Re-Imagining Retirement Part 1
10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
540 Main Street
Who can attend
Limited Capacity: 42 spots available
This three-part Re-Imagining Retirement Series is for retirees thinking about returning to work. Whether you’re looking to pursue a life-long hobby, missing interaction with others, ready for challenge, or want to address the rising cost of living, opportunities abound! Today’s workplace makes it ideal for those ready to re-engage in the workforce. Many employers are offering more flexible schedules and wages have never been higher.
Over casual coffee and pastries you’ll hear from nearly a dozen local employers who will each give a short 5-minute presentation about who they are and the jobs they have! It’s FREE to attend, pre-registration is requested to plan for catering.
Sign up and encourage your friends and family to sign up, too! If you’re thinking about returning to work – seasonally, part-time, or full-time, this is the event you want to attend. And – the coffee and pastries are a nice free bonus!
Get hands-on guidance on updating résumés, completing online applications,
and navigating today’s job market. No registration required. Job Service Kalispell
is located at 427 First Avenue East, Kalispell.
Also join us March 26th for Part 2, Building Your Tool Kit with Job Service, and
April 2nd - Back to Work on Your Own Terms with Sherrie Patterson, Coach and Consultant.