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If you would like to trial for one of the Ball Hockey UK, GB teams that will be taking part in various ISBHF World Championships in 2025 then please complete the below form.
***If a player is under the age of 18, the below will need to be completed by Parent/Guardian***
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* Indicates required question
Players Name:
Your answer
Players DOB:
Player Contact email:
Your answer
Previous Hockey Experience:
Please provide a brief history of all hockey experience. This will greatly assist the coaching/management staff when the player is trailing.
Your answer
Parent/Guardian Name: (Only required for anyone Under 18)
Your answer
Parent/Guardian E-mail: (Only required for anyone Under 18)
Your answer
Parent/Guardian Telephone Number: (Only required for anyone Under 18)
Your answer
Team Trailing For:
Masters Women (Aged 35 by the 1st August 2025)
Masters Men (Aged 35 by the 1st August 2025)
U23 Men (2002/2003)
U20 Women (2005/2006)
U20 Men (2005/2006)
U16 Boys (2009/2010)
Ball Hockey UK club associated with:
If you aren't registered to a club, please just put N/A.
Your answer
Playing Position:
Emergency Contact Name:
Your answer
Emergency Contact Number:
Your answer
Terms and Conditions:
1. By signing this document you acknowledge that you're (or your child named) in a physical fitness that allows participation in sporting events.
2. You have no outstanding convictions that could bring BHUK into disrepute or impact on the safety of other members.
3. You acknowledge that participation in physical sports could result in an injury.
4. You agree to all policies of BHUK, including the one that covers social media.
I agree to the Terms and Conditions of Ball Hockey UK.
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