Prof. Dr. Payer Ahmed
Prof. Dr. Payer Ahmed
Professor of Mathematics, Jagannath University
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Cited by
A review of fractals properties: Mathematical approach
M Nurujjaman, A Hossain, P Ahmed
Science Journal of applied mathematics and statistics 5 (3), 98-105, 2017
Several chaotic analysis of Lorenz system
S Alam, P Ahmed
Eur Sci J 13 (9), 438-455, 2017
Prediction of the Population of Bangladesh Using Logistic Model
MA Islam, P Ahmed
International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistical Sciences (IJAMSS …, 2017
Gamma vector spaces and their generalization
MS Uddin, P Ahmed
International Archive of Applied Sciences and Technology 2 (2), 77-83, 2011
Chaotic homeomorphisms of compact subspaces of the real line
A Payer, S Kawamura
山形大学紀要. 自然科学= Bulletin of Yamagata University. Natural Science 16 …, 2008
Banach lattices and the Perron-Frobenius operator associated with chaotic map
P Ahmed, S Kawamura, S Sasaki
Far East Journal of Dynamical Systems 8 (1), 1-25, 2006
An elementary study of chaotic behaviors in 1-D maps
SA Al Nahian, Z Hosen, P Ahmed
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics 7 (05), 1149, 2019
Chaotic homeomorphisms in one-dimensional dynamics
P Ahmed
Proc., Iwate University., Japan, 2001
Some real life applications of dynamical systems
R Akter, P Ahmed
Iconic Research and Engineering Journals 2 (7), 1-15, 2019
Several Chaotic Approaches of One Dimensional Doubling Map
MZ Hosen, MM Zillu, P Ahmed
American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and …, 2018
Chaotic Behaviour of Dynamic Systems of Hoeomorphism on Unit Interval
P Ahmed, MS Islam
Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences 32 (2), 2008
Orbit Analysis of Newton Iteration Function Associated to Chaotic Functions
MJ Islam, P Ahmed, MS Islam
Scottish Journal of Arts, Social Sciences and Scientific Studies, 96, 2014
Relationship Among the Compact Subspaces of Real Line and their Chaotic Properties.
P Ahmed, M Rahman, S Kawamura
International Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences & Technology 6 (1), 2011
Generalized Chain Rule for Schwarzian Derivatives and its Applications.
P Ahmed, MJ Islam
International Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences & Technology 6 (1), 2011
Dynamic complexity of fifth-dimensional Henon map with Lyapunov exponent, permutation entropy, bifurcation patterns and chaos
MA Islam, IR Hassan, P Ahmed
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 116547, 2025
Value of Duplex Ultrasound Scan to Assess IVC Obstruction and Arterial Insufficiency due to Liver Abscess
MM Hossain, MMA Hosen, MS Ahsan, N Begum, P Ahmed, T Ahmed, ...
Journal of Current Medical Practice, 48, 2021
Higher Mathematics (H.S.C), First Paper, Published by NCTB
P Ahmed
Higher Mathematics (H.S.C), Second Paper, Published by NCTB.
DQ Payer Ahmed
Formularization of Generalized Cantor Set and its Dynamical Behaviors
MJ Islam, P Ahmed, MS Islam
International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology 1 (7), 137-142, 2012
, Chaos in Mathematics and the behavior of orbits of probability density functions
SK Payer Ahmed
Proc. of Int. Conf. App. Math & Math Phys, 2005
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Articles 1–20