Immigration Station Tour at Angel Island State Park
Hello everyone, 

Let's explore the Immigration Station at Angel Island on Saturday, Aug 10th, 2024 

Historically called the “Guardian of the Western Gate” by staff, the U.S. Immigration Station, second in size only to Ellis Island in New York, was built to enforce immigration laws like the Chinese Exclusion Act. People from over 80 countries, were detained on Angel Island between 1910-1940 and the largest groups were immigrants from China, Japan, Russia, and India.

At Angel Island, it is important to learn about the history of the immigration office and museum. 
Let's explore it.

Date: Saturday, August 10th, 2024 
Place: Foot of Market Street & Embaradero, GATE B behind SF Ferry Building 
Time: 9:45 am 
Cost: TBA (after confirmed RSVP on deadline, we will email attendees for payment) 
Deadline is Wednesday, July 24th, 2024

Depart SF - 10:15 am to 10:45 am (Arrive Angel Is.) 
Depart Angle Is. - 3:20 pm to 3:50 pm (Arrive SF) 
Immigration Station Tour Reservation: 12:15 PM for one hour. 

Please bring your food for lunch and water. 
ASL interpreter will provided. 

Feel free to ask us if you have any questions.

Thank you, 
The BAADA team

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