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World Water Day, another anniversary:

 World Water Day, another anniversary: having one more look into the global water crisis.

It is customary to have a World Water Day celebration almost every year when we are made conscious of the importance and the unique place water holds in our daily lives and activities. The world water crisis solution should not be further elaysed because March 22 is not just any World Water Day, it is the World Water Day in 2024. As a global entity, every year the planet is facing the problematic aspects of water scarcity, pollution and access issues. On the theme of this 2023 Water Day, "Valuing Water," not only the people but also institutions and movements, come together to cement the principles of sound water management and accessibility for all.

Global water crisis awareness.

It is very intricate to say, but the water crisis is complex since most nations.the globe all suffer from it Whether it was due to the lack of jobs opportunities, the reduced access to resources, or the sheer stress of living in such a harsh environment, the community was deeply impacted by this crisis. In certain regions, of them find difficulties with providing enough water supply while another the polluted or contaminated water. A UN statement clearly indicates that over half of population on the planet are unlucky to have access to the drinkable water and sanitation services which positively and negatively affects their health.

Though the climate change only arises by the intensity of the problems it comes up with, but also indicates a change in the precipitation patterns, melting of glaciers and the reason behind the more occurrences of droughts and floods.Such impacts affect water resources even more, therefore, strengthening the requirements to develop resilient water management mechanisms.

The Value of Water

Water is not only a commodity, indeed it is a human right, and it serves as a necessary element that regulates the ecosystems, economies and life support systems. And from the opposite side, there are those that it gives us that are not always glaring or seen yet their importance is felt. Besides its economic role, water has a value in culture, society and environment that does not revert to the financial dimension.

To the sheer production of food, water is equally important in maintaining biodiversity and social connection among the population. It includes realization of the fact that water has relationships with health, education, gender problems, among others, and that all the mentioned problems are twined. The following phase of our lesson plan is specifically preparing for water conservation by educating the participants about water cycle and their individual relationship to it. From this point, they can develop the sense of gratitude and responsible water stewardship.

Partnership is the only solution for solving our problems with water.

For the global water problem resolution, one needs collective effort includes governments, civil society, businesses and individuals. By making science, technology, policies and the community to work on the same wavelength, you can achieve substantial progress on this front.
Despite the financial implications of water infrastructure investments, such as efficient irrigation systems, wastewater treatment plants and rainwater harvesting methods, they become a motivational factor or rather incentive for water security enhancement and sustainability. When natural solutions is handled as such, like the reclamation of wetland and tree planting, it will perhaps be returned to the water table, the flooding will be reduced, and the pollution could be prevented.

Besides, the practice of water conservation and efficiency at both individual and household levels could go go a long way in reducing the real demand of water and thus easing the pressure on strained water supplies. Tiny contributions to saving water, such as mending leaks, replacing consumptive appliances and saving water, when sufficed and done together, have a huge effect.
The Community and Equity will include the Marginalized, underprivileged and vulnerable people in their societies by providing them with opportunities and ensuring equality.
The very basic idea of this solution is to ensure the availability of safe water and waste disposal which is secured for everyone. many of the other inhabitants of the desert regions, indigenous people, and those living in the slush cannot be assured of getting cleaner water and the water benefits.
By strengthening communities with participatory techniques inclusive of capacity development, and popular participation in decision making, a better resilience and sustainability in water management at the local level will be in turn created. The purport of social and economic justice should be the top priority of any governmental water initiatives and strategies.

Harnessing Innovation and Technology

Innovation and technology remain the core factors that drive the water management transformation and is constantly improving how we deal with water-related issues. The emergence of the remote sensing devices, data processing, and model application in the water monitoring now offers a precise persistence of water availability, quality, and usage patterns.
Also with the emerging technologies which involve small-scale decentralized treatment technologies like Sub-surface and solar-driven desalination technology, green and stabilize water supply. By reaping the benefits of innovation at its point of success, we will come across new routes for sustainable water management as well as adaptability strategies.

Educating and Raising Awareness

Education and information must be considered as the above mentioned as the most valuable things that need to be done for creating a culture of conservative use of water and the promotion of the change of people's behavior. We intend educate people on evaluating water usage, preventing pollution of water and utilization principles they can take up on a day to day basis.
Additionally, the youth should be a focal point in any water-related education and campaigns to make them future leaders. These activities should be done in schools, libraries, churches, and water bodies among other places. Renewing the capable and competent youth generation will definitely trigger of ingenious solutions and restart the positive changes in the water management systems at global level.


Marking the day of World Water 2024, we need to highlight the truth: our responsibility towards water value and preservation of this most valuable given gift from nature at the moment is not just about the present, but for the future too. With the aid of the partnership that promotes collaboration, innovation, equity and education, the wicked water problems related to the water crisis happening all over the world can be addressed and this will hence safeguard a better water future for every individual. There should be no contradiction as we face this challenge. Instead, we can join together and script our own story of a clean, fresh, and sustainable water future where everyone is sure of its safety.

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