Road to IMG Academy Program Sign Up Form
This is the sign-up interest form for our program on the 8th of September and 15th as the substitute date. There will be an entry fee of $380. If participants are selected for the representative team, there will be an extra fee to cover the journey cost. All fees will be charged after we confirmed the launch of the event. It will be a Hong Kong representative selection event that we will select 18 people from each group to participate in the 3 days Pre-Camp plus IMG Cup (IMG Academy and Universities are recruiting in this event and might have a chance to get recruited and receive scholarship on scene) in this December at IMG Academy in Florida, United States. If you have any question, please contact us at or 97466190. 

這是 Road to IMG Academy 的註冊表。今年9月8號及15號為後備日,我們將舉行測試賽選拔18位男和女足球員參加今年12月的IMG盃(IMG Academy及多間美國大學有機會在本次比賽現場中招募球員,並有機會獲得獎學金)。比賽在美國佛羅裡達州 IMG 學院舉行。報名費為 380 港元。如果球員被挑選參加IMG Pre-Camp及 IMG 杯,則需支付額外費用支付旅程。款項將會在落實比賽之後有專人聯絡你收取。如果有任何疑問,請聯絡我們 或 97466190。
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SportsEd Advisor: Road to IMG Academy 全港學界足球技術挑戰賽及選拔賽
Sponsors for the events:
Name 姓名 *
Gender 性別 *
Contact Number (WhatsApp) and Email 
School 學校 *
Age 年齡 *
How did you hear about this event? 如何得知本活動? *
If you wish to fill in the form as a school, please create a list and include everything from this form for your students and send back to

Did anyone refer you to our event? 有沒有人介紹你參加此活動
Comments and/or questions 其他問題
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