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Superchain Eco
Superchain Eco

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Superchain Eco is a platform dedicated to accelerating the adoption and development of the Superchain and the broader Ethereum L2 ecosystem. Our mission is to unite the Superchain and drive its growth through meaningful participation, insightful analytics, and innovative solutions.

Superchain Index

Our web platform,, serves as the collective HQ for everything Optimism and Superchain-related. It offers comprehensive resources, including insights into OP Chains, Superchain projects, and contributors within the Optimism Collective. In collaboration with the Optimism team, we proudly launched the Superchain Index—the source of truth for OP Chains' configuration, security, and policy choices.

This index pulls data from the Superchain Registry, offering a definitive source of truth on which chains are part of the ecosystem and any modifications made to them. It provides a unified snapshot of OP Chains, detailing their block space configurations, alignment with the Blockspace Charter, and key security and policy choices. The Superchain Index is a public good that enhances transparency and accessibility for the entire ecosystem.

Super Accounts

To further boost engagement across the Superchain, we developed Super Accounts — Superchain native-smart accounts powered by Safe that allow users to earn Superchain Points for meaningful onchain participation, increase their Superchain Rank, and evolve their Account to unlock special perks, such as access to a weekly Superchain Raffle and discounts in applications. 

We have also introduced a Giveth donor badge to recognize and reward users who donate through the Giveth platform. This badge is assigned based on donation milestones, with data pulled directly from Giveth to reflect a user’s contributions. The Giveth donor badge currently has four tiers based on donation amounts: $25, $100, $250, and $1,000. As users donate and reach the specific thresholds, they earn badge levels that highlight their impact within the ecosystem. 

At Superchain Eco, we are committed to fostering an engaged and informed community while driving the growth of the Superchain and Optimism ecosystems.

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