Ramy F. Radwan’s Post

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Senior Manager @ Artefact | AI, Analytics, Strategy, MarTech, CVM, Growth | MBA

Want an alternative for LLMs with a simpler implementation? 👇 *** Named Entity Recognition (NER) *** is a natural language processing (NLP) task that seeks to identify named entities in text and classify them into predefined categories, such as person names, organizations, locations, and quantities. NER is a fundamental task in NLP with a wide range of applications, such as information extraction, question answering, and machine translation. There are many different implementations of NER, but some of the most common ones include: - Rule-based NER: This approach uses a set of hand-crafted rules to identify named entities. This is the simplest and most straightforward approach, but it can be difficult to create rules that cover all possible cases. - Statistical NER: This approach uses machine learning to learn the patterns that distinguish named entities from other words. This is a more powerful approach than rule-based NER, but it requires a large amount of training data. - Hybrid NER: This approach combines rule-based and statistical NER. This can be a good way to improve the accuracy of NER systems. Some of the top Python libraries for NER include: - spaCy: This is a popular NLP library that includes a built-in NER model. - NLTK: This is another popular NLP library that has a NER module. - Stanford CoreNLP: This is a Java-based NLP library that includes a NER model. - Flair: This is a newer NLP library that is designed for NER and other sequence labeling tasks. The best Python library for NER will depend on the specific needs of the project. - If you are just getting started with NER, spaCy is a good choice because it is easy to use and has a good accuracy. - If you need a more powerful NER system, Stanford CoreNLP or Flair may be a better choice. Here are some examples of how NER can be used: 1- To extract information from news articles, such as the names of people, organizations, and locations. 2- To answer questions about a text, such as "Who is the president of the United States?" 3- To translate text from one language to another. 4- To improve the accuracy of machine learning models that are trained on text data. NER is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of tasks. By understanding the different implementations of NER and the top Python libraries, you can choose the right approach for your project. There is a lot of overlap between NER and GEN-AI APIs use cases, but this is for a later post. #data #datascience #ner #python #nltk #spacy #flair #stanfordcorenlp #nlp #llm #largelanguagemodels #gpt #gpt4 #gpt3 Illustration credits @ Shaip

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