Jaella Mac Au Mission Support Team!
Hi Friends!

My name is Jaella Mac Au and I am a third-year undergraduate student at the University of Georgia studying Human Development and Family Sciences with an intent to graduate in Fall of 2024. I have lived in Georgia for the past 10/11 years and am so excited to represent the South! I am more than honored and humbled to announce that I will be a Perpetual Pilgrim this summer, walking the Serra Route with a team of young adults, seminarians, and priests. We will begin in San Francisco and end in Indianapolis (at the National Eucharistic Congress) by driving, walking, and boating across the country. 

As a Perpetual Pilgrim I will be helping lead aspects of the pilgrimage as we will be inviting countless dioceses and parishes along the way to join us in Eucharistic processions. Each day will look different, but generally speaking it will consist of major/minor Eucharistic processions, daily mass, fellowship and prayer, and Eucharistic nights held at parishes with pilgrim testimonies/talks. 

Thank you for being open to me and my mission serving with the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage. I'm grateful that you're here. 

Photo above courtesy of UGA Catholic Center
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Why be a Perpetual Pilgrim?

I decided to serve as a perpetual pilgrim because I felt the Lord calling me to surrender the security of my summer plans; and to partner with His dreams for me. The love of Jesus transforms everything. I am excited to pilgrimage this summer and invite you to spiritually/physically join me! I will be leaving for San Francisco on May 17 and will be on the road until July 22. When I return, I am going back to UGA for my final semester and will graduate in December! Know of my prayers.

Isaiah 6:8
8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” 
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

Photo courtesy of National Eucharistic Pilgrimage
The route I will be walking is the red line - the Western Route - the Junipero Serra Route! We are the longest route out of the four pilgrimages, spanning over of 2,200 miles!

Some highlights of this route are the Golden Gate Bridge, the Rocky Mountains, Benedictine College, St. Louis, and so much more!

This is the longest anyone will have walked with Jesus, distance-wise and time-wise, since the age of the Apostles.

Photo courtesy of National Eucharistic Pilgrimage
The Need for Mission Support Partners!

Through this amazing opportunity, I also have an opportunity to partner with others on this mission! You are integral to the work of this mission! Perpetual Pilgrims additionally have a spiritual and financial need as there is a fundraising goal set for each pilgrim. The money raised goes toward the National Eucharistic Congress which covers expenses such as gas and essentials along the journey. Spiritually speaking - I need people to pray for me and my heart throughout this summer! I also desire to also take people’s prayer intentions with me on pilgrimage and dedicate specific miles to them so I am spiritually taking as many people on pilgrimage as possible.
Throughout the route I will be accompanied by my fellow Perpetual Pilgrims, seminarians, as well as rotating groups of CFRs. This is the group of young adults that I will be running with this summer! Chas (the last person of our wonderful group) is not pictured as well as the seminarians that will be joining us for the entirety of the journey. Here we are with Bishop Cozzens!

Photo courtesy of National Eucharistic Pilgrimage
First and Last Name *
Email - Let's stay connected this summer! *
How did you hear about this? *
Would you like to join my Mission Support Team for the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage? *
If you are able to give financially, linked above is the donation link! 

Additionally, the registry holds things that are necessary for my journey that I need for the summer!

Anything you are able to give is deeply appreciated.
Financial Pledge (if applicable)
Prayer Intention(s) for me to take on the pilgrimage (for you!) *
He is worthy of it all! Not only this summer, but the rest of my life.

Photo courtesy of Catholic Youth Summer Camp
Thank you for your time taken here and your generosity.

I am so grateful for each and every heart that desires to support the National Eucharistic Revival and the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress! We CANNOT do this without you! If you are called to come physically on pilgrimage or the congress, I would encourage you to follow that call as the Lord has so much in store for you! I would not be able to go on this mission without your spiritual and financial support and I am in awe of every single person's generosity. If you are able to join my mission support team, I will be in contact throughout the summer with weekly/biweekly newsletters about the testimonies, graces, hardships, and glories that will occur this summer. I am so excited to invite you on this mission and to share a glimpse of what the Lord is doing! 

All are unto the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit,

Jaella Mac Au
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