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The Phrog Driver Sez...

Just a liberal as fuck old Naval Aviator. Cold war vintage. Retired Airline Captain, current annoyer of airline trainees in The Box. Street Photographer, Leica shooter. World Traveler. Nice picture of Seattle, huh?

56 Posts

  1. Where is the honesty about Biden’s accomplishments over his first term? Media asshats need to push back on the MAGA loon nonsense about Joe being a “do nothing” POTUS
  2. Veterans Day. Not going anywhere for free stuff. But hey, thanks.
  3. Is it a requirement that to belong to the modern-day GOP you have to be a believer in every conspiracy theory that arises, believe that facts are ultimately malleable and that TFG is smart? Just asking.
  4. Fascinating that this statue exists as it does. This is the Major Dick Winters memorial near Utah Beach. Many of the US units names who participated in D-Day are in the base. Except the 101st Airborne. Also, the French don’t get the correlation between the inscription “Leadership
  5. My favorite thing is how the CEO of a car manufacturer says that her obscene compensation is “performance based”. It sure is; controlling expenses makes her more money. Paying employees is an expense. Paying them less, earns her more. Sweet deal. #UAW #unionstrong
  6. Has anyone ever seen a politician with less spine than Kevin McCarthy?
  7. Vivek Snake-Oil while flogging the “Constitutional Republic” RWNJ talking point keeps wanting everyone to know how totally ‘murikan he is, and by the way pass a Constitutional Amendment to raise the voting age to 25. Ramaswampy hasn’t met a focus group suggested line he doesn’t o
  8. Damn. This is good.
  9. Hahahahahaha Will be released along with his healthcare plan during infrastructure week 😂😂😂😂😂
  10. The WSJ shows it’s GOP fealty here, with the “it’s not criminal, it’s political”. Every criminal in America will just file to run for office, claiming persecution Oh, and TFG is already building his vengeance army of sycophants should he regain power. That’ll be some banana republ
  11. “My Dearest Jane, We fyght a difficult engagement tonight at the Fulton County Courthouse. Must be that Almighty God still punishes us well after more than a hundred of years since WT Sherman marauded throughout the peaceable hills and vale’s of our land. The dreaded legal process
  12. Oh me, oh my. The republicans see themselves as victims. My favorite quote: “My husband at home watches Fox News all the time so I’m getting a lot of things that other people don’t see…” These people vote🥺
  13. RWNJ Follies, part ten million and six

    And yet every single one of these turd blossoms except maybe Asa Hutchison and Chris Christie have proclaimed their fealty to the Lost Cause of J6 and pardoning TFG in the event of a conviction in Federal court
  14. What amuses me about TFG’s whining about how “persecuted” he claims to be, is that right now he’s got teams of people actually building systems to real-time persecute anyone insufficiently “loyal” within the Federal Government should he win a second term. Dollars to donuts he’s p
  15. Culinary goodness: fresh corn on the cobb with Tajin… Sooooo good.
  16. I’m no longer amazed by the utter ignorance of the $8 X people. OMG they’re universally stupid. And spiteful.
  17. When you have no Ethics, there’s nothing to regulate. When you’re a lying, scumbag jerk off, you have the ethics of fresh, wet cow shit.
  18. I’m still stunned that no lawmakers are raising holy hell about the Paid-For SCOTUS SIX making a ruling based on a case of hypotheticals and perjured testimony I mean seriously, What The Actual Fuck?
  19. All of this. The cruelty is the point
  20. So here we are. Elon making all of us who don’t want to pay him $8/month really laugh at his stupidity. Like really, what actually possessed him to buy Twitter in the first place? Ego coupled with hubris? If he’d wanted a thrill he could have gone exploring the Titanic…(too soon?

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