Snails and Rat Lungworm in Hawaiʻi Teacher Professional Development Workshop Application Form
This application is intended for teachers interested in learning more about how to teach students about snails and Rat Lungworm in Hawaiʻi. This workshop is conducted by the Mālama Learning Center and the Bishop Museum's Malacology Lab.

Course Details:
Wednesday June 24, 2020
From 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Via Zoom

Tentative Agenda for PD (Subject to Change):
-Native and invasive land snail identification
-Land snail identification activity
-Introduction to Rat Lungworm
-Rat Lungworm Activity
-Discussion on lesson implementation

This Professional Development (PD) workshop will give grades 7-12 teachers an opportunity to learn and participate in hands-on activities to teach your students about the native and invasive snails of Hawaiʻi and about Rat Lungworm. Teachers are encouraged to attend this virtual workshop to gain first-hand knowledge from Bishop Museum’s Malacology experts performing the most extensive research on snails in the Pacific. Researchers will introduce teachers to lessons that will connect students to local issues surrounding invasive species and Rat Lungworm. Participants will see how education can seamlessly incorporate STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math), HĀ (Nā Hopena A’o), and NGSS. Join this workshop and learn about snails and Rat Lungworm, receive resources to teach about these topics, and get to know the researchers performing ground-breaking research!

Through this course you will learn the following: How to identify native and invasive snails in Hawaiʻi, how to manage pest species in your school's gardens, ways to survey for snails on your school's campus and all about Rat Lungworm such as the life cycle, symptoms of Rat Lungworm Disease and ways to prevent it.

Applications are due by June 12, 2020. This is a non-credit professional development workshop and no portfolio is required. However, the first 20 teachers that register and complete this virtual workshop will receive FREE educational resources and classroom supplies to help teach about the topics covered in the workshop- we strongly encourage you to sign up as soon as possible! Preference will be given to teachers from Central and West Oʻahu schools.

This workshop is coordinated by the Mālama Learning Center, a non-profit environmental education organization based in Kapolei and by the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum's Malacology Lab.

 If you have any questions regarding this course, please contact
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Last Name *
First Name *
Middle Initial *
Name of School Where You Teach Currently *
Grade level(s) and subject(s) you teach currently *
How many students are you teaching this year? *
How many years of teaching experience do you have? *
Phone Number (where we can best reach you) *
Physical Address (Street, City, Zipcode) *
Date of Birth *
Are You Native Hawaiian? *
Please explain why you want to take this course. What do you hope to gain from this workshop that will enhance your teaching? *
Do you have any specific questions or topics of interest related to snails/Rat Lungworm that you would like us to cover in this workshop? *
I have read the material about this workshop and I am applying to be a participant. I certify that all of the statements made in this application are true to the best of my knowledge, and if selected, will participate fully. *
Mahalo nui loa for completing this application. You will be contacted soon with more information about this workshop. Please let us know if you have any questions.
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