Weather update: Mercury drops further as chilly winds hit Karachi

Karachi Shivers as Winter Bites: Plunging Mercury and Chilly Winds Bring a New Cold Wave

Karachi, the bustling metropolis of Pakistan, is experiencing a fresh bout of wintry weather, marked by plummeting temperatures and biting winds. The mercury has taken a significant dip, bringing the city under the grip of a new cold wave. This article delves into the current weather conditions in Karachi, highlighting the impact of the chilly winds and offering insights into how residents are coping with the cold.

Mercury Hits Single Digits: Following a period of strong, dusty winds, Karachi has witnessed a dramatic drop in temperatures. The minimum temperature, which hovered around 10°C just days ago, has now dipped to single digits, with some areas recording lows as low as 6°C. This rapid descent is attributed to the arrival of chilly Siberian winds, sweeping across Sindh and bringing a fresh wave of wintry chills.

Chilly Winds Bite: The icy winds, blowing at speeds of up to 35-40 kilometers per hour, add a biting edge to the already cold weather. Residents report feeling a noticeable sting in the air, particularly during the early mornings and evenings. These winds also contribute to a drop in visibility, with morning fog sometimes reducing it to as low as 3.5 kilometers.

Life in Chilly Karachi: The sudden dip in temperature has significantly affected daily life in Karachi. Warmer clothes, blankets, and heating devices are in high demand. People are adjusting their routines to avoid venturing out unnecessarily in the peak cold hours. The authorities, concerned about the impact on vulnerable populations, have urged citizens to take necessary precautions and offer assistance to those in need.

What's Next? The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) forecasts that the current cold wave will persist for the next few days, with further dips in temperature possible. The skies are expected to remain clear, offering little respite from the chilly winds. However, some hope arrives in the form of sunshine during the day, providing pockets of warmth amidst the overall cold.

The sudden arrival of winter may have caught some Karachiites off guard, but the city's resilience shines through. As residents adapt to the new weather conditions, a sense of shared experience fosters a unique wintery mood in the metropolis. This cold wave serves as a reminder of the power of nature and the importance of being prepared for its ever-changing whims.

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