Medical release, permission to participate, and photo release:The undersigned parent or guardian understands that the applicant will be engaging in physical activity during the program which contains an inherent risk of physical injury/COVID exposure and the undersigned assumes the risk and releases Pell City High School, employees, and instructors from any and all liability for personal injury arising out of the applicant's participation in the camp. I herby grant permission for my child to attend the PCHS Softball Camp and to be treated by a licensed physician or a member of the athletic training staff for injury, accident, illness, or other mishaps. I further agree to pay through my insurance company or otherwise for any medical treatment that may be necessary.
I do hereby authorize Pell City High School softball, including those individuals assigned to represent it, to
photograph my child and/or legal dependent who is participating in the camp sponsored
by Pell City High School. These photos will be used in projects including, but not limited to,
printed materials, print and video advertising and social media. Photos may also be included in
materials distributed to news media for information and public relations purposes.
Please type first and last name of guardian as well as the date to consent.