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When I Dissolve

by Jana Irmert

Not Visible But Seeing 00:00 / 02:13
  • Streaming + Download

    Includes unlimited streaming via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Purchasable with gift card
    Download available in 24-bit/48kHz.

      €9 EUR  or more


  • When I Dissolve has been mixed and mastered by Philipp Rumsch as Dolby Atmos version - this is not just an upmix of the stereo mixes, but an entirely new mix of the album.

    You will receive downloadable MP4 files, playable on a computer, Blu-Ray player or Apple TV.
    If you use Apple AirPods, you will be able to listen to the Dolby Atmos mix binaurally.
    If you have a 5.1, 7.1 or Dolby Atmos speaker setup, it will automatically recognize and play the correct channel setup.

    After purchasing, you will receive a download link to the email that you used for purchase.

    Dolby Atmos Mix and Master by Philipp Rumsch

    Includes unlimited streaming of When I Dissolve via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more.
    Download available in 24-bit/48kHz.
    Purchasable with gift card

      €12 EUR or more 


Black Holes 02:14
Mist 02:07
Aliens 02:28


"The power of a soundtrack is to not only support the film's narrative, but to open up spaces beyond the visible - to add layers of meaning and complexity that can easily unfold in sound. I like to think of the music as a sort of bog or swamp landscape that lies underneath the film's structure, all connected - sometimes you just see the surface and it can look very unassuming, until you dip your foot in. Then you dive down all the way, and there's a whole universe where you never reach the bottom. It's a mysterious, expanding, strange world and it's my job to decide how much of it we get to hear."

When I Dissolve collects the compositions Jana Irmert created for Henrike Meyer's auto-fictional hybrid documentary To Be an Extra. The film follows the filmmaker herself as she navigates the struggles of making her first feature length film while working as an extra on tv shows and film sets. From her perspective as an out-of-focus extra, she gains a new existential insight into the precarious life on the fringes of both the film industry and society.

Informed by the two artists' conversations about phenomena at the periphery of our existence like black holes, breathing rooms and body parts that suddenly feel disconnected, ominous noises grow out of the silence into blooming synth-heavy montages.
Here, the score stands on its own, a journey to the edges of our multiple realities.

Highlighting the immersive and multi-layered character of the music, the release is additionally available in Dolby Atmos, mixed by Philipp Rumsch.


released October 25, 2024

Produced, mixed and performed by Jana Irmert
Mastered by Philipp Rumsch
Dolby Atmos Mix and Master by Philipp Rumsch

Artwork by Julie Calbert


all rights reserved



Jana Irmert Berlin, Germany

Berlin based sound artist and composer.

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