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Industry University Cooperative Research Centers Student & Postdoc Process/Outcome Survey

2. Please indicate whether your Center experience has included the following opportunities: 
Space Cell Not availableAvailable, but did not participateAvailable, and did participate
Work on innovative or leading-edge research projects
Pursue research questions that address “real-world” problems
Engage in experiential “hands-on” learning
Stay informed about Center projects related to your research interests
Have access to scientific data, tools, techniques, expertise, equipment, software, or other resources that are not otherwise available to you
Collaborate with government or industry scientists
Collaborate with faculty or students from other institutions
Work with people from different demographic or disciplinary backgrounds
Attend Center IAB meetings
Present research at Center IAB meetings
Participate in other professional development opportunities offered through the Center
3. Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience participating in this Center?
6. Please indicate how impactful your Center experience has been for you in the following areas:
Space Cell No impactSlightly positive impactModerately positive impactPositive impactVery positive impactNot sure
Improved my technical knowledge and skills
Improved my oral communication skills
Improved my written communication skills
Improved my project management skills, like setting and meeting timelines and deliverables
Improved my ability to work as a member of a team
Improved my ability to publish papers in academic journals or conferences
Improved my understanding of how research applies to "real-world" problems
Improved my understanding of industry research trends and needs
Improved my awareness of career paths in industry
Improved my awareness of internship or job openings at Center member organizations
7. What is your career goal?
8. Will your company be based on an idea from your Center research?
8. Has your career goal changed as a result of your Center participation?