MHSC Annual Awards Banquet -  RSVP
Event Address: Mandan Eagles Club 1400 Collins Ave

Date:  January 11, 2025
            5:30 Social Hour
            6:30 Dinner
            7:15 Awards & Annual Meeting/2025 Election
Games and trivia incorporated into the program!!  

We will not be having the shorty jackpot roping this year, but have the kids bring their ropes for some classic dummy roping fun! 

Contact:  Ashley Meyer @ 701-226-9968
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Email *
Family Last Name? *
Will you be attending our banquet on January 11th? *
What are the names of people attending? Please include any guests you'll be bringing. *
Please enter the number of each meal you wish to order.  Meal comes with mashed potatoes, gravy and corn. *
Chicken $20
Roast Beef $20
Chicken Strips $12
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