A glossy magazine filled with advice and inspiration for anyone thinking about a spot of interior design and decoration, Elle Decoration USA offers an American perspective on such things from an established and trusted name.
Inside you’ll find hundreds of elegant and classy ideas for the home, ranging from colour schemes, furnishings to tableware and tables. There is a certain level of style expected of a magazine such as this, and it surpasses it, with excellent ideas for the modern yet unique home, the views of top designers and a cosmopolitan approach to home and design, furniture and shopping.
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The only problem with Elle Decoration USA, and it’s not even a problem that anyone buying it will have, is that to get full value out of the really rather stylish ideas to be found within, you need a decent sized house. I’m not entirely sure where all the wonderful things to be found in this mag will fit in my rather pokey abode.
That being said, there really is a breath-taking bevy of different ideas in this impressively well produced publication. We were almost a little surprised – it would be unfair to say that American Décor lacks class, but we were not expecting quite the level of style and elegance that we found. Suffice to say we would be proud to call any of the rooms that are featured our own, and the fact that it comes from America adds a little bit of extra value. It may be difficult to get hold of some of the exact pieces elsewhere than the USA, but to be able to say that your living room is inspired by design from around the world is a good feeling.
We see this as perhaps something of an aspirational as well as an inspirational publication – not only do you take great ideas from it, you see how you might want to live. NB