Eco Futurists

Eco Futurists

By Professor Andy Lowe

Our future depends on bold ideas that improve our natural environment while driving innovation.
Eco Futurists is more than a podcast, it’s a platform for conversation, bringing together people with fresh perspectives, innovative solutions, and a shared commitment to a sustainable tomorrow.
From scientific experts and industry pioneers to artists, adventurers, and community leaders, we spotlight those making a difference locally and globally. These are the voices of Eco Futurists working to create a greener, brighter future for our planet.
Supported by The Environment Institute, Adelaide Uni
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The Cycle of Influence, Laws and Nature

Eco FuturistsNov 13, 2024
Can We Really Eat the Invaders? (video)

Can We Really Eat the Invaders? (video)

The ABC TV series Eat The Invaders has sparked curiosity—and controversy—by asking a bold question: Can we eat our way out of Australia’s invasive species crisis?

Who better to answer this question than some of the creators of this wild and thought-provoking show, Matthew Bate and Poppy Fitzpatrick? In this episode, host Prof Andy Lowe celebrates their bold vision, of turning a complex environmental issue into a conversation-starter (or perhaps tasty appetiser) for everyone. 

From cane toads to cats, they took a fun, fresh approach to a topic that’s often met with frustration and fatigue. But here’s the catch though: while eating invasive species might make for great TV, science tells us it’s not going to be the miracle cure. So what is? Andy unpacks the hard reality of tackling this environmental crisis—where suppression strategies like targeted viruses and ecosystem restoration come into play.

One thing’s for sure: this series has people talking again, and we’re here to keep the conversation going. So, what do you think—would you put cane toad on your plate?

Andy and his colleague, Professor Phill Cassey, served as scientific advisors for the show, ensuring that the balance between entertainment and ecological accuracy was spot-on.

* video cast available on Spotify and YouTube

Eco Futurists is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide 

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Book: Eat the Problem by Kirsha Kaechele of Mona

Eat The Invaders on ABC iview

Closer Productions

University of Adelaide press release, Eat The Invaders

Professor Phill Cassey

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Feb 09, 202554:34
Science in the media in a post truth world

Science in the media in a post truth world

We live in a time when algorithms track our every click through the media scape and keep feeding us similar information. So how do we know when we’re being duped? How do we ensure that the scientific ‘fact’ we’re consuming is, in fact, truthful, and how do we get science fact out there? In this episode host Prof Andy Lowe and guest science communicator and ex-The Conversation editor Sarah Keenihan get real about cutting through the noise and identifying trustworthy science in a post truth world.

Eco Futurists is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide 

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Sarah Keenihan

Australian Science Media Centre

The Conversation

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Jan 23, 202533:55
When the invaders are locked out: bringing back threatened native species in outback Australia 

When the invaders are locked out: bringing back threatened native species in outback Australia 

When the continent of Australia was settled by Europeans they came with their cats, foxes, rabbits and any number of foreign animals. It didn’t take long for these ‘invaders’ to destabilise delicate ecosystems and lead to a wave of the extinction amongst native animals. In this episode host Prof Andy Lowe is joined by Katherine Tuft and Nathan Manders of Arid Recovery, an independent not-for-profit advancing conservation science for Australian threatened species in Roxby Downs South Australia. They explore the challenges and wins of the 25 years of Arid Recovery’s existence, and explore ideas for the future of conservation in the world’s arid lands. 

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Arid Recovery 

Arid Recovery Sunset Tour 

Arid Recovery Education and School Visits  

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Jan 08, 202542:29
A walk in the park? The park systems that help shape our cities, cultures, and civic identities

A walk in the park? The park systems that help shape our cities, cultures, and civic identities

Whether they be nature parks in cities or urban areas in nature, what’s the process for navigating how cities and nature come together? How do people use and move through these spaces? Host Prof Andy Lowe is joined by Matthew Skjonsberg, Director of the Praxis Institute in Switzerland, and author of Living Cities: Three Centuries of Years of Park Systems  to explore the rich cultural history of park systems, as well as the challenges facing people in their stewardship of both cities and parks moving forward.


Eco Futurists is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide


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Book - Living Cities: Three Centuries of Years of Park Systems


Governor’s Island Project 


Madrid/Rio Riverfront Project 


Exhibition - Water Designs: l’eau dessine la ville 


School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Adelaide



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Jan 01, 202541:33
Citizen Scientists: the willing and able who are helping drive research forward

Citizen Scientists: the willing and able who are helping drive research forward

They may not have research degrees or formal qualifications,but there are millions of people globally putting their hands up to and participating in Citizen Science projects. Community science puts ordinary citizens front and center in often groundbreaking research, with amazing results.  In this episode host Prof Andy Lowe has a delightful conversation with Dr Erinn Fagen-Jeffries and Prof Frank Grützner about the lessons learned in the evolution of Citizen Science projects, echidna poo, and a new insect named ‘Oreo’. 


Eco Futurists is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide


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Echidna CSI


Insect Investigators


Sci Starter


Australian Citizen Science Association


Dr Erinn Fagan-Fagan Jeffries



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Dec 26, 202445:10
The Cycle of Influence, Laws and Nature

The Cycle of Influence, Laws and Nature

What is the Law's role, locally and internationally, in implementing good practises and emerging technologies to remedy declining biodiversity and a changing climate? Are legal systems too cumbersome to act with the urgency demanded by academia, community and industry?

In this stimulating episode we speak with Dr Phillipa McCormack

Postdoctoral Researcher, and Dr Kerryn Brent.

Eco Futurists is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide

Previous episodes dealing with law:

Exotic plants and animals: the illegal wildlife trade happening right under your nose

What’s the currency of biodiversity?

Water: too much, too little, too dirty

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Nov 13, 202442:12
Trees are not the problem: taking a holistic approach to reverse deforestation

Trees are not the problem: taking a holistic approach to reverse deforestation

When you disregard human factors and ignore faulty systems, you might just be left up the creek without a paddle. CIFOR ICRAF has been tackling the deforestation dilemma for decades; and considers forests as part of a larger integrated system rather than an isolated problem. In this episode, CIFOR DG Robert Nasi Susie with host Prof Andy Lowe about how to influence the broader economic system to change the course of biodiversity loss and societal inequity across the globe.

Eco Futurists is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide 


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Oct 09, 202443:42
Keeping curiosity: youth reflections on Dr Jane Goodall’s quest for a more sustainable future

Keeping curiosity: youth reflections on Dr Jane Goodall’s quest for a more sustainable future

Join us in this energetic and motivating episode with Tiahni Adamson (Young South Australian of the Year 2024) and Shannon Evenden (Science Communicator with The Green Room). They talk all things kids, nature, and how being more like mud not stone might be just the answer to our conservation and climate change challenges.


Eco Futurists is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide 


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Jane Goodall Institute Australia


The Forest of Hope


Uluru Statement from the Heart




Green Adelaide


The Green Room



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Sep 11, 202447:51
Jane Goodall on nature education, empathy, local focus, and some timeless advice from her mother

Jane Goodall on nature education, empathy, local focus, and some timeless advice from her mother

Jane Goodall is a living icon. While we’re most familiar with Jane’s conservation promotion through her work on animal behaviour, she also works tirelessly reaching out to the younger generation, fostering a global community of conservation. Jane was recently in Australia and as part of a public lecture spoke with Eco Futurist host Prof Andy Lowe during The Jane Goodall Institute’s ‘Reasons for Hope Tour’. This podcast is a recording of this public ‘fire side chat’ with Jane.

Eco Futurists is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide 

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Jane Goodall Institute Australia

Roots and Shoots Australia

Jane Goodall Institute

Roots & Shoots USA

Reasons for Hope Tour

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Aug 07, 202438:29
Action as the antidote to despair: creative pathways for young adults to connect with community and conservation

Action as the antidote to despair: creative pathways for young adults to connect with community and conservation

It can be easy to get overwhelmed by all the information we have around the effects of changing climate. How do young adults in particular combat ‘eco anxiety’ while at the same time maintaining motivation to be part of the solution amidst a rapidly escalating sense of urgency around environmental conservation efforts?

In this episode we speak with Kirsty Bevan CEO of Nature Conservation Society of South Australia  and Acting CEO of Conservation Council of South Australia and Maddie McShane Nature Advocacy Researcher and Campaigner, and Director of Earth Jam!

Eco Futurists is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide 

Learn More: 

Earth Jam!

Nature Conservation Society of South Australia

Conservation Council of South Australia

Adelaide City Council

Music SA

South Australian Grassroots Ecosystem

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Feb 07, 202439:28
Sowing the seeds for the future of health, resilience, and environmental protection

Sowing the seeds for the future of health, resilience, and environmental protection

Have you ever had a memory from childhood that took you back to nature? Maybe it was the smell after the rain, freshly cut grass, or the warmth from of the sun on your skin. How do our experiences of the natural world as children affect us as adults? Are these effects lasting or do we need to ‘top up’ our nature reserves to reap the full benefits that nature has to give? How can we fill our ‘nature cup’ when the demands of day-to-day modern existence can often pull us away from the natural environment?

In this episode we explore all this an more with Human Geographer Melissa Nursey-Bray Deputy Director, Institute of Sustainability, Energy and Resources (ISER), and Dr Mark Kohler Senior Lecturer School of Psychology, Faculty of Health and Medica

l Sciences

Eco Futurists is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide 

Learn More: 

School of Psychology

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences

Wellbeing in Learning and Development Lab (WiLDlab):

Youth Symposium on Human Nature Connection in the Anthropocene:

Roots and Shoots Australia:

Jane Goodall Institute Australia Resource Box

Review Article:

Children & Nature Network:

Institute of Sustainability, Energy and Resources (ISER)

Finding the Fab Five

Adaptation Community Environment Research Group (ACE)

Department of Geography, Environment and Population

Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Education (ABLE)

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Nov 15, 202346:42
You can’t build an ego when caring for a stream
Oct 25, 202317:26
Exotic plants and animals: the illegal wildlife trade happening right under your nose

Exotic plants and animals: the illegal wildlife trade happening right under your nose

There is increasing interest in owning wild and exotic animals and the internet is able to serve up whatever your heart desires, even if importing these animals is illegal.

In this episode we speak with Prof Phill Cassey and PhD student Charlotte Lassaline both from the School of Biological Sciences as well as from the Invasion Science and Wildlife Ecology Group at the University of Adelaide . We examine what it’s going to take to conserve and recover ecosystems in a world where wildlife is being traded not only in secret corners of the internet, but often right in front of our eyes.

Eco Futurists is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide

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School of Biological Sciences University of Adelaide
Invasion Science and Wildlife Ecology Group University of Adelaide

You can contact Eco Futurists podcast here

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Sep 06, 202334:36
Nature deprivation: the real consequences

Nature deprivation: the real consequences

Are you getting the best microbes on offer? What are microbes anyway and why should we care?

If you’ve ever heard of the term “microbiome” you probably relate it to gut health, but there’s so much more to it! It’s all around us, and in us, and affects our brains, immune systems, stress levels, and psychological state.

Join us for this episode where we speak with Dr Jess Stanhope and Prof Phil Weinstein about how public health is effected by urban environments and the promising future for disease prevention and treatment in the reversal of global urban nature deprivation.  

This podcast is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide Learn More:

School of Allied Health Science and Practice University of Adelaide  

School of Public Health University of Adelaide

Green Adelaide

Hosted by Prof Andy Lowe, Interim Director of the Environment Institute University of Adelaide You can contact Eco Futurists podcast here  Enjoying the show? Rate, review, and share it with your friends to help listeners like yourself explore their inner Eco Futurist.

Jul 05, 202344:29
Under the surface: shedding light on ‘ocean blindness’

Under the surface: shedding light on ‘ocean blindness’

What happened when the head of Engineering for Google Australia and the Professor and author behind Australia’s first ever textbook on Marine Ecology came together? Nothing short of the miraculous bringing back to life of an extinct ecosystem in the waters of Australia's biodiverse southern coastline.

And what’s next on the sparkly horizon?

In this podcast episode find out how the founders of AusOcean, Alan Noble and Prof Sean Connell, are stretching traditional models of marine conservation efforts through open-source hardware and software, and low-cost ways of public engagement. They are a driving force shedding light on the ‘ocean blindness’ that muddies our understanding of biodiversity conservation in marine ecosystems, looking to reverse the tide of extinction in our oceans. 

This podcast is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide.

Learn More:


AusOcean Live Stream

Marine Biology at the Environment Institute, University of Adelaide

Hosted by Prof Andy Lowe, Interim Director of the Environment Institute University of Adelaide

You can contact Eco Futurists podcast here

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May 31, 202338:43
Water: too much, too little, too dirty
May 03, 202343:17
Markets for nature. What’s the currency of biodiversity?

Markets for nature. What’s the currency of biodiversity?

Markets for nature. What’s the currency of biodiversity?

Nature is threatened, but it is also messy and complex. Ecologist try to untangle the mess of conservation, governments and industry. Small landowners are trying to help too. How do we work to save life on Earth?

How do we get the scale of investment required to restore our degraded land? Can we create markets for nature? Where does the money come from? And who are the buyers?

In this episode host Prof Andy Lowe Interim Director of the Environment Institute University of Adelaide, speaks with renowned ecologist Prof Hugh Possingham about the need to set aside 30% of every different kind of habitat for conservation in order to sustain the health of our global biodiversity and to establish biodiversity markets to drive these outcomes.

Eco Futurists is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide.

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Prof Hugh Possingham is currently Chief Councillor of the newly created Biodiversity Council and Chief Scientist of Accounting for Nature, and has recently been Queensland Chief Scientist and Chief Scientist of The Nature Conservancy, the world’s largest environmental non-government organisation. Hugh is also the Chair of The Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide.

You can contact Eco Futurists podcast here

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Apr 05, 202341:20
Hearts & Minds. Can science inspired music be a solution to climate change?

Hearts & Minds. Can science inspired music be a solution to climate change?

Can music, the arts and humanities help us work together across traditional science and industry boundary lines to come up with a solution to climate change?

In this episode host Prof Andy Lowe Interim Director of the Environment Institute University of Adelaide, speaks with Airan Berg, Artistic Director of the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra’s Floods of Fire Citizens’ Orchestra event , and Professor Anna Goldsworthy, Director of The Elder Conservatorium of Music at the University of Adelaide.

Together they discuss the arts as communicator of complex human situations, a flawed system for tackling climate change, and how working openly between the sciences and the humanities can unite hearts and minds for a better future.

Eco Futurists is supported by the Environment Institute at the University of Adelaide.

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Floods of Fire will be performing for the first time ever at a FREE event Friday 3 March 2023 in Elder Park Adelaide, starting at 7:30pm ahead of Spinifex Gum as part of the Adelaide Festival.

You can contact Eco Futurists podcast here

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Mar 02, 202346:40
Thinking solutions

Thinking solutions

Hear from professor of sustainability science at the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science and coordinating lead author of the IPBES Values Assessment, Christopher Raymond, on monetary and non-monetary values, biocentric and anthropocentric views, the importance of nature based solutions, co-benefits, indigenous perspectives and moving away from a neoliberalisation of nature.
IPES Values Assessment Video
We would like to acknowledge the University of Adelaide’s:
School of Social Sciences
Institute for Sustainability Energy and Resources
Environment Institute

Prof Christopher Raymond
Biography: Prof Raymond is Professor of Sustainability Science (Sustainability Transformations and Ecosystem Services) at the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science, University of Helsinki, Finland. He is jointly based at the Ecosystems and Environment Research Programme in the Faculty of Biological and Environmental Sciences, and the Department of Economics and Management in the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry. His research interests include sense of place; nature-based solutions; the social valuation of nature; and the conservation of biodiversity. Since 2018, Prof. Raymond has been Coordinating Lead Author (Chapter 2) of the IPBES Values Assessment.
Aug 02, 202237:12
Music, the language of inspiration

Music, the language of inspiration

Felix Riebl, The Cat Empire and creative force behind Spinifex Gum, on how music connects with people, describes the stories and experiences of cultures and can be used to motivate environmental action. Recorded last year at WOMADelaide, before the global pandemic really hit.
Dec 17, 202127:21
Festivals - a platform for fun and knowledge

Festivals - a platform for fun and knowledge

Ian Scobie, event and theatre producer, on developing the highly successful formula for WOMAD, a heady mix of world music, artistic staging, and cultural immersion to support sustainability demonstration and discussion. Recorded last year, before the global pandemic really hit.
Dec 17, 202139:49
As the world tipped

As the world tipped

With COP 26 ending in political stalemate, hear from Nigel Jamieson, theatre and outdoor installation producer, on his use of physical theatre to communicate the problems and inaction around climate change, and how art can help tackle one of the greatest moral challenges of our time. Recorded last year at WOMADelaide, before the global pandemic really hit.
Dec 17, 202131:33
Reaching a sustainable future

Reaching a sustainable future

Damon Gameau, director of the film 2040, on looking into the future to develop paths to sustainability, making that journey simple and easy to adopt, and providing motivation through hope messaging. Recorded last year at WOMADelaide, before the global pandemic really hit.
Dec 04, 202116:07
Rewilding a city

Rewilding a city

Chris Daniels, conservation scientist and urban nature futurist, on the importance of making room for biodiversity in our cityscapes and harnessing people power to connect with nature and promote species survival on our planet.
Nov 25, 202137:13
Leading for sustainability

Leading for sustainability

In this convivial chat, hear from Matthew Wright-Simon, leadership and sustainability facilitator, about how fun and creative collaboration bring new energy to all-too-familiar problems - like plastics waste and climate change.
Nov 20, 202130:28
Monuments in the forest

Monuments in the forest

Craig Walsh, installation artist, on using image projection, or projection mapping, to animate the natural world, provide an engaging interactive experience and bring a forest to life with living faces. Recorded last year at WOMADelaide, before the global pandemic really hit.
Nov 02, 202115:58
Capturing peoples’ spark

Capturing peoples’ spark

In a very human and engaging interview, Paul Ryan, filmmaker, talks about communicating people’s passion and essence in film and documentary, from indigenous rights and polar explorers to environmentalists and footy players.
Oct 22, 202119:32
Rebuilding Australia’s native oyster reefs
Oct 15, 202124:35
The state of the world’s forests

The state of the world’s forests

Jean-Francois Bastin, leading ecosystem scientist, on using satellites to find millions of hectares of unrecognised forest, modeling a zero impact earth to find the best places to replant forest and achieve planetary healing.
Oct 10, 202129:01
Cool bees and Air Bee'n'Bee

Cool bees and Air Bee'n'Bee

Katja Hogendoorn, bee scientist, on the natural wonder of bees, their importance to our diet, and designing plantings that everyone can use, from gardeners to farmers, to encourage bees back into our landscapes.
Oct 02, 202129:03
Discovering and protecting Africa’s lost virgin rainforest

Discovering and protecting Africa’s lost virgin rainforest

Julian Bayliss, conservation scientist and eco-adventurer, on using Google Earth to find lost forests, discovering and describing new species, and protecting the world’s most valuable forest blocks through community support.
Sep 24, 202132:36
Motivating a community to plant 35 million trees?

Motivating a community to plant 35 million trees?

Natasha Davis, Trees for Life Chief Executive, on the importance of maintaining focus, engaging with people, building effective partnerships, and being adaptable.
Sep 15, 202126:48
Turning adventure into conservation

Turning adventure into conservation

Tim Jarvis, conservation scientist and explorer - adventuring in the natural world, capturing these moments to deliver conservation by stealth and realising the difference we can all make in our own backyard.
Sep 03, 202130:15