meet the "operating "search criteria are displayed. Highlight Operating Expenses, and click Show in Hierarchy Show In Hierarchy button.

    Search results with Operating Expenses selected
  5. Highlight OpEx before Alloc, click Functions Functions button, and select Children.

    Member Selector with Children selected

  6. Select Operating Expenses under Gross Profit, and then click OK to close the Member Selector.

    Member Selector with Operating Expenses selected

  7. In the grid, expand the cell that has Children of OpEx before Allocation and OpEx. We want to separate these members into their own rows. To do this, right-click the cell, and select Separate Rows.

    Row 1 selected with Separate Rows selected in the drop-down

    Children of OpEx before Allocations and OpEx are now in their own rows.

    Grid with row 1 separated

    We separated the rows so that we can format them differently and add a separator between them. We will do this later on when we format the report.