Waiver: I understand that participation in martial arts may result in bodily injury, and I understand that these risks may be caused by my own actions. I therefore agree that I am in good physical health and in proper physical condition to participate in Homestead High School Martial Arts Club. I hereby assume full responsibility and liability for all risk of injury or loss sustained which may results from activities within Homestead High School Martial Arts Club. I understand that Homestead High School Martial Arts Club, and by extension Homestead High School, is not liable for any bodily injuries I may contract due to reckless or unauthorized behavior. The undersigned student or parent guardian therefore releases Homestead High School Martial Arts Club and Homestead High School from any and all liabilities for any type of injuries or loss sustained while participating in Homestead High School Martial Arts Club. I hereby affirm and acknowledge that I have read this document. I hereby affirm and acknowledge that I understand its contents and agree to be bound thereby. TYPE SIGNATURE BELOW. *