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Grade 4 Place Value & Rounding Worksheets

Numbers to 1 million

Our grade 4 place value worksheets help build conceptual understanding by decomposing numbers into their constituent parts.  Rounding worksheets give practice rounding numbers up to 1,000,000.

Place Value

Build a 4-digit number

Build a 5-digit number

Build a 6-digit number

6,000 + 80 + 20 + 3 = __

Missing place value (4 digits)

Missing place value (5 digits)

Missing place value (6 digits)

6,000+ __+ 20+ 3= 6,823

Expanded form

Expanded notation

Expanded to standard form

5,376 = 5 x 1,000 +
3 x 100 + 7 x 10 + 6

Comparing and ordering numbers

Compare numbers to 1 million 850,000 > 421,700
Order numbers to 1 million 512 < 10,511 < 912,814


Round to the nearest 10 643 rounds to 640
Round to the nearest 100 4,623 rounds to 4,600
Round to the nearest 1,000 83,623 rounds to 84,000
Round to the nearest 10,000 83,623 rounds to 80,000
Mixed rounding 83,623 rounds to 83,700

Rounding word problems

Estimating and rounding word problems Word problems
Sample grade 4 rounding worksheet

Sample grade 4 rounding worksheet

More place value & rounding worksheets

Explore all of our place value worksheets, from base ten blocks to 6 digit numbers in expanded form, and our rounding worksheets, ranging from rounding to the nearest 10 to rounding in the millions.

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