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Teen Interview
Hi there! Thanks so much for participating in this anonymous questionnaire for 13- to 18- year-olds. After filling in the required areas, please answer all the questions you find compelling, understanding that the results will appear in Life Media articles and publications written by features writer and author, Michelle Ruschman. The author reserves the right to edit for punctuation, spelling, and space, as well as to preserve anonymity. Because your contact information is not being collected you will not be notified when your answers are published. Again, thank you for sharing your heart and wisdom. Your effort and time will benefit many. 
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How old are you? (You must be 13 to 18 to participate.) *
What county and state do you live in? *
How are you educated? *
1. What do you wish adults were aware of about your experience as a teen?
2. What "adulting" skills do you want to be taught before you leave home? (Consider what you might want to know in the areas of physical and emotional health, relationship building, professional success, lifestyle, creativity, practical skills, and education.) 
3. How do you wish people took care of you on a bad day?
4. What do you wish your parent/guardian would say to you?
5. What do you wish your parent/guardian would NOT say to you?
6. Who are some of your favorite music artist(s) and what is it about your selection that brings value to your life?
7. When do you feel the happiest?
8. What are you most looking forward to after graduation?
9. What are the qualities you look for in your closest relationships?
10. What is your favorite quote, or best advice you've received? How did it shift your perspective?
11.  What are the things that bring you comfort?
12.  What questions do you wish you were asked?
BONUS:  What are some misconceptions that previous generations have about your generation?
BONUS 2:  What is the best advice you've ever been given?
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