CoDeft 3.0 Registration Form
Hello folks!!!
Competitive Programming Cell, AIT is all set to light up Pune's biggest competitive coding event ever---✨✨✨CoDeft3.0.✨✨✨

◉ Top 10hugew0 Participants willing to come for the onsite finals will qualify for the final round.

Onsite Final Events:
Codered: Competitive Programming event
Retracer: Figuring out the code using only the input and output files
Bug-Off: Debug the Code
Short-Code: Smaller Code Wins!!

--> PRIZES WORTH Rs 2.5 lakh !!
--> Codeft T-shirt and  Exciting Goodies for all the finalists

Tentative Schedule:
Qualifiers will be held during the last week of March.
The Final round will be conducted in  the first week of April.

Join us on Social Media for Regular Updates:

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Mobile No. *
Name of College *
If any other college specify
Gender *
Codeforces Handle Name *
CodeChef Handle Name *
Hackerrank Handle Name *
Are you willing to give Onsite Finals to be tentatively held during the first week of April *
T-Shirt Size *
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