Final Course List (Jan - Apr 2025) : Sheet1
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TIMELINE4 Weeks (SET 1)8 Weeks (SET 1)12 Weeks4 Weeks (SET 2)8 Weeks (SET 2)
Start of CourseJanuary 20, 2025January 20, 2025January 20, 2025February 17, 2025February 17, 2025
End of CourseFebruary 14, 2025March 14, 2025April 11, 2025March 14, 2025April 11, 2025
Exam DatesMar 22/23, 2025
2 Sessions on each date (9am-12 noon; 2pm-5pm)
Apr 26/27, 2025
May 3/4, 2025
2 Sessions on each date (9am-12 noon; 2pm-5pm)
Possible additional exam dates
(These dates cannot be choosen by the candidates and this will be decided by NPTEL as per the availability)
Mar 21, 2025
2 Sessions on each date (9am-12 noon; 2pm-5pm)
April 23,24,25, 2025
May 2, 2025
2 Sessions on each date (9am-12 noon; 2pm-5pm)
Open enrollment to the CourseNov 15, 2024
Close enrollment to the CourseJan 27 2025 - 5pmFeb 17 2025 - 5pm
Open exam registration formDec 16, 2024 - 10am
Close exam registration formFeb 10, 2025 5pm /Feb 14, 2025 5pmFeb 24, 2025 5pm /Feb 28, 2025 5pm
Course IDDisciplineCourse NameSME NameInstitute
Co-ordinating Institute
DurationType of courseStart dateEnd dateExam dateEnrollment End dateExam Registration End dateUG/PGCore/ElectiveFDPApplicable NPTEL DomainClick here to Join the courseOld course URLNPTEL URL
noc25-ae01Aerospace EngineeringAdvanced Aircraft Control Systems with MATLAB/SIMULINKProf. Dipak Kumar Giri
Prof. Prabhjeet Singh
IIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesFlight Mechanics
noc25-ae02Aerospace EngineeringAircraft DesignProf. A.K.GhoshIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesFlight Mechanics
noc25-ae03Aerospace EngineeringComputational Science in EngineeringProf. Ashok DeIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ae04Aerospace EngineeringFundamentals of Supersonic and Hypersonic FlowProf. Arnab RoyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ae05Aerospace EngineeringFundamentals of Theoretical and Experimental AerodynamicsProf. Arnab RoyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ae06Aerospace EngineeringGasdynamics: Fundamentals and ApplicationsProf. Srisha Rao M VIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ae07Aerospace EngineeringIntroduction to Aircraft Control SystemProf. Dipak Kumar GiriIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesFlight Mechanics
noc25-ae08Aerospace EngineeringIntroduction to Ancient Indian TechnologyProf. D.P. MishraIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 Weeks + 4 Weeks (New)NewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-ae09Aerospace EngineeringIntroduction to Experiments in FlightProf. A.K.GhoshIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNoFlight Mechanics
noc25-ae10Aerospace EngineeringLighter than Air SystemsProf. Rajkumar S. PantIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ae12Aerospace EngineeringWind EnergyProf. Ashoke DeIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ae13Aerospace EngineeringAerospace Structural AnalysisProf. Mira MitraIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ae14Aerospace EngineeringCombustion of Solid Fuels and PropellantsProf. Srinibas KarmakarIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ae15Aerospace EngineeringIntroduction to Launch Vehicle Analysis and DesignProf. Ashok JoshiIIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFlight Mechanics
noc25-ae16Aerospace EngineeringEngineering ThermodynamicsProf. D.P. MishraIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ag03Agricultural and Food EngineeringDesign of Farm MachineryProf. Hifjur RahemanIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 weeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesProduct Design
noc25-ag04Agricultural and Food EngineeringFood Science and TechnologyProf. Hari Niwas MishraIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFood Process Engineering
noc25-ag05Agricultural and Food EngineeringImpact of Flow of Fluids in Food Processing and PreservationProf. Kanishka Bhunia
Prof. Tridib Kumar Goswami
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFood Process Engineering
noc25-ag07Agricultural and Food EngineeringModern Food Packaging Technologies: Regulatory Aspects and Global TrendsProf. Prem Prakash SrivastavIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFood Process Engineering
noc25-ag01Agriculture EngineeringBasics of Crop Breeding and Plant BiotechnologyProf. Joydeep BanerjeeIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesBioprocesses
noc25-ag02Agriculture EngineeringCooling Technology: Why and How utilized in Food Processing and allied IndustriesProf. Tridib Kumar GoswamiIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFood Process Engineering
noc25-ag06Agriculture EngineeringMachine Learning for Soil and Crop ManagementProf. Somsubhra ChakrabortyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesIntegrated Soil and Water Management
noc25-ag08Agriculture EngineeringNovel Technologies for Food Processing and Shelf Life ExtensionProf. Hari Niwas MishraIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesFood Process Engineering
noc25-ag09Agriculture EngineeringSoil and Water Conservation EngineeringProf. Rajendra SinghIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoIntegrated Soil and Water Management
noc25-ag10Agriculture EngineeringSoil Science and TechnologyProf. Somsubhra ChakrabortyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoIntegrated Soil and Water Management
noc25-ag11Agriculture EngineeringTraction EngineeringProf. Hifjur RahemanIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ag12Agriculture EngineeringWater Quality Management PracticesProf. Gourav Dhar BhowmickIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesIntegrated Soil and Water Management
noc25-ag13Agriculture EngineeringWatershed HydrologyProf. Rajendra SinghIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesIntegrated Soil and Water Management
noc25-ce48Applied GeophysicsReservoir Geophysics for Hydrocarbon ExplorationProf. Saurabh Datta GuptaIIT-ISM DhanbadIIT Kharagpur12 weeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me20Applied MechanicsEngineering Mechanics - Statics and DynamicsProf. Anubhab RoyIIT MadrasIIT Madras8 Weeks + 4 Weeks (New)NewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoStructural Analysis
Structural Design
noc25-cs71Applied Statistics/FinanceTime Series Modelling and Forecasting with Applications in RProf. Sudeep BapatIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ar01Architecture and PlanningEngineering/Architectural Graphics - Part I - Orthographic ProjectionProf. Avlokita AgrawalIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ar02Architecture and PlanningEngineering/Architectural Graphics - Part II - Isometric and Axonometric DrawingsProf. Avlokita AgrawalIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ar03Architecture and PlanningEnvironmental Impact AssessmentProf. Harshit Sosan LakraIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesConstruction Materials Technology
noc25-ar04Architecture and PlanningIntroduction to History of Architecture in IndiaProf. Pushkar SohoniIISER PuneIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ar05Architecture and PlanningResearch Methodology for Planning and Architectural StudiesProf. Shubhajit SadhukhanIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ar07Architecture and PlanningStructure, Form and Architecture: The SynergyProf. Shubhajit SadhukhanIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ar08Architecture and PlanningUrban Services PlanningProf. Debapratim PanditIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ar09Architecture and PlanningUser Interface DesignProf. Saptarshi KolayIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ar11Architecture and PlanningDisaster Recovery and Build Back BetterProf. Ram Sateesh Pasupuleti
Prof. Subhojyothi Samaddar
IIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ar06Architecture and Planning, Civil EngineeringBioclimatic Architecture: Futureproofing with Simple and Advanced Passive StrategiesProf. Iyer Vijayalaxmi KasinathSchool of Planning and Architecture VijayawadaIIT Madras12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoEnvironment
noc25-ar10Architecture and Regional PlanningBuilding Energy Systems and AuditingProf. Shankha Pratim BhattacharyaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoEnvironment
noc25-de11Architecture; Interior Design; Design; History of Design (esp.
focusing on India); Indian Knowledge Systems
Interior DesignProf. Smriti SaraswatIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ge18Biological Sciences & Engineering.
(also students from Physics, Computer Science,
Mathematics, and other branches of Engineering)
Introduction to Evolutionary DynamicsProf. Supreet SainiIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 weeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-bt18Bioscience and BiotechnologyEnvironmental Chemistry and MicrobiologyProf. Anjali Pal
Prof. Sudha Goel
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-bt35Bioscience and BiotechnologyMolecular BiologyProf. Vishal TrivediIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoBiosciences
noc25-bt38Bioscience and BiotechnologyPharmacognosy & Metabolic EngineeringProf. Adinpunya MitraIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesBioprocesses
noc25-bt39Bioscience and BiotechnologyPlant Developmental BiologyProf. Shri Ram YadavIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesBiosciences
noc25-bt41Bioscience and BiotechnologyStructural BiologyProf. Saugata HazraIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesBiosciences
noc25-bt43Bioscience and BiotechnologyBiological Data Analysis and Visualization with RProf. Riddhiman DharIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCore YesComputational Biology
noc25-bt02Biotechnology and BioengineeringBasics of BiologyProf. Vishal TrivediIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoBiosciences
noc25-bt03Biotechnology and BioengineeringBiochemistry - IITMProf. Subramaniam KIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoBiosciences
noc25-bt04Biotechnology and BioengineeringBioelectrochemistryProf. Mainak DasIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-bt05Biotechnology and BioengineeringBioengineering: An Interface with Biology and MedicineProf. Sanjeeva SrivastavaIIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNoBioengineering
noc25-bt06Biotechnology and BioengineeringBioInformatics: Algorithms and ApplicationsProf. Michael GromihaIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesComputational Biology
noc25-bt07Biotechnology and BioengineeringBiointerface EngineeringProf. Lalit M. PandeyIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesBioengineering
noc25-bt08Biotechnology and BioengineeringBiomechanicsProf. Varadhan SKMIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesBioengineering
noc25-bt09Biotechnology and BioengineeringBioreactor Design and AnalysisProf. Smita SrivastavaIIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYesBioprocesses
noc25-bt10Biotechnology and BioengineeringBiostatistics and Design of experimentsProf. Mukesh DobleIIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-bt11Biotechnology and BioengineeringCell Biology: Cellular organization, division and processesProf. Shikha LalorayaIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYesBiosciences
noc25-bt12Biotechnology and BioengineeringClassics in NeuroscienceProf. Varadhan SKMIIT MadrasIIT Madras8 Weeks + 4 Weeks (New)NewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesBioengineering
noc25-bt13Biotechnology and BioengineeringComputational GenomicsProf. Vineet Kumar SharmaIISER BhopalIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYesComputational Biology
noc25-bt14Biotechnology and BioengineeringComputational Systems BiologyProf. Karthik RamanIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesComputational Biology
noc25-bt16Biotechnology and BioengineeringData Analysis for BiologistsProf. Biplab BoseIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYesComputational Biology
noc25-bt17Biotechnology and BioengineeringDemystifying the BrainProf. Srinivas ChakravarthyIIT MadrasIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-bt19Biotechnology and BioengineeringEnzyme Sciences and TechnologyProf. Vishal TrivediIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesBioengineering
noc25-bt21Biotechnology and BioengineeringHost-Pathogen Interaction (Immunology)Prof. Himanshu KumarIISER BhopalIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYesBiosciences
noc25-bt22Biotechnology and BioengineeringHuman PhysiologyProf. Nishikant SubhedarIISER PuneIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesBioengineering
noc25-bt23Biotechnology and BioengineeringI Think BiologyProf. Kaustubh Rau
Prof. Sravanti Uppaluri
Prof. Divya Uma
Prof. Jayanti Ray Mukherjee
Prof. Prachi Gupta
Azim Premji UniversityIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoBiosciences
noc25-bt24Biotechnology and BioengineeringInteractomics: Basics & ApplicationsProf. Sanjeeva SrivastavaIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesBiosciences
noc25-bt25Biotechnology and BioengineeringIntroduction to Complex Biological SystemsProf. Soumya De
Prof. Dibyendu Samanta
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 weeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesBiosciences
noc25-bt26Biotechnology and BioengineeringIntroduction to Professional Scientific CommunicationProf. S. GaneshIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur4 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Fundamental
Faculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-bt27Biotechnology and BioengineeringIntroductory Mathematical Methods for BiologistsProf. Ranjit PadinhateeriIIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-bt28Biotechnology and BioengineeringMaterial and Energy BalancesProf. Vignesh MuthuvijayanIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoBioprocesses
noc25-bt29Biotechnology and BioengineeringMaternal Infant Young Child NutritionProf. Rupal DalalIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-bt30Biotechnology and BioengineeringMaternal Infant Young Child Nutrition (Hindi)Prof. Rupal DalalIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-bt31Biotechnology and BioengineeringMedical BiomaterialsProf. Mukesh DobleIIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesBioengineering
noc25-bt32Biotechnology and BioengineeringMetabolic EngineeringProf. Pinaki Sar
Prof. Amit Ghosh
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYesBioprocesses
noc25-bt33Biotechnology and BioengineeringMicrobial BiotechnologyProf. Utpal BoraIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesBioprocesses
noc25-bt34Biotechnology and BioengineeringMicrosensors, Implantable Devices and Rodent Surgeries for Biomedical ApplicationsProf. Shabari Girishan K V
Prof. Hardik J. Pandya
IISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesBioengineering
noc25-bt36Biotechnology and BioengineeringNanotechnology in AgricultureProf. Mainak DasIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-bt37Biotechnology and BioengineeringOptical Spectroscopy and Microscopy : Fundamentals of Optical Measurements and InstrumentationProf. Balaji JayaprakashIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesPhotonics
noc25-bt40Biotechnology and BioengineeringRNA BiologyProf. Rajesh RamachandranIISER MohaliIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesBiosciences
noc25-bt42Biotechnology and BioengineeringThermodynamics for Biological Systems : Classical and Statistical AspectProf. G. K. Suraishkumar
Prof. Sanjib Senapati
IIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoBioprocesses
noc25-bt01Biotechnology/Life SciencesAdvanced Fluorescence Microscopy and Image ProcessingProf. Gunjan MehtaIIT HyderabadIIT Madras12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesBiosciences
noc25-ch31Chemical / Mechanical / Material Science EngineeringMethods of Adhesion Measurement for Pressure Sensitive Adhesives: Theory and PracticeProf. Animangsu GhatakIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesMinor 3
Minor in Materials Science
noc25-ch01Chemical EngineeringAdvanced ThermodynamicsProf. Nanda KishoreIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ch02Chemical EngineeringAdvanced Thermodynamics and Molecular SimulationsProf. Prateek Kumar JhaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMinor 3
noc25-ch03Chemical EngineeringAn Introduction to Cardiovascular Fluid MechanicsProf. Raghvendra GuptaIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ch05Chemical EngineeringApplied Time-Series AnalysisProf. Arun K TangiralaIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ch06Chemical EngineeringAspen Plus Simulation Software - A Basic Course for BeginnersProf. Prabirkumar SahaIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesComputational Chemical Engineering
noc25-ch07Chemical EngineeringBasic Principles and Calculations in Chemical EngineeringProf. Subrata Kumar MajumdarIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoMinor 1
Minor 2
Minor 3
noc25-ch08Chemical EngineeringBiological Process Design for Wastewater TreatmentProf. Vimal Chandra SrivastavaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ch09Chemical EngineeringBiomass Conversion and BiorefineryProf. Kaustubha MohantyIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnergy and Environment
noc25-ch10Chemical EngineeringCharacterization of Polymers, Elastomers and CompositesProf. Santanu ChattopadhyayIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ch11Chemical EngineeringChemical Engineering Fluid Dynamics and Heat TransferProf. Rabibrata Mukherjee
Prof. Arnab Atta
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-ch12Chemical EngineeringChemical Engineering ThermodynamicsProf. Sasidhar GummaIIT TirupatiIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoMinor 1
Minor 2
Minor 3
noc25-ch13Chemical EngineeringChemical Engineering Thermodynamics - IITKGPProf. Gargi DasIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoMinor 1
Minor 2
Minor 3
noc25-ch14Chemical EngineeringChemical Process InstrumentationProf. Debasis SarkarIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ch15Chemical EngineeringChemical Process TechnologyProf. Tamal BanerjeeIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoMinor 2
noc25-ch16Chemical EngineeringChemical Process UtilitiesProf. Shishir SinhaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesMinor 2
noc25-ch17Chemical EngineeringChemical Reaction Engineering IIProf. Ganesh VishwanathanIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ch18Chemical EngineeringComputational Fluid DynamicsProf. Sreenivas JayantiIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesComputational Thermo Fluids
Computational Chemical Engineering
noc25-ch20Chemical EngineeringComputer Aided Applied Single Objective OptimizationProf. Prakash KotechaIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesComputational Chemical Engineering
noc25-ch21Chemical EngineeringElectrochemical Technology in Pollution ControlProf. J. R. MudakaviIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnergy and Environment
noc25-ch22Chemical EngineeringEngineering ThermodynamicsProf. Jayant K. SinghIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ch24Chemical EngineeringEnvironmental Quality Monitoring & AnalysisProf. Ravi Krishna RIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnergy and Environment
noc25-ch25Chemical EngineeringFluid Flow OperationsProf. Subrata Kumar MajumdarIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ch26Chemical EngineeringHeat TransferProf. Ganesh ViswanathanIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoEnergy Systems
Minor 1
noc25-ch28Chemical EngineeringIntroduction To Process Modeling In The Membrane Separation ProcessProf. Sirshendu DeIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ch29Chemical EngineeringMatlab Programming for Numerical ComputationProf. Niket KaisareIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesComputational Biology
noc25-ch30Chemical EngineeringMembrane TechnologyProf. Kaustubha MohantyIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ch32Chemical EngineeringModeling Stochastic phenomena for Engineering applications: Part-1Prof. Yelia Shankaranarayana MayyaIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ch34Chemical EngineeringMomentum Transfer in FluidsProf. Somenath Ganguly
Prof. Sunando Das Gupta
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoMinor 3
noc25-ch35Chemical EngineeringMultiphase FlowsProf. Rajesh Kumar UpadhyayIIT(BHU) VaranasiIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ch36Chemical EngineeringPhysical And Electrochemical Characterizations In Chemical EngineeringProf. Tamal BanerjeeIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ch37Chemical EngineeringPhysico-chemical processes for wastewater treatmentProf. Vimal Chandra SrivastavaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnergy and Environment
noc25-ch38Chemical EngineeringPolymer Reaction EngineeringProf. Shishir SinhaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ch39Chemical EngineeringProcess Equipment DesignProf. Shabina KhanamIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoMinor 2
noc25-ch40Chemical EngineeringRenewable Energy Engineering: Solar, Wind And Biomass Energy SystemsProf. Vaibhav Vasant Goud
Prof. R. Anandalakshmi
IIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnergy and Environment
noc25-ch41Chemical EngineeringSoft Nano TechnologyProf. Rabibrata MukherjeeIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ch42Chemical EngineeringThermodynamics Of Fluid Phase EquilibriaProf. Jayant K. SinghIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ch43Chemical EngineeringTransport PhenomenaProf. Sunando DasguptaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoMinor 3
noc25-ch44Chemical EngineeringTransport ProcessesProf. V. KumaranIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoMinor 3
noc25-ch45Chemical EngineeringUnit operations of particulate matterProf. Shabina KhanamIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ch46Chemical EngineeringWaste to Energy ConversionProf. P. MondalIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYesEnergy and Environment
Energy Systems
noc25-ch47Chemical EngineeringComputational process designProf. Hariprasad Kodamana
Prof. Manojkumar Ramteke
IIT DelhiIIT Delhi8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoComputational Chemical Engineering
noc25-ch48Chemical EngineeringInterfacial EngineeringProf. ManigandanIIT RoparIIT Madras8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMinor 3
noc25-ch27Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Technology, Textile EngineeringInorganic Chemical TechnologyProf. Nanda KishoreIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ch04Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Physics and ChemistryApplied Statistical ThermodynamicsProf. Tamal BanerjeeIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesMinor 3
noc25-cy01ChemistryA Study Guide In Organic Retrosynthesis: Problem Solving ApproachProf. Samik NandaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-cy02ChemistryAdvanced Chemical Thermodynamics and KineticsProf. Arijit Kumar DeIISER MohaliIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cy03ChemistryAdvanced Transition Metal Organometallic ChemistryProf. P. GhoshIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-cy04ChemistryBasic thermodynamics: Classical and Statistical ApproachesProf. Arnab MukherjeeIISER PuneIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-cy05ChemistryBasics in Inorganic ChemistryProf. D. MaitiIIT BombayIIT Bombay4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-cy06ChemistryBasics of Fluroscence SpectroscopyProf. Pratik SenIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-cy07ChemistryBiochemistryProf. Swagata DasguptaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesBiosciences
noc25-cy08ChemistryBioinorganic ChemistryProf. S. P. RathIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cy09ChemistryChemical Applications of Symmetry and Group TheoryProf. Manabendra ChandraIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cy10ChemistryChemistry Of Main Group ElementsProf. M.S. BalakrishnaIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-cy11ChemistryCo-Ordination Chemistry (Chemistry Of Transition Elements)Prof. Debashis RayIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-cy12ChemistryElementary ElectrochemistryProf. Angshuman Roy ChoudhuryIISER MohaliIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-cy13ChemistryElementary Thermodynamics for AllProf. Srabani TaraphderIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-cy14ChemistryEssentials Of Biomolecules : Nucleic Acids And PeptidesProf. Lal Mohan KunduIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-cy15ChemistryEssentials of Oxidation, Reduction and C-C Bond Formation. Application in Organic SynthesisProf. Yashwant D VankarIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-cy16ChemistryExperimental BiochemistryProf. Swagata Dasgupta
Prof. Soumya De
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoBiosciences
noc25-cy17ChemistryFundamentals of SpectroscopyProf. Sayan Bagchi
Prof. Anirban Hazra
NCL Pune,
IIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-cy18ChemistryIndustrial Inorganic ChemistryProf. Debashis RayIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cy19ChemistryInterpretative molecular spectroscopyProf. M S BalakrishnaIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-cy20ChemistryIntroduction To Molecular ThermodynamicsProf. Srabani TaraphderIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-cy21ChemistryMany body methods in quantum chemistryProf. Sourav Pal
Prof. Achintya Kumar Dutta
IIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cy22ChemistryMedicinal ChemistryProf. Harinath ChakrapaniIISER PuneIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-cy23ChemistryMetallocene and Metal-carbene based Organometallic Compounds as Industrially Important Advanced Polyolefin CatalystsProf. Sanjib K. PatraIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cy24ChemistryMolecular Spectroscopy: A Physical Chemist’s perspectiveProf. Anindya DattaIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-cy25ChemistryNuclear and RadiochemistryProf. B.S.Tomar
Prof. P.K.Mohapatra
IIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-cy26ChemistryOne and Two dimensional NMR Spectroscopy: Concepts and Spectral AnalysisProf. N SuryaprakashIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cy27ChemistryOrganic Chemistry I (Tamil)Prof. Srinivasan VenkataramanIISER PUNEIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-cy28ChemistryOrganometallic ChemistryProf. D. MaitiIIT BombayIIT Bombay4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-cy29ChemistryPericyclic Reactions and Organic PhotochemistryProf. SankararamanIIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-cy30ChemistryReactive Intermediates Carbene And NitreneProf. Rajarshi SamantaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-cy31ChemistrySymmetry and Group TheoryProf. Jeetender ChughIISER PUNEIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-cy32ChemistrySymmetry, Stereochemistry and ApplicationsProf. Angshuman Roy ChoudhuryIISER MohaliIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-cy33ChemistryThermodynamics: Classical To StatisticalProf. Sandip PaulIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cy34ChemistryTransition Metal Organometallics in Catalysis and BiologyProf. P. GhoshIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cy35ChemistryUltrafast laser spectroscopyProf. Anindya DattaIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-cy36ChemistryIntroductory Organic Chemistry IProf. Neeraja Dashaputre
Prof. Harinath Chakrapani
IISER PuneIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-cy37ChemistrySupramolecular Chemistry-IProf. Parimal Kanti BharadwajIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ch19Chemistry, Material Science. BiologyComputational Quantum ChemistryProf. Achintya Kumar DuttaIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesComputational Biology
noc25-ce02Civil EngineeringAdvanced Soil MechanicsProf. Sreedeep SIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesStructural Analysis
noc25-ce04Civil EngineeringAir Pollution and ControlProf. Bhola Ram GurjarIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnvironment
noc25-ce05Civil EngineeringApplied Environmental MicrobiologyProf. Gargi SinghIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesEnvironment
noc25-ce06Civil EngineeringApplied Seismology for EngineersProf. Abhishek KumarIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce07Civil EngineeringBasic Construction MaterialsProf. Manu Santhanam
Prof. Radhakrishna G. Pillai
IIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoConstruction Materials Technology
noc25-ce10Civil EngineeringConcrete TechnologyProf. B. BhattacharjeeIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesConstruction Materials Technology
noc25-ce11Civil EngineeringConstruction Methods and Equipment ManagementProf. Indu Siva Ranjani GandhiIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ce12Civil EngineeringDevelopment and Applications of Special ConcretesProf. Sudhir MisraIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesConstruction Materials Technology
noc25-ce13Civil EngineeringDigital Land Surveying and Mapping (DLS&M)Prof. J. K. Ghosh(Late)
Prof. Siddhartha Khare
IIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-ce14Civil EngineeringEarthquake Resistant Design of FoundationsProf. B. K. MaheshwariIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce15Civil EngineeringElectronic Waste Management - Issues and ChallengesProf. Brajesh Kumar DubeyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesEnvironment
noc25-ce16Civil EngineeringEnergy Efficiency, Acoustics and Daylighting in BuildingProf. B. BhattacharjeeIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesEnvironment
noc25-ce17Civil EngineeringEngineering HydrologyProf. Sreeja PekkatIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ce19Civil EngineeringEnvironmental Remediation of Contaminated SitesProf. Bhanu Prakash Vellanki
Prof. Thomas Boving
IIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnvironment
noc25-ce20Civil EngineeringExpansive SoilProf. Anil Kumar MishraIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce21Civil EngineeringFinite Element MethodProf. Biswanath Banerjee
Prof. Amit Shaw
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesComputational Mechanics
noc25-ce22Civil EngineeringFree Surface FlowsProf. Mohammad Saud AfzalIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ce23Civil EngineeringGeographic Information SystemsProf. A. K. SarafIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnvironment
noc25-ce24Civil EngineeringGeology and Soil MechanicsProf. Priyanka GhoshIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce26Civil EngineeringGeomorphologyProf. Pitambar PatiIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ce28Civil EngineeringGeosynthetics and Reinforced Soil StructuresProf. K.RajagopalIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce29Civil EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering - 1Prof. D. N. SinghIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ce30Civil EngineeringGeotechnical Engineering II Foundation EngineeringProf. Dilip Kumar BaidyaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ce31Civil EngineeringGPS SurveyingProf. J. K. Ghosh (late)
Prof. Ajanta Goswami
IIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ce32Civil EngineeringHydraulic EngineeringProf. Mohammad Saud AfzalIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ce33Civil EngineeringIndustrial Wastewater TreatmentProf Alok Sinha Prof S K GuptaIIT-ISM DhanbadIIT Kharagpur12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce34Civil EngineeringIntroduction to Accounting and Finance for Civil EngineersProf. K. N. Jha
Prof. Sudhir Misra
IIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce35Civil EngineeringIntroduction to Civil Engineering ProfessionProf. Ravindra Gettu
Prof. Koshy Varghese
IIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ce36Civil EngineeringIntroduction to Lean Construction (Module 1 - Lean Basics)Prof. Koshy Varghese
Prof. N Raghavan
IIT MadrasIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce38Civil EngineeringMaintenance and Repair of Concrete StructuresProf. Radhakrishna G. PillaiIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesConstruction Materials Technology
noc25-ce39Civil EngineeringMechanical Characterization of Bituminous MaterialsProf. M. R. Nivitha (MRN)
Prof. Neethu Roy(NR)
Prof. A. Padmarekha(APR)
Prof. J. Murali Krishnan(JMK)
PSG Tech., Coimbatore
MBCET, Trivandrum
SRM IST, Kattankulathur
IIT Madras
IIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce40Civil EngineeringMicrowave Remote Sensing in HydrologyProf. J. InduIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesEnvironment
noc25-ce41Civil EngineeringModern Construction MaterialsProf. Ravindra Gettu
Prof. Aslam Kunhi Mohamed
IIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesConstruction Materials Technology
noc25-ce45Civil EngineeringPlastic Waste ManagementProf. Brajesh Kumar DubeyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesEnvironment
noc25-ce46Civil EngineeringRemote Sensing and GIS for Rural DevelopmentProf. Pennan ChinnasamyIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-ce47Civil EngineeringRemote Sensing EssentialsProf. A. K. SarafIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce49Civil EngineeringRetrofitting and Rehabilitation of Civil InfrastructureProf. Swati Maitra
Prof. Sriman Bhattacharya
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesStructural Design
noc25-ce50Civil EngineeringRock EngineeringProf. Priti MaheshwariIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-ce51Civil EngineeringSoil DynamicsProf. Paramita BhattacharyaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce52Civil EngineeringSoil Structure InteractionProf. Kousik DebIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesStructural Analysis
noc25-ce53Civil EngineeringStability Aspects of Structural Steel Design: Concepts and ApplicationsProf. Mahendrakumar MadhavanIIT HyderabadIIT Madras12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYesStructural Design
noc25-ce54Civil EngineeringStructural Analysis-IProf. Amit ShawIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoStructural Analysis
Structural Design
noc25-ce55Civil EngineeringStructural DynamicsProf. Ramancharala Pradeep KumarIIIT HyderabadIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoStructural Analysis
noc25-ce56Civil EngineeringStructural VibrationProf. Arunasis ChakrabortyIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce57Civil EngineeringSurface Water HydrologyProf. Rajib MaityIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ce58Civil EngineeringSustainable Engineering Concepts and Life Cycle AnalysisProf. Brajesh Kumar DubeyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnvironment
noc25-ce60Civil EngineeringTraffic EngineeringProf. Bhargab MaitraIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ce61Civil EngineeringUnsaturated Soil MechanicsProf. Tadikonda Venkata BharatIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce62Civil EngineeringUrban Transportation Systems PlanningProf. Bhargab MaitraIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ce63Civil EngineeringWater and Waste Water TreatmentProf. Bhanu Prakash VellankiIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoEnvironment
noc25-ce64Civil EngineeringAdvanced Topics in Science and Technology of ConcreteProf. Manu Santhanam
Prof. Ravindra Gettu
IIT MadrasIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce65Civil EngineeringDesign of Connections in Steel StructuresProf. Anil AgarwalIIT HyderabadIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYesStructural Design
noc25-ce69Civil EngineeringStructural Dynamics for Civil Engineers - SDOF SystemsProf. Riya Catherine GeorgeIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-ce70Civil Engineeringनिर्माण प्रबंधन (Construction Management) के सिद्धांत [Nirman prabandhan (Construction Management) ke Siddhant]Prof. Sudhir MisraIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ce66Civil Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Environmental SciencesEnvironmental Fluid MechanicsProf. Chunendra K SahuIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElective Yes
noc25-ce27Civil Engineering/Geology/Engineering GeologyGeophysical Exploration MethodsProf. Elango LakshmananIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs76Computer ScienceLarge Applications PracticumProf. Varun DuttIIT MandiIIT Madras4 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoProgramming
noc25-cs01Computer Science and EngineeringAdvanced Computer ArchitectureProf. Smruti R.SarangiIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesSystems
noc25-cs02Computer Science and EngineeringAdvanced Computer NetworksProf. Neminath Hubballi
Prof. Sameer Kulkarni
IIT Indore
IIT Gandhi Nagar
IIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs03Computer Science and EngineeringAdvanced Graph TheoryProf. Rajiv MisraIIT PatnaIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs04Computer Science and EngineeringAffective ComputingProf. Jainendra Shukla
Prof. Abhinav Dhall
IIIT DelhiIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesArtificial Intelligence
noc25-cs05Computer Science and EngineeringAI:Constraint SatisfactionProf. Deepak KhemaniIIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesArtificial Intelligence
noc25-cs07Computer Science and EngineeringArtificial Intelligence: Knowledge Representation And ReasoningProf. Deepak KhemaniIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesArtificial Intelligence
Data Science
noc25-cs08Computer Science and EngineeringBlockchain and its ApplicationsProf. Sandip Chakraborty
Prof. Shamik Sural
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesCyber Security
noc25-cs09Computer Science and EngineeringBusiness Intelligence & AnalyticsProf. Saji K MathewIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesData Science
noc25-cs10Computer Science and EngineeringCircuit Complexity TheoryProf. Raghunath TewariIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs11Computer Science and EngineeringCloud ComputingProf. Soumya Kanti GhoshIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesProgramming
noc25-cs12Computer Science and EngineeringCloud Computing and Distributed SystemsProf. Rajiv MisraIIT PatnaIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs13Computer Science and EngineeringCompiler DesignProf. Santanu ChattopadhyayIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoSystems
noc25-cs14Computer Science and EngineeringComputational Number Theory and AlgebraProf. Nitin SaxenaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs15Computer Science and EngineeringComputer Networks And Internet ProtocolProf. Soumya Kanti Ghosh
Prof. Sandip Chakraborty
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesSystems
Cyber Security
noc25-cs16Computer Science and EngineeringCryptography and Network SecurityProf. Sourav MukhopadhyayIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesSystems
Cyber Security
noc25-cs17Computer Science and EngineeringData Analytics with PythonProf. A RameshIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesData Science
noc25-cs18Computer Science and EngineeringData Base Management SystemProf. Partha Pratim Das
Prof. Samiran Chattopadhyay
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYesProgramming
noc25-cs19Computer Science and EngineeringData MiningProf. Pabitra MitraIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-cs20Computer Science and EngineeringData Science for EngineersProf. Ragunathan Rengasamy
Prof. Shankar Narasimhan
IIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesData Science
noc25-cs21Computer Science and EngineeringDeep Learning - IIT RoparProf. Sudarshan IyengarIIT RoparIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesArtificial Intelligence
Data Science
noc25-cs23Computer Science and EngineeringDesign and analysis of algorithmsProf. Madhavan MukundCMIIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYesFoundations of Computing
noc25-cs24Computer Science and EngineeringDesign and Engineering of Computer SystemsProf. Mythili VutukuruIIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesSystems
noc25-cs25Computer Science and EngineeringDigital Design with VerilogProf. Chandan Karfa,
Prof. Aryabartta Sahu
IIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-cs26Computer Science and EngineeringDiscrete MathematicsProf. Sudarshan IyengarIIT RoparIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoFoundations of Computing
Foundations of mathematics
noc25-cs28Computer Science and EngineeringEdge ComputingProf. Rajiv MisraIIT PatnaIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs29Computer Science and EngineeringEmbedded System Design with ARMProf. Indranil Sengupta
Prof .Kamalika Dutta
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-cs30Computer Science and EngineeringEmbedded Systems DesignProf. Anupam BasuIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoRobotics
noc25-cs31Computer Science and EngineeringFoundations of CryptographyProf. Ashish ChoudhuryIIIT BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFoundations of Computing
Cyber Security
noc25-cs32Computer Science and EngineeringFoundations of Cyber Physical SystemsProf. Soumyajit DeyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs33Computer Science and EngineeringFundamental Algorithms: Design and AnalysisProf. Sourav MukhopadhyayIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-cs34Computer Science and EngineeringFundamentals of Object Oriented ProgrammingProf. Balasubramanian RamanIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesProgramming
noc25-cs35Computer Science and EngineeringGames and InformationProf. Ankur A. KulkarniIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesArtificial Intelligence
Data Science
noc25-cs36Computer Science and EngineeringGetting Started with Competitive ProgrammingProf. Neeldhara MisraIIT GandhinagarIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-cs37Computer Science and EngineeringGPU Architectures and ProgrammingProf. Soumyajit DeyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesSystems
noc25-cs38Computer Science and EngineeringHuman Computer Interaction (In English)Prof. Rajiv Ratn ShahIIIT DelhiIIT Madras12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoArtificial Intelligence
noc25-cs39Computer Science and EngineeringInformation Security - 5 - Secure Systems EngineeringProf. Chester RobeiroIIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesSystems
Cyber Security
noc25-cs40Computer Science and EngineeringIntroduction to Database SystemsProf. Sreenivasa KumarIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoProgramming
noc25-cs41Computer Science and EngineeringIntroduction to Embedded System DesignProf. Dhananjay V. Gadre
Prof. Badri N Subudhi
IIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-cs42Computer Science and EngineeringIntroduction To Haskell ProgrammingProf. S. P SureshCMIIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs43Computer Science and EngineeringIntroduction To Industry 4.0 And Industrial Internet Of ThingsProf. Sudip MisraIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-cs44Computer Science and EngineeringIntroduction To Internet Of ThingsProf. Sudip MisraIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesProgramming
noc25-cs46Computer Science and EngineeringIntroduction to Machine LearningProf. Balaraman RavindranIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesArtificial Intelligence
Data Science
noc25-cs47Computer Science and EngineeringIntroduction to Machine Learning (Tamil)Prof. Arun RajkumarIIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs48Computer Science and EngineeringIntroduction To Soft ComputingProf. Debasis SamantaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs49Computer Science and EngineeringMachine Learning for Engineering and science applicationsProf. Balaji Srinivasan
Prof. Ganapathy Krishnamurthi
IIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs50Computer Science and EngineeringMachine Learning, MLProf. Carl Gustaf JanssonKTH Royal Institute of Technology, SwedenIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesRobotics
noc25-cs51Computer Science and EngineeringNatural Language ProcessingProf. Pawan GoyalIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesArtificial Intelligence
Data Science
noc25-cs52Computer Science and EngineeringObject Oriented System Development Using UML, Java And PatternsProf. Rajib MallIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesProgramming
noc25-cs53Computer Science and EngineeringOptimisation for Machine Learning: Theory and Implementation (Hindi)Prof. Pravesh BiyaniIIIT DelhiIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs54Computer Science and EngineeringParallel Computer ArchitectureProf. Hemangee K. KapoorIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs56Computer Science and EngineeringProblem Solving Through Programming In CProf. Anupam BasuIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs57Computer Science and EngineeringProgramming In JavaProf. Debasis SamantaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesProgramming
noc25-cs58Computer Science and EngineeringProgramming in Modern C++Prof. Partha Pratim DasIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesProgramming
noc25-cs59Computer Science and EngineeringProgramming, Data Structures And Algorithms Using PythonProf. Madhavan MukundCMIIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYesComputational Biology
Artificial Intelligence
Data Science
Foundations of Computing
noc25-cs60Computer Science and EngineeringPython for Data ScienceProf. Ragunathan RengasamyIIT MadrasIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYesArtificial Intelligence
Data Science
noc25-cs61Computer Science and EngineeringQuantum Algorithms and CryptographyProf. Shweta AgrawalIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesCyber Security
noc25-cs62Computer Science and EngineeringReinforcement LearningProf. Balaraman RavindranIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesArtificial Intelligence
Data Science
noc25-cs63Computer Science and EngineeringSecure Computation: Part IProf. Ashish ChoudhuryIIIT BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFoundations of Computing
Cyber Security
noc25-cs64Computer Science and EngineeringSelected Topics in AlgorithmsProf. Palash DeyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs65Computer Science and EngineeringSocial NetworksProf. Sudarshan IyengarIIT RoparIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-cs66Computer Science and EngineeringSoftware TestingProf. Rajib MallIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs67Computer Science and EngineeringSwitching Circuits and Logic DesignProf. Indranil SenguptaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-cs68Computer Science and EngineeringSystems and Usable SecurityProf. Neminath HubballiIIT IndoreIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesCyber Security
noc25-cs69Computer Science and EngineeringThe Joy of Computing using PythonProf. Sudarshan IyengarIIT RoparIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs70Computer Science and EngineeringTheory of ComputationProf. Subrahmanyam KalyanasundaramIIT HyderabadIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-cs72Computer Science And EngineeringUser-centric Computing For Human-Computer InteractionProf. Samit BhattacharyaIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs73Computer Science and EngineeringVLSI Physical DesignProf. Indranil SenguptaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesVLSI design
noc25-cs74Computer Science and EngineeringWireless Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworksProf. Sudip MisraIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs75Computer Science and EngineeringFoundation of Cloud IoT Edge MLProf. Rajiv MisraIIT PatnaIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesSystems
noc25-cs77Computer Science and EngineeringLinear programming and its applications to computer scienceProf. Rajat MittalIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesData Science
noc25-cs78Computer Science and EngineeringReal Time Operating SystemProf. Rajib MallIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee16Computer Science and EngineeringDeep LearningProf. Prabir Kumar BiswasIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesArtificial Intelligence
Data Science
noc25-cs79Computer Science and EngineeringPrivacy and Security in Online Social MediaProf. Ponnurangam KumaraguruIIIT HyderabadIIT Madras12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesCyber Security
noc25-cs45Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Information Technology, MathematicsIntroduction to Large Language Models (LLMs)Prof. Tanmoy Chakraborty
Prof. Soumen Chakraborti
IIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesCommunication and Signal Processing
Artificial Intelligence
Data Science
noc25-cs27Computer Science and Engineering, MathematicsDiscrete Mathematics for CSProf. Nitin SaxenaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElective YesFoundations of Computing
noc25-cs06Computer Science, Genomics, Molecular Biology (Interdisciplinary course)Algorithms in Computational Biology and Sequence AnalysisProf. Chirag JainIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesComputational Biology
Artificial Intelligence
Data Science
noc25-ce01Cvil EngineeringAdvanced Foundation EngineeringProf. Kousik DebIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-de12DesignIntroduction to Graphic DesignProf. Mohammad Shahid and Prof. Saurav Khuttiya DeoriIIT HyderabadIIT Madras8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-de09Design / Architecture and PlanningAugmenting Design Thinking with Human-Computer InteractionProf. Sonal AtreyaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-de01Design EngineeringDesign, Technology and InnovationProf. B.K. ChakravarthyIIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-de02Design EngineeringFundamentals of Automotive SystemsProf. C. S. Shankar RamIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-de03Design EngineeringInnovation by DesignProf. B.K. ChakravarthyIIT BombayIIT Bombay4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYesPatents and Intellectual Property Rights
noc25-de04Design EngineeringStrategies for Sustainable DesignProf. Shiva JiIIT HyderabadIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-de05Design EngineeringUnderstanding DesignProf. Nina SabnaniIIT BombayIIT Bombay4 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-de06Design EngineeringUnderstanding EthnographyProf. Nina SabnaniIIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-de07Design EngineeringUnderstanding Incubation and EntrepreneurshipProf. B.K. ChakravarthyIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-de08Design EngineeringUsability EngineeringProf. Debayan DharIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-de10Design EngineeringDesign Practices for Intelligent Product DesignProf. Bishakh BhattacharyaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ce25Earth SciencesGeomorphic Processes: Landforms and LandscapesProf. Javed N. MalikIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ce42Earth SciencesNatural HazardsProf. Javed N. Malik
Prof. Santiswarup Sahoo
IIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ce59Earth SciencesThe Evolution of the Earth and LifeProf. Devapriya ChattopadhyayIISER PuneIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ce67Earth SciencesLaboratory Practices in Earth Sciences: Landscape MappingProf. Javed N MalikIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ce43Earth Sciences/Civil EngineeringNatural Hazards (Hindi)Prof. Javed N. MalikIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ge14EcologyFundamentals of EcologyProf. Vishwesha Guttal
Prof. Kavita Isvaran
Prof. Kartik Shanker
Prof. Umesh Srinivasan
Prof. Maria Thaker
Prof. Saskya van Nouhuys
IISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ec01Economic SciencesApplied EconometricsProf. Sabuj Kumar MandalIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesEconomics
Managerial Economics
noc25-ec02Economic SciencesFoundations of Accounting & FinanceProf. Arun Kumar GopalaswamyIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ec03Economic SciencesHealth EconomicsProf. Pratap C. MohantyIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ec04Economic SciencesIndian Economy: Some Contemporary PerspectivesProf. Wasim AhmadIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ec05Economic SciencesIntroduction to EconometricsProf. Sabuj Kumar MandalIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesEconomics
Managerial Economics
noc25-ec06Economic SciencesMicrofoundations of MacroeconomicsProf. Wasim AhmadIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ec07Economic SciencesPredictive Analytics - Regression and ClassificationProf. Sourish DasCMIIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ma58Economic SciencesProbability and Stochastic for FinanceProf. Joydeep DuttaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-cs22Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDeep Learning for Natural Language ProcessingProf. Pawan GoyalIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 weeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesArtificial Intelligence
Data Science
noc25-ee01Electrical and Electronics EngineeringA brief introduction of Micro - SensorsProf. Santanu TalukderIISER BhopalIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee03Electrical and Electronics EngineeringAn Introduction to Information TheoryProf. Adrish BanerjeeIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesCommunication and Signal Processing
noc25-ee04Electrical and Electronics EngineeringAnalog CircuitsProf. Jayanta MukherjeeIIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNoVLSI design
Control and Instrumentation
noc25-ee05Electrical and Electronics EngineeringAnalog Electronic Circuits - IITMProf. Shanthi PavanIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoVLSI design
noc25-ee06Electrical and Electronics EngineeringAnalog Ic DesignProf. Aniruddhan S
Prof. Nagendra Krishnapura
IIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee07Electrical and Electronics EngineeringApplied Linear AlgebraProf. Dwaipayan MukherjeeIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYesCommunication and Signal Processing
Control and Instrumentation
noc25-ee08Electrical and Electronics EngineeringBasics of Semiconductor Microwave DevicesProf. Digbijoy N. NathIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee09Electrical and Electronics EngineeringBiomedical Signal ProcessingProf. Sudipta MukhopadhyayIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee10Electrical and Electronics EngineeringCircuit Analysis for Analog DesignersProf. Shanthi PavanIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesVLSI design
noc25-ee11Electrical and Electronics EngineeringCMOS Digital VLSI DesignProf. Sudeb DasguptaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee12Electrical and Electronics EngineeringCommunication NetworksProf. Goutam DasIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesCommunication and Signal Processing
noc25-ee13Electrical and Electronics EngineeringComputer Vision And Image Processing - Fundamentals And ApplicationsProf. M. K. BhuyanIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee14Electrical and Electronics EngineeringComputer-Aided Design of Electrical MachinesProf. Bhim SinghIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPower Systems and Power Electronics
noc25-ee15Electrical and Electronics EngineeringControl engineeringProf. Ramkrishna PasumarthyIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesControl and Instrumentation
Power Systems and Power Electronics
noc25-ee17Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDeep Learning For Visual ComputingProf. Debdoot SheetIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee18Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDesign and Analysis of VLSI SubsystemsProf. Madhav RaoIIIT BangaloreIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesVLSI design
noc25-ee19Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDigital Communication using GNU RadioProf. Kumar AppaiahIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoCommunication and Signal Processing
noc25-ee20Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDigital Electronic CircuitsProf. Goutam SahaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoVLSI design
noc25-ee21Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDigital IC DesignProf. JanakiramanIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesVLSI design
noc25-ee22Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDigital Protection of Power SystemProf. Bhaveshkumar R. BhaljaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGCoreYesPower Systems and Power Electronics
noc25-ee23Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDigital Signal Processing and its ApplicationsProf. V. M. GadreIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesCommunication and Signal Processing
noc25-ee24Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDigital System DesignProf. Neeraj GoelIIT RoparIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ee25Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDigital VLSI TestingProf. Santanu ChattopadhyayIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ee26Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDiscrete Time Signal ProcessingProf. Mrityunjoy ChakrabortyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNoCommunication and Signal Processing
noc25-ee27Electrical and Electronics EngineeringElectrical Machines - IIProf. Tapas Kumar BhattacharyaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoPower Systems and Power Electronics
noc25-ee28Electrical and Electronics EngineeringElectromagnetic Waves in Guided and Wireless MediaProf. Pradeep Kumar KIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee29Electrical and Electronics EngineeringElectronics Enclosures Thermal issuesProf. N.V Chalapathi RaoIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee30Electrical and Electronics EngineeringElectronics equipment integration and Prototype buildingProf. N.V Chalapathi RaoIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee31Electrical and Electronics EngineeringEmbedded Sensing, Actuation and Interfacing SystemsProf. Banibrata MukherjeeIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYesControl and Instrumentation
noc25-ee32Electrical and Electronics EngineeringEMI /EMC and Signal Integrity: Principles, Techniques and ApplicationsProf. Amitabha BhattacharyaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPhotonics
noc25-ee33Electrical and Electronics EngineeringEV - Vehicle Dynamics and Electric Motor DrivesProf. Amit Jain
Prof. Avanish Tripathi
IIT DelhiIIT Delhi8 Weeks + 4 Weeks (New)NewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee34Electrical and Electronics EngineeringEvolution of Air Interface towards 5GProf. Suvra Sekhar DasIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee35Electrical and Electronics EngineeringFacts DevicesProf. Avik BhattacharyaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ee36Electrical and Electronics EngineeringFoundations of Wavelets and Multirate Digital Signal ProcessingProf. V. M. GadreIIT BombayIIT Bombay4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee37Electrical and Electronics EngineeringFundamental of Power ElectronicsProf. L.UmanandIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPower Systems and Power Electronics
noc25-ee38Electrical and Electronics EngineeringFundamentals of MIMO Wireless CommunicationProf. Suvra Sekhar DasIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee39Electrical and Electronics EngineeringFundamentals of semiconductor devicesProf. Digbijoy N. NathIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoVLSI design
Electronic Materials
noc25-ee40Electrical and Electronics EngineeringFuzzy Sets, Logic and Systems & ApplicationsProf. Nishchal Kumar VermaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee42Electrical and Electronics EngineeringIndustrial Automation and ControlProf. Alokkanti DebIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesManufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-ee43Electrical and Electronics EngineeringIntegrated Circuits and ApplicationsProf. Shaik Rafi AhamedIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoVLSI design
noc25-ee44Electrical and Electronics EngineeringIntegrated Circuits, Mosfets, OP-Amps and their ApplicationsProf. Hardik Jeetendra PandyaIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee45Electrical and Electronics EngineeringIntroduction to Electrical EngineeringProf. Bhim SinghIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ee46Electrical and Electronics EngineeringLinear Dynamical SystemsProf. Tushar JainIIT MandiIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGCoreYesControl and Instrumentation
noc25-ee47Electrical and Electronics EngineeringMedical Image AnalysisProf. Debdoot SheetIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee48Electrical and Electronics EngineeringMicroprocessors and InterfacingProf. Shaik Rafi AhamedIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoVLSI design
noc25-ee49Electrical and Electronics EngineeringMicroprocessors and MicrocontrollersProf. Santanu ChattopadhyayIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoVLSI design
Control and Instrumentation
noc25-ee50Electrical and Electronics EngineeringMicrowave Integrated CircuitsProf. Jayanta MukherjeeIIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee51Electrical and Electronics EngineeringModern Computer VisionProf. A. N. RajagopalanIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesCommunication and Signal Processing
noc25-ee52Electrical and Electronics EngineeringMultirate DSPProf. R. David KoilpillaiIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesCommunication and Signal Processing
noc25-ee53Electrical and Electronics EngineeringNetwork AnalysisProf. Tapas Kumar BhattacharyaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoVLSI design
Power Systems and Power Electronics
Control and Instrumentation
noc25-ee56Electrical and Electronics EngineeringNonlinear and Adaptive ControlProf. Shubhendu BhasinIIT DelhiIIT Delhi4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee57Electrical and Electronics EngineeringOperation and Planning Of Power Distribution SystemsProf. Sanjib GangulyIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesPower Systems and Power Electronics
noc25-ee58Electrical and Electronics EngineeringOptical Fiber SensorsProf Balaji SrinivasanIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPhotonics
noc25-ee59Electrical and Electronics EngineeringOptical Wireless Communications for Beyond 5G Networks and IoTProf. Anand SrivastavaIIIT DelhiIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPhotonics
noc25-ee60Electrical and Electronics EngineeringOptimal controlProf. Barjeev TyagiIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee61Electrical and Electronics EngineeringPhotonic integrated circuitProf. Shankar Kumar SelvarajaIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesPhotonics
noc25-ee62Electrical and Electronics EngineeringPhysics of Nanoscale DevicesProf. Vishvendra Singh PooniaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesVLSI design
noc25-ee63Electrical and Electronics EngineeringPower Management Integrated CircuitsProf. Qadeer Ahmad KhanIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesVLSI design
Power Systems and Power Electronics
noc25-ee64Electrical and Electronics EngineeringPower QualityProf. Bhim SinghIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesPower Systems and Power Electronics
noc25-ee65Electrical and Electronics EngineeringPower Quality Improvement TechniqueProf. Avik BhattacharyaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee67Electrical and Electronics EngineeringPower System EngineeringProf. Debapriya DasIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoPower Systems and Power Electronics
noc25-ee68Electrical and Electronics EngineeringPrinciples of Communication Systems - IProf. Aditya JagannathamIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoCommunication and Signal Processing
noc25-ee69Electrical and Electronics EngineeringPrinciples of Digital CommunicationProf. Abhishek DixitIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesCommunication and Signal Processing
noc25-ee70Electrical and Electronics EngineeringPrinciples of Signals and SystemsProf. Aditya JagannathamIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoCommunication and Signal Processing
Control and Instrumentation
noc25-ee71Electrical and Electronics EngineeringRecent Advances in Transmission InsulatorsProf. Subba Reddy BIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee72Electrical and Electronics EngineeringRF and Microwave NetworksProf. Bratin GhoshIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPhotonics
noc25-ee73Electrical and Electronics EngineeringRF Transceiver DesignProf. Darshak BhattIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesVLSI design
noc25-ee74Electrical and Electronics EngineeringSemiconductor device modeling and SimulationProf. Vivek DixitIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesVLSI design
noc25-ee76Electrical and Electronics EngineeringSensors and ActuatorsProf. Hardik Jeetendra PandyaIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesControl and Instrumentation
noc25-ee77Electrical and Electronics EngineeringSignal Processing Techniques And Its ApplicationsProf. Shyamal Das MandalIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesCommunication and Signal Processing
noc25-ee78Electrical and Electronics EngineeringSignals and SystemsProf. Hitesh Shrimali
Prof. Kushal K. Shah
IIT MandiIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoCommunication and Signal Processing
Control and Instrumentation
noc25-ee79Electrical and Electronics EngineeringSmart Grid: Basics to Advanced TechnologiesProf. N.P. Padhy
Prof. Premalata Jena
IIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPower Systems and Power Electronics
noc25-ee81Electrical and Electronics EngineeringState space Approach to Control System Analysis and DesignProf A P TiwariIIT MandiIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesControl and Instrumentation
noc25-ee82Electrical and Electronics EngineeringTransducers for InstrumentationProf. Ankur GuptaIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesControl and Instrumentation
noc25-ee83Electrical and Electronics EngineeringVLSI Physical Design with Timing AnalysisProf. Bishnu Prasad DasIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesVLSI design
noc25-ee84Electrical and Electronics EngineeringVLSI Signal ProcessingProf. Mrityunjoy ChakrabortyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee85Electrical and Electronics EngineeringAdvanced topics in Wireless Communication (Hindi)Prof. Vivek Ashok BoharaIIIT DelhiIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee87Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDesign Of Power Electronic ConvertersProf. Shabari NathIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPower Systems and Power Electronics
noc25-ee88Electrical and Electronics EngineeringEnabling Technologies for 6G Communications Networks (Hindi)Prof. Vivek Ashok BoharaIIIT DelhiIIT Madras4 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElective YesCommunication and Signal Processing
noc25-ee02Electrical EngineeringAdvance Power ElectronicsProf. Bhim SinghIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElective YesPower Systems and Power Electronics
noc25-ee54Electrical EngineeringNetwork SecurityProf. Gaurav S. KasbekarIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesCommunication and Signal Processing
noc25-ee66Electrical EngineeringPower System Dynamics, Control and MonitoringProf. Debapriya DasIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee89Electrical EngineeringIntelligent Control of Robotic SystemsProf. M. Felix OrlandoIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesControl and Instrumentation
noc25-ee86Electrical Engineering/Systems and ControlBehavioural Theory of Systems with a View Toward Data Driven ControlProf. Debasattam PalIIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesControl and Instrumentation
noc25-ee80Electronics and Communication EngineeringSpread Spectrum Communications And JammingProf. Debarati SenIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ee75Electronics and Electrical EngineeringSemiconductor Devices for Next Generation Field Effect Transistors (More than Moore): A Physics PerspectiveProf. Sudeb DasguptaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesVLSI Design
noc25-hs06Engineering / Science / ManagementComputer Aided Decision Systems - Industrial practices using Big AnalyticsProf. Deepu Philip
Prof. Amandeep Singh Oberoi
IIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesManagerial Economics
noc25-hs77English Studies, Cultural StudiesThe Novel and ChangeProf. Avishek ParuiIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYesEnglish Studies
noc25-ce09Environmental ScienceClimate Change ScienceProf. J.SrinivasanIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnergy and environment
noc25-ce18Environmental ScienceEnvironmental GeosciencesProf. Prasoon Kumar SinghIIT-ISM DhanbadIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnergy and environment
noc25-ag14Food Process EngineeringFood Microbiology for Safe and Sustainable Food SystemsProf. Prem Prakash SrivastavIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesFood Process Engineering
noc25-mm06Fuel Minerals And Metallurgical EngineeringClean Coal TechnologyProf. Barun Kumar NandiIIT-ISM DhanbadIIT Kharagpur12 weeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMinor in Metallurgy
noc25-ma27General Engineering and Sciences, Applied MathematicsHigh Performance Scientific ComputingProf. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan
Prof. Om Jadhav
Prof. S Vamshi Krishna
Prof. Ashish Kuvelkar
IIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElective Yes
noc25-ce71Geology and GeophysicsTectonics and GeodynamicsProf. Saibal GuptaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 weeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElective Yes
noc25-ce68GeophysicsMathematical GeophysicsProf. Swarandeep SahooIIT-ISM DhanbadIIT Kharagpur8 weeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-hs09Humanities and Social ScienceDevelopment of Sociology in IndiaProf. Ashish SaxenaUniversity of AllahabadIIT Kanpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-hs12Humanities and Social ScienceEducation for Sustainable DevelopmentProf. Atasi MohantyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-hs15Humanities and Social ScienceElements of Literature and Creative CommunicationProf. H.S. KomaleshaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-hs16Humanities and Social ScienceEmotional IntelligenceProf. Rabindra Kumar PradhanIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs17Humanities and Social ScienceEmployment Communication A Lab based courseProf. Seema SinghIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-hs38Humanities and Social ScienceIntroduction On Intellectual Property To Engineers And TechnologistsProf. Tapas Kumar BandyopadhyayIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-hs52Humanities and Social ScienceLegal Compliance for Incorporating StartupProf. Indrajit DubeIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs62Humanities and Social SciencePetroleum Economics and ManagementProf. Anwesha AdityaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs72Humanities and Social ScienceSoft Skill DevelopmentProf. Priyadarshi Patnaik
Prof. V. N. Giri
Prof. D. Suar
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs73Humanities and Social ScienceStrategic Performance ManagementProf. K B L SrivastavaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesHuman Resource Management
noc25-hs78Humanities and Social ScienceTraining and DevelopmentProf. Susmita Mukhopadhyay
Prof. S. Srinivasan
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesFaculty Domain - Advanced
Human Resource Management
noc25-hs82Humanities and Social ScienceVictorian Literature: An Interdisciplinary IntroductionProf. Aruni Mahapatra
Prof. Smita Jha
IIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElective Yes
noc25-hs101Humanities and Social Science, Psychology, Neuroscience, Cognitive ScienceSocial Behavior and the Brain: An Introduction to Social NeuroscienceProf. Ark VermaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPsychology
noc25-hs01Humanities and Social SciencesAdvanced Level of Spoken SanskritProf. Anuradha ChoudryIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs02Humanities and Social SciencesAn Introduction to MicroeconomicsProf. Vimal KumarIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYesEconomics
Managerial Economics
Economics & Finance
noc25-hs03Humanities and social sciencesAppreciating Hindustani MusicProf. Lakshmi SreeramAhmedabad UniversityIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-hs04Humanities and Social SciencesBasics of language ScienceProf. Rajesh KumarIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs05Humanities and Social SciencesBilingualism: A cognitive and psycholinguistic perspectiveProf. Bidisha SomIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs07Humanities and Social SciencesContemporary LiteratureProf. Aysha ViswamohanIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnglish Studies
noc25-hs08Humanities and Social SciencesContextualizing GenderProf. Rashmi GaurIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnglish Studies
noc25-hs11Humanities and Social SciencesEconomic Growth And DevelopmentProf. Rajshree BedamattaIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEconomics
noc25-hs13Humanities and Social SciencesEducational Technology and ICTProf. Sarita AnandVisva-BharatiIIT Kharagpur12 weeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-hs14Humanities and Social SciencesEffective WritingProf. Binod MishraIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 Weeks + 4 Weeks (New)NewJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Fundamental
noc25-hs18Humanities and Social SciencesEnergy Resources, Economics and EnvironmentProf. Rangan BanerjeeIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEconomics
noc25-hs19Humanities and Social SciencesEnglish language for competitive examsProf. Aysha ViswamohanIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs21Humanities and Social SciencesEnglish Literature of the Romantic Period, 1798-1832Prof. Pramod K NayarUniversity of HyderabadIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnglish Studies
noc25-hs23Humanities and Social SciencesExploring Survey Data on Health CareProf. Pratap C. MohantyIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs24Humanities and Social SciencesFeminism : Concepts and TheoriesProf. Mathangi KrishnamurthyIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-hs25Humanities and Social SciencesGerman - IProf. Milind BrahmeIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-hs26Humanities and Social SciencesGerman - IIProf. Milind BrahmeIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-hs27Humanities and Social SciencesGerman - IIIProf. Milind BrahmeIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs28Humanities and Social SciencesGlobalization: Theoretical PerspectivesProf. R. SanthoshIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-hs29Humanities and Social SciencesGreat Experiments in PsychologyProf. Rajlakshmi GuhaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs30Humanities and Social SciencesGroup DynamicsProf. Pooja GargIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-hs31Humanities and Social SciencesHealth Research FundamentalsProf. P. ManickamNIEIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYesPsychology
noc25-hs32Humanities And Social SciencesIndian Business HistoryProf. Vipul DuttaIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs33Humanities and Social SciencesIndian Feminisms: Concepts and IssuesProf. Anandita PanIIT HyderabadIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs35Humanities and Social SciencesIndian Poetry in EnglishProf. Binod MishraIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs36Humanities and Social SciencesIntellectual PropertyProf. Feroz AliIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-hs37Humanities and Social SciencesIntroducing Modern Western Art: Movements and ArtistsProf. Soumik Nandy MajumdarVisva Bharati University, SantiniketanIIT Kanpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-hs39Humanities and Social SciencesIntroduction to Brain and BehaviourProf. Ark VermaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGCoreYesPsychology
noc25-hs40Humanities And Social SciencesIntroduction To Cognitive PsychologyProf. Naveen KashyapIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPsychology
noc25-hs41Humanities and Social SciencesIntroduction to Cultural StudiesProf. Avishek ParuiIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesEnglish Studies
noc25-hs42Humanities and Social SciencesIntroduction to Environmental EconomicsProf. Diptimayee Nayak
Prof. S. P. Singh
IIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEconomics
noc25-hs43Humanities and Social SciencesIntroduction to Japanese Language and CultureProf. Vatsala MisraIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-hs44Humanities And Social SciencesIntroduction To Modern Indian Political ThoughtProf. Mithilesh Kumar JhaIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs45Humanities and social sciencesIntroduction to Pāṇinian grammarProf. Malhar KulkarniIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-hs46Humanities And Social SciencesIntroduction To Political TheoryProf. Mithilesh Kumar JhaIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-hs47Humanities and Social SciencesIntroduction to PsychologyProf. Braj BhushanIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYesPsychology
noc25-hs48Humanities and Social SciencesIntroduction to World LiteratureProf. Merin Simi RajIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesEnglish Studies
noc25-hs49Humanities and Social SciencesJapani Bhasha - Saral swaroopProf. Vatsala MisraIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs50Humanities And Social SciencesLanguage, Culture And Cognition: An IntroductionProf. Bidisha SomIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs51Humanities and Social SciencesLearning English in HindiProf. Rajesh KumarIIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs54Humanities and Social SciencesLiterary Criticism (From Plato to Leavis)Prof. Merin Simi RajIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYesEnglish Studies
noc25-hs55Humanities and Social SciencesLiterature and Coping SkillsProf. Ajit K MishraIIT(BHU) VaranasiIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs56Humanities and Social SciencesLiterature and LifeProf. S P DhanavelIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesEnglish Studies
noc25-hs57Humanities and Social SciencesModern Indian Writing in TranslationProf. Divya AIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs58Humanities and Social SciencesNarrative Mode and Fiction renamed as 'Fiction: Epics, Novels and Poetry'Prof. Sarbani BanerjeeIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs59Humanities and Social SciencesOnline Communication in the Digital AgeProf. Rashmi GaurIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs60Humanities and Social SciencesPatent Drafting for BeginnersProf. Feroz AliIIT MadrasIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPatents and Intellectual Property Rights
Faculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-hs61Humanities and Social SciencesPatent Law for Engineers and ScientistsProf. Feroz AliIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPatents and Intellectual Property Rights
Faculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-hs63Humanities And Social SciencesPhilosophical Foundations Of Social ResearchProf. Sambit MallickIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs64Humanities and Social SciencesPhilosophy and Critical ThinkingProf. Gyan PrakashIIT-ISM DhanbadIIT Kharagpur12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs65Humanities And Social SciencesPhonetics And Phonology: A Broad OverviewProf. Shakuntala MahantaIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-hs66Humanities and Social SciencesPsychiatry - An Overview and How the Brain Creates MindProf. Alok BajpaiIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs67Humanities and Social SciencesPsychology of Personality and Individual Differences: Theory and ApplicationsProf. Dilwar HussainIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPsychology
noc25-hs68Humanities And Social SciencesPsychology Of Stress, Health And Well-BeingProf. Dilwar HussainIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs70Humanities and Social SciencesScience Communication: Research Productivity and Data Analytics using Open Source SoftwareProf. Nabi Hasan
Prof. Mohit Garg
IIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs71Humanities And Social SciencesSociological Perspectives On ModernityProf. Sambit MallickIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs74Humanities and Social SciencesStrength & Conditioning for the Indian PopulationProf. Deckline Leitao
Prof. Varun Suresh Kumar
IIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoSports Science
noc25-hs75Humanities and Social SciencesTechnology Transfer Through Joint VentureProf. Indrajit DubeIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs76Humanities and Social SciencesThe Nineteenth - Century English NovelProf. Divya AIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYesEnglish Studies
noc25-hs79Humanities and Social SciencesTrauma and LiteratureProf. Avishek ParuiIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesEnglish Studies
noc25-hs80Humanities and Social SciencesTwentieth Century FictionProf. Avishek ParuiIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnglish Studies
noc25-hs81Humanities and Social SciencesUnited Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs)Prof. Shiva JiIIT HyderabadIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs83Humanities and Social Sciencesसमास samāsa in Pāṇinian grammar- IProf. Malhar KulkarniIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-hs84Humanities and Social SciencesCognitive ErgonomicsProf. M. K. AsthanaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs85Humanities and Social SciencesComplete guide for campus interviews: Step by step preparation for Internships and Full-time jobsProf. Vinod Aravindakshan
Prof. Vibin Aravindakshan
IIT Palakkad
IIT Madras4 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs87Humanities and Social SciencesEnhancing Soft Skills and PersonalityProf. T. RavichandranIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs88Humanities and Social SciencesEssentials of Sports Injury Prevention & RehabilitationCol (Dr) Anup Krishnan (Retd)
Wg Cdr (Dr) CS Guru
Lt Col (Dr) Atul Sharma
IIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesSports Science
noc25-hs89Humanities and Social SciencesForensic LinguisticsProf. Deepak MashruNational Forensic Sciences Universtiy (INI)IIT Madras4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs91Humanities And Social SciencesHuman BehaviourProf. Naveen KashyapIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesPsychology
noc25-hs92Humanities and Social SciencesHuman Movement ScienceProf. Shruti Bhandurge
Prof. Subham Badhyal
IIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoSports Science
noc25-hs94Humanities And Social SciencesIntroduction To Modern Indian DramaProf. Kiran KeshavamurthyIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesEnglish Studies
noc25-hs95Humanities and Social SciencesLanguage and MindProf. Rajesh KumarIIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoPsychology
noc25-hs96Humanities and Social SciencesMastering Speaking and Presentations: A case Based ApproachProf. Seema SinghIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs97Humanities and Social SciencesModern Indian Art From the Colonial Period to the PresentProf. Soumik Nandy MajumdarVisva Bharati University, SantiniketanIIT Kanpur4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-hs98Humanities and Social SciencesModernisation and Creative CommunicationProf. Saswat Samay Das
Prof. Ananya Roy Pratihar
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElective Yes
noc25-hs99Humanities and Social SciencesPsychology Of Bilingualism And MultilingualismProf. Ark VermaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs102Humanities and Social SciencesSociology and Sanitation: An IntroductionProf. Ashish SaxenaUniversity of AllahabadIIT Kanpur4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs103Humanities and Social SciencesThe Science of Happiness and WellbeingProf. Priyadarshi Patnaik
Prof. Manas K Mandal
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPsychology
noc25-hs104Humanities and Social SciencesTowards an Ethical Digital Society: From Theory to PracticeProf. Amit PrakashIIIT BangaloreIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Fundamental
Faculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-hs105Humanities and Social SciencesAnti-Doping Awareness in SportsProf. Ankush Gupta
Prof. Jay Singh
Col (Dr) Anup Krishnan (Retd)
Prof. Dobson Dominic
IIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesSports Science
noc25-hs106Humanities and Social SciencesToolkit of PE Teachers: BasicProf. Divyadeep Hada
Prof. Azad Khan
IIT MadrasIIT Madras4 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-hs107Humanities and Social SciencesAdvanced Course in Performance Traditions of the Mahabharata in Tamil Nadu- 2Prof. Sashikanth AnanthachariIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-hs108Humanities and Social SciencesKorean IIProf. Soo Jin ShimIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-hs93Humanities and Social Sciences (Economics)Introduction to Economic Growth- IProf. Sohini SahuIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur4 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs69Humanities and Social Sciences,EnglishRefugee, Migration, DiasporaProf. Sarbani BanerjeeIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-hs90Humanities/Urban Studies/Gender StudiesGender Inclusive Urban Spaces: Issues and QuestionsProf. Binitha V ThampiIIT MadrasIIT Madras4 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesEnglish Studies
noc25-hs86Hydro and Renewable EnergyEnergy Resources, Economics, and SustainabilityProf. Pratham AroraIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnergy and Environment
noc25-lw01LawAdvanced Contracts, Tendering and Public ProcurementProf. Sairam BhatNLSIUIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-lw02LawConstitution Law and Public Administration in IndiaProf. Sairam BhatNLSIUIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-lw03LawIP Management & Technology TransferProf. Gouri GargateIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-lw04LawCentre-State Relations in IndiaProf. Uday ShankarIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-lw05LawDirective Principles of State Policy and Fundamental Duties: Constitutional ImperativeProf. Uday ShankarIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-lw06LawInternational Trade LawProf. Raju KDIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg02ManagementAdvanced Financial Instruments for Sustainable Business and Decentralized MarketsProf. Abhinava TripathiIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg03ManagementAdvances in Strategic Human Resource Management (HRM)Prof. Ashish PandeyIIT BombayIIT Bombay4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-mg04ManagementAdvertising & Promotions ManagementProf. Mrinalini PandeyIIT-ISM DhanbadIIT Kharagpur12 weeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesMarketing
noc25-mg05ManagementAI in Human Resource ManagementProf. Abraham Cyril IssacIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYesHuman Resource Management
noc25-mg06ManagementAI in MarketingProf. Zillur RahmanIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg07ManagementAI in Product ManagementProf. Zillur RahmanIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg08ManagementArtificial Intelligence (AI) for InvestmentsProf. Abhinava TripathiIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesManagerial Economics
Economics & Finance
noc25-mg09ManagementBusiness analytics and data mining Modeling using RProf. Gaurav DixitIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg10ManagementBusiness Analytics For Management DecisionProf. Rudra P PradhanIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesOperations
noc25-mg11ManagementBusiness Development: From Start to ScaleProf. C Bhaktavatsala RaoIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesManagerial Economics
noc25-mg12ManagementBusiness EthicsProf. Susmita MukhopadhyayIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-mg14ManagementBusiness Law for ManagersProf. S. Srinivasan
Prof. Kaushik Mukherjee
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-mg15ManagementBusiness StatisticsProf. Mukesh Kumar BaruaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesOperations
Managerial Economics
noc25-mg16ManagementConsumer BehaviourProf. Srabanti MukherjeeIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMarketing
noc25-mg17ManagementData Analysis and Decision Making - IProf. Raghu Nandan SenguptaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesOperations
noc25-mg18ManagementDesign Thinking - A PrimerProf. Ashwin Mahalingam
Prof. Bala Ramadurai
IIT MadrasIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg19ManagementE-BusinessProf. Mamata JenamaniIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-mg20ManagementFinancial accounting - IITMandiProf. Puran SinghIIT MandiIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMinor
noc25-mg21ManagementFinancial Derivatives & Risk ManagementProf. J. P. SinghIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg22ManagementFinancial Institutions and MarketsProf. Jitendra MahakudIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesManagerial Economics
Economics & Finance
noc25-mg23ManagementFinancial Management For ManagersProf. Anil K. SharmaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg24ManagementFinancial Statement Analysis and ReportingProf. Anil K. SharmaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg25ManagementFoundation Course in Managerial EconomicsProf. Barnali NagIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesManagerial Economics
noc25-mg26ManagementGlobal Marketing ManagementProf. Zillur RahmanIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMarketing
noc25-mg27ManagementInfrastructure EconomicsProf. Nalin BhartiIIT PatnaIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEconomics
noc25-mg28ManagementInnovation in Marketing and Marketing of InnovationProf. Vinay SharmaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg29ManagementIntegrated Marketing CommunicationProf. Vinay SharmaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMarketing
noc25-mg30ManagementIntegrated Marketing ManagementProf. R. SrinivasanIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-mg31ManagementInternational BusinessProf. Jogendra K. NayakIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-mg32ManagementInternational MarketingProf. Biswarup GhoshIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesMarketing
noc25-mg34ManagementIntroduction to Operations ResearchProf. G. SrinivasanIIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesOperations
Managerial Economics
noc25-mg35ManagementIntroduction to probability and StatisticsProf. G. SrinivasanIIT MadrasIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYesOperations
noc25-mg36ManagementIntroduction to Stochastic ProcessesProf. Manjesh HanawalIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesEconomics & Finance
noc25-mg37ManagementIntroduction to System Dynamics ModelingProf. Jayendran VenkateswaranIIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg38ManagementLeadership and Team EffectivenessProf. Santosh RangnekarIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-mg39ManagementLeadership for India Inc: Practical Concepts and ConstructsProf. C Bhaktavatsala RaoIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYesHuman Resource Management
noc25-mg40ManagementManagement of Commercial BankingProf. Jitendra MahakudIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg41ManagementManagement of Field SalesProf. Jayanta ChatterjeeIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMarketing
noc25-mg42ManagementManagement of Inventory SystemsProf. Pradip Kumar RayIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesOperations
noc25-mg43ManagementManagement of New Products and ServicesProf. Jayanta ChatterjeeIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg44ManagementManaging change in organizationsProf. KBL SrivastavaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesHuman Resource Management
noc25-mg45ManagementMarketing AnalyticsProf. Swagato ChatterjeeIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg46ManagementMarketing Research and Analysis-IIProf. Jogendra K. NayakIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMarketing
noc25-mg47ManagementMCDM Techniques Using RProf. Gaurav DixitIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesOperations
noc25-mg48ManagementModelling and Analytics for Supply Chain ManagementProf. Kunal Kanti Ghosh
Prof. Anupam Ghosh
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg49ManagementMultivariate Procedures with R (in English language)Prof. ShalabhIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg50ManagementOrganizational Behaviour: Individual Dynamics in OrganizationProf. Abraham Cyril IssacIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYesHuman Resource Management
noc25-mg51ManagementOrganizational Design Change and TransformationProf. Susmita Mukhopadhyay
Prof. Sangeeta Sahney
Prof. S. Srinivasan
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesManagerial Economics
noc25-mg52ManagementPrinciples of ManagementProf. Usha LenkaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesMinor
noc25-mg53ManagementProduction and Operation ManagementProf. Rajat AgrawalIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-mg54ManagementPublic Organization and ManagementProf Vaneet KashyapIIT TirupatiIIT Madras12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-mg55ManagementQuality Design And ControlProf. Pradip Kumar RayIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesOperations
noc25-mg56ManagementRetail ManagementProf. Swagato ChatterjeeIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesMarketing
noc25-mg57ManagementSafety and Risk AnalyticsProf. Jhareswar MaitiIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg58ManagementServices Marketing: A Practical ApproachProf. Biplab DattaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMarketing
noc25-mg59ManagementSimulation of Business Systems: An Applied ApproachProf. Deepu PhilipIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg60ManagementStrategic Services MarketingProf. Kalpak KulkarniIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg61ManagementStrategic SourcingProf. Arshinder KaurIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesOperations
noc25-mg62ManagementSupply Chain DigitizationProf. Priyanka Verma
Prof. Sushmita Narayana
Prof. Debabrata Das
IIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesOperations
noc25-mg63ManagementSystems Engineering: Theory & PracticeProf. Deepu PhilipIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg64ManagementTalent Acquisition and ManagementProf. Santosh RangnekarIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesHuman Resource Management
noc25-mg65ManagementTechnology Forecasting for strategic decision making - An IntroductionProf. Dmitry Kucharavy
Prof. Bala Ramadurai
EM Strasbourg Business School (University of Strasbourg)
and IITM
IIT Madras4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg66ManagementBusiness ForecastingProf. Pankaj DuttaIIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mg67ManagementEthics in Engineering PracticeProf. Susmita MukhopadhyayIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Fundamental
Faculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-mg68ManagementMarketing Management - IIProf.Jayanta Chatterjee
Prof. Shashi Shekhar Mishra
IIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMarketing
noc25-mg69ManagementMergers, Acquisitions and Corporate RestructuringProf. Chandra Sekhar MishraIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesManagerial Economics
noc25-mg71ManagementProject ManagementProf. Ramesh AnbanandamIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesOperations
noc25-mg72ManagementQuality Control and Improvement with MINITABProf. Indrajit MukherjeeIIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesOperations
noc25-mg73ManagementSales and Distribution ManagementProf. Sangeeta SahneyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMarketing
noc25-mg74ManagementTotal Quality Management - IProf. Raghu Nandan SenguptaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesOperations
noc25-mg75ManagementYoga and Positive Psychology for Managing Career and LifeProf. Ashish PandeyIIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGELectiveYesPsychology
(Operations Management/Supply Chain Management)
Operations and Revenue AnalyticsProf. Rajat AgrawalIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesOperations
noc25-mg01Management (Finance)Advanced Financial AnalyticsProf. Abhinava TripathiIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEconomics
Economics & Finance
noc25-mg13Management & EntrepreneurshipBusiness Fundamentals for EntrepreneursProf. Devdip PurkayasthaIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mm02Materials ScienceAdvances in Additive Manufacturing of Materials: Current status and emerging opportunitiesProf. Bikramjit BasuIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElective YesMaterials Joining
Manufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-me61Materials Science and EngineeringPhase Transformation in MaterialsProf. Krishanu BiswasIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mm09Materials Science and EngineeringCrystal Symmetry, X-Ray Diffraction and Physical PropertiesProf. Sandeep SangalIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMaterials Characterization
noc25-mm20Materials Science and EngineeringMechanical Behavior of Materials (Hindi)Prof. Niraj Mohan ChawakeIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-mm25Materials Science and EngineeringPhase Diagrams in Materials Science and EngineeringProf. Krishanu BiswasIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma25Mathematical SciencesFunctional Analysis and its ApplicationsProf. Akhilesh PrasadIIT-ISM DhanbadIIT Kharagpur12 weeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ma03MathematicsAdvanced Linear AlgebraProf. Premananda BeraIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ma04MathematicsAdvanced Probability TheoryProf. Niladri ChatterjeeIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ma05MathematicsAlgebra - IIProf. Sankaran Viswanath
Prof. Amritanshu Prasad
IMScIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ma07MathematicsAlgebraic CombinatoricsProf. Amritanshu Prasad
Prof. Sankaran Viswanath
IMScIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesAlgebra
noc25-ma08MathematicsAlgebraic Number TheoryProf. Mahesh KakdeIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesAlgebra
noc25-ma09MathematicsAn Introduction to Hyperbolic GeometryProf. Abhijit PalIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma10MathematicsAn introduction to Point-Set-Topology Part-IProf. Anant R ShastriIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-ma14MathematicsBasic Linear AlgebraProf. I.K.RanaIIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ma15MathematicsBasic Real AnalysisProf. I. K. RanaIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ma16MathematicsComputational Mathematics with SageMathProf. Ajit KumarInstitute of Chemical Technology, MumbaiIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFoundations of mathematics
noc25-ma17MathematicsConstrained And Unconstrained OptimizationProf. A. Goswami
Prof. Debjani Chakraborty
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ma18MathematicsDynamical System and ControlProf. N. Sukavanam
Prof. D. N Pandey
IIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma19MathematicsEngineering Mathematics IIProf. Jitendra KumarIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ma20MathematicsEssentials of Data Science With R Software-1: Probability and Statistical InferenceProf. ShalabhIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma21MathematicsEssentials of Data Science With R Software-2: Sampling Theory and Linear Regression AnalysisProf. ShalabhIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma22MathematicsFirst Course on Partial Differential Equations - IProf. A. K. Nandakumaran
Prof. P. S. Datti
IISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ma23MathematicsFourier Analysis and its applicationsProf. G. K SrinivasanIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma24MathematicsFunctional AnalysisProf. KesavanIMScIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ma26MathematicsGraph TheoryProf. Soumen MaityIISER PUNEIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesFoundations of Computing
noc25-ma28MathematicsIntroduction to Algebraic Geometry and Commutative AlgebraProf. Dilip P. PatilIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma29MathematicsIntroduction to Galois TheoryProf. Krishna HanumanthuCMIIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesAlgebra
noc25-ma30MathematicsIntroduction to Group TheoryProf. R VenkateshIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ma31MathematicsIntroduction to Lie AlgebrasProf. R VenkateshIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma33MathematicsIntroduction to Probability Theory and StatisticsProf. S DharmarajaIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ma34MathematicsIntroduction To Queueing TheoryProf. N. SelvarajuIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma35MathematicsIntroduction To Rings And FieldsProf. Krishna HanumanthuCMIIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGCoreYesAlgebra
Foundations of mathematics
noc25-ma36MathematicsIntroduction to StatisticsProf. Sameen NaqviIIT HyderabadIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ma37MathematicsLinear AlgebraProf. Pranav HaridasKerala School of MathematicsIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoFoundations of mathematics
noc25-ma38MathematicsMathematical Modelling: Analysis and ApplicationsProf. Ameeya Kumar NayakIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ma39MathematicsMultivariable CalculusProf. S. K. Gupta
Prof. Sanjeev Kumar
IIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ma41MathematicsNumerical AnalysisProf. S. BaskarIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma42MathematicsNumerical Linear AlgebraProf. P.N. Agrawal
Prof. D. N Pandey
IIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma43MathematicsNumerical Linear Algebra and ApplicationProf. Srinivasa Rao PentyalaIIT-ISM DhanbadIIT Kharagpur12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma44MathematicsNumerical Methods: Finite difference approachProf. Ameeya Kumar NayakIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ma45MathematicsOrdinary and Partial Differential Equations and ApplicationsProf. P.N. Agrawal
Prof. D. N Pandey
IIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ma46MathematicsPartial Differential Equations (PDE) For Engineers: Solution By Separation Of VariablesProf. Sirshendu DeIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma47MathematicsProbabilistic Methods in PDEProf. Anindya GoswamiIISER PuneIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma48MathematicsProbability -I with Examples Using RProf. Siva AthreyaISI BangaloreIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesFoundations of mathematics
noc25-ma49MathematicsProbability and StatisticsProf. Somesh KumarIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ma50MathematicsReal Analysis IProf. Jaikrishnan JIIT PalakkadIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ma51MathematicsScientific Computing using MatlabProf. Mani Mehra
Prof. Vivek K. Aggarwal
IIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ma52MathematicsScientific Computing using Python (In Hindi)Prof. Mani Mehra
Prof. Vivek K. Aggarwal
IIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 weeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ma53MathematicsSet Theory and Mathematical LogicProf. Amit KuberIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ma55MathematicsStatistical InferenceProf. Niladri ChatterjeeIIT DelhiIIT Delhi8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ma56MathematicsTransform Calculus and its applications in Differential EquationsProf. Adrijit GoswamiIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ma57MathematicsAdvanced Course on Partial Differential Equations - IIProf. A K Nandakumaran
Prof. P S Datti
IISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ma59Mathematics / Statistics / EconomicsOptimization Algorithms: Theory and Software ImplementationProf. Thirumulanathan DIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma40Mathematics & StatisticsMultivariate Procedures with R (in Hindi Language)Prof. ShalabhIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElective Yes
noc25-ma54Mathematics and ComputingSoft Computing TechniquesProf. Santimoy KunduIIT-ISM DhanbadIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ma01MathemeticsAdvanced Computational TechniquesProf. Somnath BhattacharyyaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma02MathemeticsAdvanced Engineering MathematicsProf. H S MahatoIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ma11MathemeticsApplied Linear Algebra in AI and MLProf. Swanand KhareIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ma12MathemeticsApplied Multivariate Statistical ModelingProf. Jhareswar MaitiIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-me55Mechanical & Industrial EngineeringNoise Control in Mechanical SystemsProf. Sneha SinghIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElective YesAdvanced Dynamics and Vibration
noc25-me01Mechanical EngineeringAcoustic Materials And MetamaterialsProf. Sneha SinghIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesAdvanced Dynamics and Vibration
noc25-me02Mechanical EngineeringAdvanced Machining ProcessesProf. Shantanu BhattacharyaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-me04Mechanical EngineeringAdvanced RoboticsProf. Ashish DuttaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me05Mechanical EngineeringApplied ErgonomicsProf. Shantanu Bhattacharya
Prof. Ankur Gupta
IIT Kanpur/IITJodhpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-me06Mechanical EngineeringApplied ThermodynamicsProf. V. RaghavanIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-me07Mechanical EngineeringAutomatic ControlProf. Anil KumarIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-me08Mechanical EngineeringBasics of Finite Element Analysis - IIProf. Nachiketa TiwariIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesAdvanced Mechanics
noc25-me09Mechanical EngineeringBasics of Mechanical Engineering - 2Prof. Janakranjan Ramkumar
Prof. Amandeep Singh Oberoi
IIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesManufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-me10Mechanical EngineeringComputational Fluid Dynamics For Incompressible FlowsProf. Amaresh DalalIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesComputational Thermo Fluids
noc25-me11Mechanical EngineeringComputer Integrated ManufacturingProf. J. Ramkumar
Prof. Amandeep Singh
IIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesManufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-me12Mechanical EngineeringConduction And Convection Heat TransferProf. Suman Chakraborty
Prof. Sankar Kumar Som
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoEnergy Systems
noc25-me13Mechanical EngineeringConvective Heat TransferProf. Arup Kumar DasIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-me14Mechanical EngineeringData-Enabled Tribological Engineering: From Experiments to Predictive ModelsProf. (HAG) Harish HiraniIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-me15Mechanical EngineeringDesign of Mechanical Transmission SystemsProf. RamkumarIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me16Mechanical EngineeringDesign PracticeProf. Shantanu BhattacharyaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesProduct Design
noc25-me17Mechanical EngineeringDynamics and Control of Mechanical SystemsProf. Ashitava GhosalIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesAdvanced Mechanics
Advanced Dynamics and Vibration
Computational Mechanics
noc25-me18Mechanical EngineeringElectronic Packaging and ManufacturingProf. Anandaroop Bhattacharya Prof. Goutam ChakrabortyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me19Mechanical EngineeringEngine system and performanceProf. Pranab K. MondalIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPropulsion
noc25-me21Mechanical EngineeringEngineering Thermodynamics in HindiProf. Jayant K. SinghIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-me22Mechanical EngineeringEvolutionary Computation For Single And Multi-Objective OptimizationProf. Deepak SharmaIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesComputational Engineering
Computational Thermo Fluids
Computational Mechanics
noc25-me23Mechanical EngineeringExperimental Stress AnalysisProf. K. RameshIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesAdvanced Mechanics
noc25-me25Mechanical EngineeringFailure Analysis And PreventionProf. D. K. DwivediIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 Weeks + 4 Weeks (New)NewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me26Mechanical EngineeringFinancial MathematicsProf. P. K. JhaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEconomics & Finance
noc25-me27Mechanical EngineeringFinite Element Modeling Of Welding ProcessesProf. Swarup BagIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesAdvanced Mechanics
Manufacturing Processes and Technology
Computational Mechanics
Materials Joining
noc25-me28Mechanical EngineeringFundamental Of Welding Science And TechnologyProf. Pankaj BiswasIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-me29Mechanical EngineeringFundamentals of CombustionProf. V. RaghavanIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPropulsion
Computational Thermo Fluids
noc25-me30Mechanical EngineeringFundamentals of combustion for propulsionProf. S.Varunkumar
Prof. H.S.Mukunda
IIT Madras
IISc Bangalore
IIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesPropulsion
noc25-me31Mechanical EngineeringFundamentals Of Compressible FlowProf. Niranjan SahooIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesComputational Engineering
Computational Thermo Fluids
noc25-me32Mechanical EngineeringFundamentals Of Nuclear Power GenerationProf. Dipankar N. BasuIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me33Mechanical EngineeringFundamentals of Surface Engineering: Mechanisms, Processes and CharacterizationsProf. D. K. DwivediIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-me34Mechanical EngineeringFundamentals of thermo-mechanical & fatigue analysis of welded structureProf. Pankaj BiswasIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesManufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-me35Mechanical EngineeringHeat Transfer and Combustion in Multiphase SystemsProf. Saptarshi BasuIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-me36Mechanical EngineeringIC Engines And Gas TurbinesProf. Pranab K. Mondal,
Prof. Vinayak N. Kulkarni
IIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-me37Mechanical EngineeringIdeal fluid flows using complex analysisProf. Amit GuptaIIT DelhiIIT Delhi4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-me38Mechanical EngineeringIndustrial Hydraulics and AutomationProf. Niranjan Kumar
Prof. Ajit Kumar
IIT-ISM DhanbadIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-me39Mechanical EngineeringInspection And Quality Control In ManufacturingProf. Kaushik PalIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me40Mechanical EngineeringIntroduction to Abrasive Machining and Finishing ProcessesProf. Mamilla Ravi SankarIIT TirupatiIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me41Mechanical EngineeringIntroduction to Fluid MechanicsProf. Suman ChakrabortyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoComputational Thermo Fluids
noc25-me42Mechanical EngineeringIntroduction to Machining and Machining FluidsProf. Mamilla Ravi SankarIIT TirupatiIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-me43Mechanical EngineeringIntroduction To Mechanical Micro MachiningProf. Ajay M SidparaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesManufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-me44Mechanical EngineeringIntroduction to Soft MatterProf. Aloke KumarIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me45Mechanical EngineeringIntroduction To Uncertainty Analysis And ExperimentationProf. S.R. KaleIIT DelhiIIT Delhi8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me46Mechanical EngineeringKinematics of Mechanisms and MachinesProf. Anirvan DasguptaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesRobotics
noc25-me47Mechanical EngineeringMachinery Fault Diagnosis And Signal ProcessingProf. Amiya Ranjan MohantyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesManufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-me48Mechanical EngineeringMachining ScienceProf. Sounak Kumar ChoudhuryIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesManufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-me49Mechanical EngineeringManufacturing AutomationProf. Sounak Kumar ChoudhuryIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-me50Mechanical EngineeringManufacturing Guidelines For Product DesignProf. Inderdeep SinghIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesProduct Design
noc25-me51Mechanical EngineeringManufacturing Process Technology I & IIProf.Shantanu BhattacharyaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-me52Mechanical EngineeringMechanical Measurement SystemsProf. Ravi KumarIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-me53Mechanical EngineeringMechanics Of MachiningProf. Uday S. DixitIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesManufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-me54Mechanical EngineeringNature and Properties of MaterialsProf. Bishakh BhattacharyaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-me56Mechanical EngineeringNoise Management & ControlProf. Nachiketa TiwariIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-me57Mechanical EngineeringNonlinear VibrationProf. S. K. DwivedyIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesAdvanced Dynamics and Vibration
noc25-me58Mechanical EngineeringOil Hydraulics and PneumaticsProf. Somashekhar SIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesManufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-me59Mechanical EngineeringOperations ManagementProf. Inderdeep SinghIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesManufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-me60Mechanical EngineeringOptimization from fundamentalsProf. Ankur A. KulkarniIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYesComputational Engineering
Computational Thermo Fluids
Computational Mechanics
noc25-me62Mechanical EngineeringPower Plant System EngineeringProf. Niranjan SahooIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-me63Mechanical EngineeringPrinciples Of Casting TechnologyProf. P. K. JhaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-me64Mechanical EngineeringPrinciples Of Industrial EngineeringProf. D. K. DwivediIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoManufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-me65Mechanical EngineeringPrinciples Of Mechanical MeasurementProf. Dipankar N. BasuIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-me66Mechanical EngineeringProcessing of Polymers and Polymer CompositesProf. Inderdeep SinghIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-me67Mechanical EngineeringProduct Design and ManufacturingProf. J.Ramkumar
Prof. Amandeep Singh
IIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesProduct Design
noc25-me68Mechanical EngineeringProduct Engineering and Design ThinkingProf. Pranab K Dan
Prof. Prabir Sarkar
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-me69Mechanical EngineeringRobotics and Control : Theory and PracticeProf. N. Sukavanam
Prof. M. Felix Orlando
IIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesRobotics
Product Design
Advanced Dynamics and Vibration
noc25-me70Mechanical EngineeringRobotics: Basics and Selected Advanced ConceptsProf. Ashitava GhosalAhmedabad UniversityIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesManufacturing Processes and Technology
Product Design
noc25-me71Mechanical EngineeringStatistical Thermodynamics for EngineersProf. Saptarshi BasuIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me72Mechanical EngineeringSteam And Gas Power SystemsProf. Ravi KumarIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-me73Mechanical EngineeringStrength Of Materials - IITMProf. K.RameshIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoStructural Analysis
noc25-me74Mechanical EngineeringSurface Engineering Of NanomaterialsProf. Kaushik PalIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me75Mechanical EngineeringTheory Of Composite ShellsProf. Poonam KumariIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesAdvanced Mechanics
noc25-me76Mechanical EngineeringTheory of Rectangular Plates-Part1Prof. Poonam KumariIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-me77Mechanical EngineeringThermal Engineering: Basic and AppliedProf. Pranab K. MondalIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-me78Mechanical EngineeringThermodynamicsProf. S.R. KaleIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me79Mechanical EngineeringTurbulent Combustion: Theory and ModellingProf. Ashoke DeIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesComputational Thermo Fluids
Product Design
noc25-me80Mechanical EngineeringTwo Phase Flow And Heat TransferProf. Arup Kumar DasIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me81Mechanical EngineeringTwo-Phase Flow With Phase Change In Conventional And Miniature ChannelsProf. Manmohan PandeyIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-me82Mechanical EngineeringViscous Fluid FlowProf. Amaresh DalalIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesComputational Thermo Fluids
noc25-me83Mechanical EngineeringWelding MetallurgyProf. P. K. JhaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 weeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesMaterials Joining
noc25-me84Mechanical EngineeringWheeled Mobile RobotsProf. Asokan Thondiyath
Prof. Santhakumar Mohan
IIT Palakkad
IIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesRobotics
Manufacturing Processes and Technology
Product Design
noc25-me85Mechanical EngineeringAdvanced Robotics ApplicationsProf. Ashish DuttaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesRobotics
noc25-me86Mechanical EngineeringCollaborative Robots (COBOTS): Theory and PracticeProf. Arun Dayal UdaiIIT-ISM DhanbadIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesRobotics
noc25-me87Mechanical EngineeringCryogenic Hydrogen TechnologyProf. Indranil GhoshIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me88Mechanical EngineeringIntroduction to Solidification ProcessingProf. Swarup BagIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-me90Mechanical EngineeringMechanics of Sheet Metal FormingProf. R Ganesh NarayananIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me91Mechanical EngineeringMechatronicsProf. Pushparaj Mani PathakIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesManufacturing Processes and Technology
Product Design
noc25-me92Mechanical EngineeringMetal Cutting And Machine ToolsProf. Asimava Roy ChoudhuryIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesManufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-me93Mechanical EngineeringModelling And Simulation Of Dynamic SystemsProf. Pushparaj Mani PathakIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesRobotics
noc25-me95Mechanical EngineeringSmart Materials and Intelligent System DesignProf. Bishakh BhattacharyaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-me89Mechanical Engineering- ManufacturingManufacturing of turbines (gas, steam, hydro and wind)Prof. Sunny ZafarIIT MandiIIT Madras8 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElective YesManufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-me03Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, PhysicsAdvanced Measurement Techniques in Fluid Mechanics and Heat TransferProf Saptarshi BasuIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesMinor 1
Energy Systems
noc25-me94Mechanical Engineering, Materials EngineeringNavigating the Latest Trends in Additive Manufacturing LandscapeProf. Alankar
Prof. Akshatha Hulmani Dayananda
IIT Bombay-Wipro 3DIIT Bombay4 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMaterials Joining
Manufacturing Processes and Technology
noc25-mm03Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringAqueous Corrosion and Its ControlProf. V.S. RajaIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMinor in Metallurgy
Materials Joining
Minor in Materials Science
noc25-mm05Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringCarbon Materials and ManufacturingProf. Swati SharmaIIT MandiIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-mm07Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringCorrosion - Part IProf. Kallol MondalIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-mm08Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringCorrosion Protection MethodsProf. Kallol MondalIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-mm10Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringDealing with materials data : collection, analysis and interpretationProf. M P Gururajan
Prof. Hina Gokhale
IIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesMinor in Metallurgy
noc25-mm11Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringDefects in Crystalline Solids (Part-II)Prof. Shashank ShekharIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-mm12Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringDiffusion in Multicomponent SolidsProf. Kaustubh KulkarniIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMinor in Metallurgy
noc25-mm15Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringFundamentals Of Electronic Materials And DevicesProf. Parasuraman SwaminathanIIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesElectronic Materials
noc25-mm16Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringIntroduction To Crystal Elasticity And Crystal PlasticityProf. Swarup BagIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mm17Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringIntroduction to materials science and engineeringProf. Rajesh PrasadIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoMinor in Metallurgy
Minor in Materials Science
noc25-mm18Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringMaterial CharacterizationProf.S. SankaranIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesMinor in Metallurgy
Electronic Materials
Minor in Materials Science
noc25-mm19Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringMaterials Science and EngineeringProf. Vivek PancholiIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-mm21Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringMechanical Behaviour of Materials (Part - I)Prof. Shashank Shekhar
Prof. Sudhanshu Shekhar Singh
IIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoMaterials Joining
Electronic Materials
Materials Characterization
Minor in Metallurgy
noc25-mm22Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringMine Automation and Data AnalyticsProf. Radhakanta KonerIIT-ISM DhanbadIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-mm26Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringPrinciples of Extractive MetallurgyProf. Tarun Kumar KunduIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoMinor in Metallurgy
noc25-mm27Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringSolar Photovoltaics: Principles, Technologies & MaterialsProf. Ashish GargIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesElectronic Materials
noc25-mm28Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringSurface Engineering for Corrosion and Wear Resistance ApplicationProf. Indranil Manna
Prof. Jyotsna Dutta Majumdar
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mm29Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringTheory and Practice of Non Destructive TestingProf. Ranjit BauriIIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesManufacturing Processes and Technology
Materials Joining
Materials Characterization
noc25-mm30Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringTransport Phenomena in MaterialsProf. G. PhanikumarIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-mm31Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringWelding ProcessesProf. Murugaiyan AmirthalingamIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMaterials Joining
Minor in Metallurgy
noc25-mm32Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringCathodic Protection EngineeringProf. V.S. RajaIIT BombayIIT Bombay4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMaterials Joining
noc25-mm34Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringProperties of Materials (Nature and Properties of Materials : III)Prof. Ashish GargIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesMinor in Metallurgy
Minor in Materials Science
noc25-mm04Metallurgy and Mererial ScienceBulk Material Transport and Handling SystemsProf. Khanindra PathakIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-mm01Metallurgy, Material science, and ManufacturingAdvanced Manufacturing and Process ModellingProf. Prosenjit DasIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 weeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-mm13Metallurgy, Materials Science and EngineeringDiffusion in SolidsProf. Mayur VaidyaIIT HyderabadIIT Madras12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesMinor in Materials Science
Materials Joining
noc25-ce37Mining EngineeringIntroduction to Mineral ProcessingProf. Arun Kumar MajumderIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesMinor in Metallurgy
noc25-mm14Mining EngineeringDrilling And Blasting TechnologyProf. Kaushik DeyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-mm23Mining EngineeringMineral Economics and BusinessProf. Bibhuti Bhusan Mandal
Prof. Shantanu Kumar Patel
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoManagerial Economics
noc25-mm24Mining EngineeringMining MachineryProf. Khanindra PathakIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-mm33Mining EngineeringNetwork Analysis For Mines And Mineral EngineeringProf. Kaushik DeyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-bt15MultidisciplinaryConservation EconomicsProf. Ankur AwadhiyaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-bt20MultidisciplinaryForests and their ManagementProf. Ankur AwadhiyaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-ee55MultidisciplinaryNeural Science for EngineersProf. Vikas VIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesBioengineering
noc25-ge01MultidisciplinaryAn Overview on Maternal Health Antenatal, Intranatal and Postnatal CareProf. Barnali GhoshIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ge02MultidisciplinaryBasic Certificate in Palliative Care - 2Prof. Geeta Joshi
Prof. Piyush Gupta
International Institute of Distance Learning, An Initiative of NAPCAIMIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-ge03MultidisciplinaryBasic Course in OrnithologyProf. Mousumi Ghosh
Prof. Manjari Jain
Prof. R Jayapal
Prof. Suhel Quader
Prof. V.V. Robin
Prof. Umesh Srinivasan
IISER Mohali
IISER Tirupati
IIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ge04MultidisciplinaryBasics of Mental Health & Clinical PsychiatryProf. Arijita Banerjee
Prof. Sumit Kumar
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ge05MultidisciplinaryBiophotonicsProf. Basudev LahiriIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesPhotonics
noc25-ge07MultidisciplinaryComprehensive Molecular Diagnostics and Advanced Gene Expression AnalysisProf. Aritri Bir
Prof. Arindam Ghosh
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYesBioengineering
Computational Biology
noc25-ge08MultidisciplinaryDesigning Learner-Centric MOOCsProf. Sahana Murthy
Prof. Jayakrishnan M
Prof. Sameer Sahasrabudhe
IIT BombayIIT Bombay8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-ge09MultidisciplinaryEffective Engineering Teaching In PracticeProf. G. K. Suraishkumar
Prof. Edamana Prasad
Prof. Richa Verma
IIT MadrasIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Fundamental
Faculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-ge10MultidisciplinaryEngineering StatisticsProf. Manjesh HanawalIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ge11MultidisciplinaryEntrepreneurship EssentialsProf. Manoj Kumar MondalIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ge12MultidisciplinaryFoundation Certificate In Palliative Care - 1Prof. Geeta Joshi
Prof. Piyush Gupta
International Institute of Distance Learning, An Initiative of NAPCAIMIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-ge13MultidisciplinaryFundamental Of Fluid Mechanics For Chemical And Biomedical EngineersProf. Raghvendra GuptaIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNoBioprocesses
Minor 3
noc25-ge15MultidisciplinaryFuzzy Logic and Neural NetworksProf. Dilip Kumar PratiharIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ge16MultidisciplinaryGroundwater hydrology and managementProf. Pennan ChinnasamyIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesEnvironment
noc25-ge17MultidisciplinaryIntroduction to Environmental Engineering and Science - Fundamental and Sustainability ConceptsProf. Brajesh K DubeyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ge19MultidisciplinaryIntroduction to Reliability EngineeringProf. Neeraj Kumar GoyalIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-ge20MultidisciplinaryManagement of Medical Emergencies in Dental PracticeMultifacultyTagore Dental College & Hospital & IITMIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ge21MultidisciplinaryMulti-Criteria Decision Making and ApplicationsProf. Raghu Nandan SenguptaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ge22MultidisciplinaryNanobio Technology Enabled Point-of-Care DevicesProf. Gorachand DuttaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ge23MultidisciplinaryNBA Accreditation and Teaching and learning in Engineering (NATE)Prof. N J Rao
Prof. K Rajanikanth
IISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Fundamental
Faculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-ge24MultidisciplinaryNon-conventional energy ResourcesProf. Prathap HaridossIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesEnergy and Environment
Energy Systems
noc25-ge25MultidisciplinaryOne HealthMulti FacultyICMR - Regional Medical Research Centre, BhubaneswarIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ge26MultidisciplinaryOral BiologyProf. Ramya and TeamSaveetha Dental College & IITMIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-ge27MultidisciplinaryQualitative Research Methods and Research WritingProf. Aradhna MalikIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-ge28MultidisciplinaryResearch MethodologyProf. Edamana Prasad
Prof. Prathap Haridoss
IIT MadrasIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 22, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Fundamental
noc25-ge29MultidisciplinaryResearch Methodology in Natural SciencesProf. Soumitro BanerjeeIISER KolkataIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Fundamental
noc25-ge30MultidisciplinaryRoadmap for patent creationProf. Gouri GargateIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPatents and Intellectual Property Rights
noc25-ge31MultidisciplinaryRural Water Resources ManagementProf. Pennan ChinnasamyIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesEnvironment
noc25-ge32MultidisciplinarySustainable Mining and GeoinformationProf. B. K. Prusty
Prof. M. D. Behera
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ge33MultidisciplinaryTeaching And Learning in Engineering (TALE)Prof. N J RaoIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Fundamental
Faculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-ge34MultidisciplinaryAn Introduction to Urban Ecological Heritage: Theories and ApplicationsProf. Jenia MukherjeeIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ge35MultidisciplinaryExperimental RoboticsProf. Dilip Kumar PratiharIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ge36MultidisciplinaryMedical LawProf. Chaitanya Mittal
Prof. Narendran Thiruthy
IIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ge37MultidisciplinaryOutcome based pedagogic principles for effective teachingProf. Shyamal Kumar Das MandalIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYesFaculty Domain - Fundamental
Faculty Domain - Advanced
noc25-ge38MultidisciplinaryPulmonary Function tests - Interpretation and application in clinical practiceMultifacultyChettinad Hospital and Research InstituteIIT Madras4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ge39MultidisciplinaryRecommender SystemsProf. Mamata JenamaniIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ge40MultidisciplinaryVulnerability Studies: An IntroductionProf. Pramod K NayarUniversity of HyderabadIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ge41MultidisciplinaryLocal Anaesthesia in DentistryProf. Ramakrishna Shenoi
Prof. Bhagawan Das Rai
Prof. Ashi Chug
Prof. Madan Mishra
Prof. Sneha
Prof. S. Jimson
Prof. Kannan Balaraman
Prof. Sobhan Mishra
Multi-InstituteIIT Madras8 weeksNewFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ge06Multidisciplinary, Palliative CareCertificate in Integrative Palliative Care - 3Prof. Piyush Gupta
Prof. Geeta Joshi
Prof. Yashavant Joshi
International Institute of Distance Learning, An Initiative of NAPCAIMIIT Kanpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 27, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-oe01Ocean EngineeringAdvanced design of steel structuresProf. Srinivasan ChandrasekaranIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-oe02Ocean EngineeringOffshore Structures Under Special Environmental Loads Including Fire ResistanceProf. Srinivasan ChandrasekaranIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-oe04Ocean EngineeringSurface Facilities for Oil and Gas HandlingProf. Abdus SamadIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-oe03Ocean Engineering and Naval ArchitectureSeakeeping of Ships and Offshore StructuresProf. Ranadev DattaIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-bt44Physical / Chemical / Life sciences, any relevant engineering disciplines Biotechnology, Biomedical engineering, Nanotechnology, Chemical engineering, Polymer engineering, or equivalent Pharma / Medical students,Experimental NanobiotechnologyProf. P.GopinathIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee4 WeeksNewFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025April 27, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYesPolymers and Colloidal Materials
noc25-ph01PhysicsA Brief Course On SuperconductivityProf. Saurabh BasuIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati4 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025February 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ph02PhysicsAdvanced NMR Techniques in Solution and Solid-StateProf. N. SuryaprakashIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ph03PhysicsAn Introduction to Lasers and Laser SystemsProf. Dhruba J. Biswas
Prof. J. Padma Nilaya
IIT Bombay-Homi Bhabha National Institute(HBNI)IIT Bombay12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ph04PhysicsAtomic And Molecular PhysicsProf. Amal Kumar DasIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ph06PhysicsElectronic Theory of SolidsProf. Arghya TaraphderIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ph07PhysicsElements of Modern PhysicsProf. Saurabh BasuIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ph08PhysicsExperimental Physics - IIProf. Amal Kumar DasIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ph09PhysicsFluid Dynamics for AstrophysicsProf. Prasad SubramanianIISER PuneIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ph10PhysicsFoundations of quantum theory: Relativistic approachProf. Kinjalk LochanIISER MohaliIIT Madras12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-ph11PhysicsFundamentals of Attosecond Science and Technology (FAST)Prof. Sivarama KrishnanIIT MadrasIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ph12PhysicsGroup Theory methods in PhysicsProf. P. RamadeviIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-ph13PhysicsIntroduction to Atmospheric and Space SciencesProf. M V Sunil KrishnaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ph14PhysicsIntroduction To Statistical MechanicsProf. Girish S. SetlurIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ph15PhysicsMathematical Methods in Physics 1Prof. Auditya SharmaIISER BhopalIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ph16PhysicsNuclear AstrophysicsProf. Anil Kumar GourishettyIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ph17PhysicsParticle Physics and the Standard ModelProf. Nirmal RajIISc BangaloreIISc Bangalore12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGCoreYes
noc25-ph18PhysicsPhysics of Biological SystemsProf. Mithun MitraIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ph19PhysicsPhysics of Linear And Nonlinear Optical WaveguidesProf. Samudra RoyIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ph20PhysicsPhysics through Computational ThinkingProf. Auditya SharmaIISER BhopalIIT Madras8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ph21PhysicsPlasma Physics and ApplicationsProf. M.V. Sunil KrishnaIIT RoorkeeIIT Roorkee12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ph22PhysicsQuantum Mechanics IProf. P. RamadeviIIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ph23PhysicsQuantum TransportProf. Madhu ThalakulamIISER ThiruvananthapuramIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ph24PhysicsStatistical MechanicsProf. Dipanjan ChakrabortyIISER MohaliIIT Madras12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes
noc25-ph25PhysicsTapestry of Field theory: Classical & Quantum, Equilibrium & Nonequilibrium PerspectivesProf. Mahendra K. VermaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ph27PhysicsThermal physicsProf. Debamalya BanerjeeIIT KharagpurIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-ph28PhysicsQuantum Entanglement: Fundamentals, measures and applicationsProf. Amarendra Kumar SarmaIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati4 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025March 14, 2025May 3, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-ph29PhysicsTopology and Condensed Matter PhysicsProf. Saurabh BasuIIT GuwahatiIIT Guwahati8 WeeksRerunFebruary 17, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025February 17, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-ph26Physics / EngineeringThe Science of Light Amplification: An Extensive Laser courseProf. Paramita DebBhabha Atomic Research Centre(BARC)-IIT BombayIIT Bombay12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElectiveYes
noc25-cs55Science and EngineeringPractical High-Performance ComputingProf. Mahendra VermaIIT KanpurIIT Kanpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025April 26, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElective Yes
noc25-hs53Sports (Cricket Specialization)Level-O Certificate Course in Cricket CoachingProf. Abhijit ThanderVisva-BharatiIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 3, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-hs22Sports BiomechanicsExercise and Sports BiomechanicsProf. Viswanath Sundar
Prof. P.Rajinikumar
Prof. Rahul Tiwari
Visva-BharatiIIT Kharagpur12 WeeksNewJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025PGElective YesSports Science
noc25-te01Textile EngineeringAdvanced Textile Printing TechnologyProf. Kushal SenIIT DelhiIIT Delhi8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-te02Textile EngineeringEvaluation of Textiles MaterialsProf. Apurba DasIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGCoreNo
noc25-te04Textile EngineeringTesting of Functional and Technical TextilesProf. Apurba DasIIT DelhiIIT Delhi8 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025March 14, 2025March 23, 2025January 27, 2025February 14, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-te05Textile EngineeringTextile Product Design and DevelopmentProf. R ChattopadhyayIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-te06Textile EngineeringTextured Yarn TechnologyProf. Kushal SenIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGElectiveYes
noc25-te07Textile EngineeringTheory of Yarn StructureProf. Dipayan DasIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UGElectiveYes
noc25-te03Textile TechnologyNew Spinning TechnologiesProf. R ChattopadhyayIIT DelhiIIT Delhi12 WeeksRerunJanuary 20, 2025April 11, 2025May 4, 2025January 27, 2025February 28, 2025UG/PGCoreYes