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The 6th Annual
Midwest Summer Sprints Championships
Saturday July 27, 2024
Dillon State Park
5265 Dillon Hills Drive
Nashport, OH 43830-9568
We are excited to share our plans for the Sixth Annual Midwest Summer Sprint Championships!
• Summer Sprints Championships - 1,000 meter course
• GPS and Regatta Site Location information is on the Venue tab. Course Maps can be found on
the Venue tab on Regatta Central.
• Heat Sheets and Results will be available at
• Coach & Coxswains meeting will held on Zoom
We love our volunteers and want to have as much volunteer help as possible in order to better serve
our regatta participants! To better serve all of our regatta participants, we have implemented a new
Volunteer Policy for 2024. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
Entries: All entries must be done online at All waivers must be completed online
through USRowing. Coaches: your athletes should submit their waivers online. If you have any questions
regarding the waiver please call the USRowing office.
All participants need to be compliant and have at minimum a Basic US Rowing Membership. Championship
Memberships are not required.
All Teams & Volunteers should check in at the Registration Tent. Registration is open Saturday morning.
Coaches and Coxswains Meeting –
• Coach & Coxswains meeting will be held on Zoom - July 24, 2024 at 7:30 PM. Link will be sent
to registered teams. The meeting will be recorded and posted on Regatta Central after the
Practice –
There is no official practice prior to the first event on racing Saturday. However, if the course setup is
complete at a reasonable time on Friday, we will notify the teams (via the contacts designated in regatta
central) of available practice. Any practice on Friday is at your own risk. No marshals or LOC will be present
on the course.
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Shells, Tents, & Food Trailers –
• Trailers may be unloaded any time after 12 PM on Friday, July 26.
• Store boats in the assigned shell areas only. Please be mindful of your neighbors.
• It is expected that you stage boats tightly together to conserve space for all participants.
• Trailers are not permitted on the lawn or beach area. Park in designated areas only.
• Trailers may be permitted to unload on the lower road, and must do so quickly and park up top as
soon as unloading is completed. This will be determined by the LOC on the day of the event and
signage will be posted.
• Keep your area clean and free of trash. Dispose of all trash in the dumpster provided for the event.
• Staking of tents is permitted.
• Be aware that tents and food equipment will need to be carried to your site. Vehicle traffic of any
kind other than designated regatta vehicles is not permitted on the grass or lanes down to the
• Team tents should be equipped with a fire extinguisher in close proximity to grilling area.
• There will be a $200 fee for any team neglecting to maintain their site.
Event Medical & Emergency Plan:
• There will be a First Aid tent located between the launch and recovery areas. Teams are asked to
also provide for their own team’s First Aid Needs. EMS Services will be available via 911 only and
will not physically be onsite.
• So that we may better serve the needs of our regatta participants, teams are requested to advise
the regatta director of any pre-existing medical concerns which may require extra consideration.
• Local healthcare resources:
o Hospital/Emergency Services
▪ Genesis HealthCare System
2951 Maple Ave.
Zanesville, OH 43701
(740) 454-4000; (800) 322-4762
• In the event of emergency evacuation of the race course, officials on the water will direct boats to
exit the course at the beach in the wet dock area or at the launch docks.
WEATHER: It is possible that weather may delay racing. If this is the case the following strategies may
be taken to accommodate a shorter racing schedule:
• Cancel small boat events
• Reduce to approximately 500 meters with modified centers
• Regatta canceled
It is also possible that in cases of wind the LOC, along with the chief referee, may make the decision to
cancel small boat events in the interest of competitor safety.
Regatta Rules:
• Event day communications will be announced via the PA system throughout the venue. The PA
does not extend into the parking area. Announcements will also be communicated via the On- site Contact GroupMe. The link to join the group will be shared with all registered teams.
Please make sure that representatives have access to this group.
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• Hot seating boats or rowers requires a minimum of 40 minutes separation, but it is always done
so at your own risk! We cannot wait for your crew. We strive to run an ‘on-time’ regatta.
Please check the tentative schedule to ensure that you can make all necessary accommodations
for the double use of boats, oars or rowers. Races will not be held for crews which are late to
the starting line.
• Alphanumeric bow numbers will be provided and should be returned to control commission
after each race.
• All events will be final. Medals for events with multiple flights will be determined by taking the top 3
times from within all the cumulative flights. In some cases, as determined by the LOC some masters
events will be split and medaled separately. All crews must beat at least one boat to medal with the
exception of first place.
• Volunteer Policy:
Every registered team is requested to provide at least two (2) volunteers to work one (1) 4-6 hour
shift each during the regatta. Exceptions to this rule are Unaffiliated single scullers or if a team
has under two (2) entries in the regatta.
For 2024, this policy is voluntary. LOC’s rely on each volunteer that signs up to work the regatta.
Our goal is to share the load a bit and help create a supportive summer rowing
community. Teams are asked to add their volunteers to the signup platform by the regatta’s
entry deadline. We will continue our requests for volunteers until the sign-up is full.
We value your assistance and cooperation! Volunteers will receive a token of appreciation for
their service.
• Refund Policy: Race Entries scratched before the Standard Deadline are eligible for a full refund.
Race Entries scratched after the Standard Deadline are not eligible for a refund. Events canceled
due to weather are not eligible for a refund.
As always, Westerville Crew Rowing Club will continue to make every prudent effort to stage all
races as closely as possible to the published schedule, provided that prevailing conditions, even if
challenging, still allow for safety and fairness for all.
In order to stage the Regatta, Westerville Crew Rowing Club undertakes financial obligations in
advance of the event, financial obligations which must be honored. Accordingly, if the Regatta
must be cancelled, whether in whole or in part, there will be no refunds and no credits issued
toward future Regattas. The Refund Policy applies to all parties participating in the Regatta in
any, as well as every capacity.
• UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT – Unsportsmanlike conduct is a serious violation and will not be
tolerated. Athletes, coaches, parents, and team representatives are responsible for their
behavior while at the regatta site or on the water. Any abuse or profanity directed at volunteers,
regatta officials, park staff, LOC members, or other regatta participants will be reviewed by the
Regatta Director and Safety officers of the regatta. Penalties can range from single boat exclusion
to entire team disqualification from the regatta and potentially from future regattas.
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• High School/Junior: a competitor who in the current calendar year does not attain the age of 19,
or who is and has been continuously enrolled in secondary school as a full time student seeking a
diploma. A competitor thus ceases to be a Junior after December 31 of the year of his or her 18th
birthday, or of the year in which he or she completes the 12th grade of secondary school, having
been a full time student, whichever is later.
• Novice: Began competing after July 27, 2023
• Middle School: These events are intended for middle school rowers who are just being introduced
to the sport and are training 2-3 days per week rather than 5-6. Boats may consist of boys, girls, or
• Open: Open to all age categories.
• Masters: an individual who has attained the age of 21, during the current calendar year. A
competitor's age is determined as of December 31 of the current calendar year. The age of a
crew is determined by the average of the crew rounded down to the highest contained integer.
The Coxswain's age shall not be counted. Each member of the crew with the exception of the
coxswain must be within the masters' age limitations.
• Mixed: Mixed masters boats will contain both men and women. At least 50% of the rowing crew
must be women. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the director with an emphasis on
• Recreational: Rowers in these events should be Masters novice rowers or Masters rowers who
row for fun and occasionally race, but have no intention of competing at Masters Nationals or
other highly competitive regattas. Typically, these rowers practice no more than two times a
• Coxswains and rowers MUST KNOW HOW TO BACK INTO A START PLATFORM!!!! Please practice with
your crew(s) the technique of using a starting platform, including the pointing of their bows – i.e.
having two-seat scull with bow-seat’s oar or three-seat scull with two-seat’s oar.
• The Coaches & Coxswains meeting will be held via a zoom session on Wednesday prior to the
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Land Venue Key Locations
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Dock Pattern: Approach Stern First, travel beyond the dock & rotate so Bow is on the leading end
to the dock.
Race Course: