RWS 305W Labor-Based Grading Contract Survey
Spring 2022 was the first semester I as an instructor have ever used labor-based grading. I plan to continue using labor-based grading in the future. Since this is the first semester I have ever used this grading system, I am gauging feedback from you about the use of our grading contract for our class. I would like feedback on what aspects of the contract worked well and what I can improve or revise for future semesters. With your feedback, my goal is to make the contract even better!

Your feedback is valued and appreciated! :)
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What is something(s) about our contract that worked well for our course? For example, you can discuss if it helped you think less about grades, how it helped provide a guideline for the semester, etc. *
What is something(s) about our contract that can be improved? This can range from how the contract is introduced/negotiated at the beginning and/or middle of the semester, how aspects of the contract are explained, etc. *
I've purposely designed the contract so that it can be negotiated as a class at the beginning at the semester and then re-negotiated again 8-9 weeks in. How effective was this approach? Do you see room for improvement (and if so, what suggestions do you have that can help improve it)?
For the major projects, I've taken the approach to focus highly on providing more qualitative feedback, with only two marks possible: "P" (for Pass), "RR" (for Revise and Resubmit). I've saved "NP" (for No Pass) for the final project and portfolio due to semester time constraints outside my contract. What worked well with this approach? What specifics of this assessment approach can I improve for next semester? Any specific comments, suggestions, or feedback is appreciated.
Because labor-based grading does away with grades on individual assignments, students would need to do extra labor in order to get any grade higher than a "B" on their transcript. If this is the case, to what extent did the extra project (i.e., the Creative Project) enrich your understanding of concepts we learned in the course? *
In general, did you like the Creative Project or felt it was beneficial? If so, should I keep it for future RWS 305W courses as an extra project for the "A Track"? If not, do you have any SPECIFIC suggestions on what type of extra labor project (or projects if you feel there should be the possibility of more than 1 option) we can propose for future semesters that would be benefit students? Any project ideas are appreciated. (Put "N/A" or leave blank if you do not want to answer)
If you aimed for an "A" in the course, how clear was the "Classroom Contributor" requirement of the contract? *
Should I keep the "Classroom Contributor" requirement for the "A" track next semester? If "Yes," you can explain how I can make it better. If "No," you can also explain why as well. (Note: Leave blank if you prefer not to answer)
Did you make use of the (Optional) Labor Log located in Module 0 to help you keep track of the work you have done for the course?
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If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, how useful was this for you? If you answered "No", is there a reason why you did not use it?
Overall, how fair was the contract? *
If you felt the contract was at least "somewhat unfair" in the previous question, what suggestions would you give to make the contract more fair for future courses? (Note: Leave blank if you felt the contract was at least "somewhat fair")
Do you have any additional comments/suggestions not mentioned here about our grading contract or labor-based grading I should take into consideration for next semester?
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