The Big Rhetorical Podcast

The Big Rhetorical Podcast

By Charles Woods

The Big Rhetorical Podcast (TBR) was conceptualized in the spring of 2018 at Illinois State University. This podcast is a digital platform for scholars of rhetoric and composition, as well as other disciplines, to talk about relevant scholarship within the field while engaging in a lively, academic dialogue. The Big Rhetorical Podcast is hosted by Charles Woods.
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The Project Censored Show/TBR Podcast Carnival 2024

The Big Rhetorical PodcastOct 28, 2024
176: Dr. Caddie Alford (Keystone Perspectives)

176: Dr. Caddie Alford (Keystone Perspectives)

Keywords: Doxa, Opinions, Digital Rhetoric, Social Media, Internet Culture. Caddie Alford is Associate Professor of Rhetoric and Writing in the English Department at Virginia Commonwealth University. She is the author of the book Entitled Opinions: Doxa After Digitality (2024). She is a digital rhetoric expert who researches emergent forms of persuasion, sociality, and the changing state of information vis-à-vis social media platforms and technological developments and ideologies. Some of her work has appeared in The Quarterly Journal of Speech; Rhetoric Review; and Enculturation. She served as the book review editor for the journal Enculturation for three years. She is currently co-editing a rhetorical studies collection on “post-truth” rhetorics. Visit and follow @thebigrhet.Visit and follow @thebigrhet.

Mar 12, 202501:12:07
175: Félix Maradiaga & Dr. Steve Parks

175: Félix Maradiaga & Dr. Steve Parks

Keywords: Democracy, Activism, Community Partnerships, DEI, Higher Education. Félix Maradiaga is an academic, political activist, and former presidential candidate from Nicaragua. His numerous accolades include various academic appointments, government positions, founding co-director of the ⁠Civil Society Leadership Institute⁠, and a nomination for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize. Steve Parks is a Professor in the Writing and Rhetoric Program, Department of English, University of Virginia. He is the founder of the University of Virginia’s Democratic Futures Project. His new book is, “‘The Wrong Side of Privilege.’ Advocacy, Community, and Politics: The Collected Essays of Stephen J. Parks, 2000-2020”. Visit and follow @thebigrhet.Visit and follow @thebigrhet.

Mar 03, 202556:21
174: Dr. Charlie McMartin

174: Dr. Charlie McMartin

Keywords: Composition Studies, Community Writing, Student Activism, Leadership, Pedagogy. Charles McMartin is an Assistant Professor of English specializing in Composition at Utah State University Tooele (pronounced Too-will-ah). He earned his PhD in Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English from the University of Arizona. His research focuses on culturally sustaining pedagogies, community writing, student activism, and NextGen faculty leadership. His work has been published in College EnglishRhetoric Review, Composition StudiesReflections, and Peitho. His forthcoming coedited collection is titled Next-Gen Perspectives on Leadership: Coalitional Strategies for Launching Careers, Building Networks, and Engaging with Systemic Inequities (USU Press). Visit and follow @thebigrhet.

Feb 17, 202544:36
173: Hannah Hopkins

173: Hannah Hopkins

Keywords: Digital Rhetorics, Infrastructure, Digital Writing, Sensory Rhetorics, Pedagogy. Hannah Hopkins is a PhD Candidate in Rhetoric & Writing at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research engages the material infrastructures of digital writing, extending from the personal device to the vast landscapes of server farms and data centers that support and circulate digital texts. Her work offers that rhetoric’s multimodal, more-than-visual sensing practices help us attune to the fundamental extractivist logics of all writing and the ethical and pedagogical dilemmas that result. Hannah’s research and reviews are published in Technical Communication Quarterly, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Communication Design Quarterly, and elsewhere. Visit and follow @thebigrhet.

Jan 20, 202553:13
172: Dr. Cindy Tekobbe

172: Dr. Cindy Tekobbe

Keywords: Indigenous Rhetorics, Feminist Rhetorics, Digital Rhetorics, Identity, Artificial Intelligence. Dr. Cindy Tekobbe is assistant professor of critical feminist science and technology at the University of Illinois Chicago, where she is co-appointed in Gender and Women’s Studies and Communication. She is a member of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma and a feminist media scholar, and her interdisciplinary research includes feminist, digital, environmental, and Indigenous rhetorics; media and communication studies; and social justice. She serves as a co-chair of the American Indian Caucus for the National Council of Teachers of English and the Conference on College Composition and Communication, and her work appears in several academic publications. Visit and follow @thebigrhet.

Jan 13, 202551:32
171: Erin Green

171: Erin Green

Keywords: Queer Community Literacies, Prison/Police Abolition Movements, Writing Program Administration, Graduate School, University of Montevallo. Erin is a PhD Candidate in English (Language, Writing, and Rhetoric track) at the University of Maryland. She is a graduate of the University of Montevallo and holds a BA in English literature. Working primarily in rhetoric and composition, she specializes in literacy studies, writing program/center administration, community-engaged writing, and composition theory. Erin’s research examines Black queer community literacies and writing in prison/police abolition movements. She currently serves as an administrative fellow for the Academic Writing Program and a writing fellow for the Center for Writing & Oral Communication. She has been published in Writers: Craft & Context, Community Literacy Journal, and The Peer Review Journal. Visit and follow @thebigrhet.

Dec 18, 202436:17
170: Dr. Kendall Gerdes

170: Dr. Kendall Gerdes

Keywords: Sensitive Rhetorics, Academic Freedom, Rhetorical Theory, Campus Activism, Rhetoric. University of Pittsburgh Press Discount Code 29GERDES for Sensitive Rhetorics active until 12/18/24. Kendall Gerdes is associate professor of writing and rhetoric studies at the University of Utah. Kendall is coeditor of Reinventing (with) Theory in Rhetoric and Writing Studies and a lifetime member of the Rhetoric Society of America. Kendall is also the president of her university's AAUP chapter and a member of the U's Queer Alliance for Faculty and Staff. Visit and follow @thebigrhet.

Nov 26, 202446:13
169: Trent Wintermeier

169: Trent Wintermeier

Keywords: Digital Rhetorics, Sound, Methods, Community Literacy, Digital Humanities. Trent Wintermeier is a PhD student in the Department of Rhetoric and Writing at the University of Texas at Austin. His research interests broadly include sound, digital rhetorics and digital humanities methods, and community literacy. Currently, he’s an Assistant Director for the Digital Writing and Research Lab, and he’s a Presentations Coordinator for UT Austin’s University Writing Center. Besides his research on the hum phenomenon, which has been published by Sounding Out!, he’s working on projects concerning the sound of data center cooling equipment and building DIY radio receivers with found objects. Visit and follow @thebigrhet.

Nov 18, 202443:58
168: 2025 C&W Conference Organizers

168: 2025 C&W Conference Organizers

Keywords: Computers and Writing, Digital Rhetoric, Writing Studies, University of Georgia, Athens. The 2025 Computers and Writing Conference Organizers include Elizabeth Davis, Lindsey Harding, and Nate Kreuter from the University of Georgia. Elizabeth Davis (M.A., NYU; Ph.D., Alabama) is the Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary Writing Certificate Program and teaches writing courses in the Department of English. Lindsey Harding is the Director of the Writing Intensive Program. Nate Kreuter is an Associate Professor and Director of First Year Writing Program. For more information on TBR Podcast visit and follow @thebigrhet.

Nov 11, 202449:32
167: Dr. Lisa Corrigan/TBR Podcast Carnival Keynote
Oct 31, 202401:03:43
Everyone's Writing With AI (Except Me!)/TBR Podcast Carnival 2024
Oct 31, 202440:11
TC Talk/TBR Podcast Carnival 2024
Oct 30, 202401:22:54
Live Theory/TBR Podcast Carnival 2024
Oct 30, 202401:03:00
The Writer's Edge/TBR Podcast Carnival 2024
Oct 29, 202432:58
Defend, Publish, & Lead/TBR Podcast Carnival 2024
Oct 29, 202414:09
Writing Remix Podcast/TBR Podcast Carnival 2024

Writing Remix Podcast/TBR Podcast Carnival 2024

This episode of Writing Remix Podcast was produced as part of the 2024 TBR Podcast Carnival, "Politics/Rhetorics: Navigating Crisis, Culture, & Civility." New podcasts are released each day October 28-31, 2024. For more information visit

Oct 29, 202401:18:52
The Project Censored Show/TBR Podcast Carnival 2024

The Project Censored Show/TBR Podcast Carnival 2024

This episode of The Project Uncensored Show titled, "Crisis, Culture, and Civility: Critical Media Literacy Education and Election 2024," was produced as part of the 2024 TBR Podcast Carnival, "Politics/Rhetorics: Navigating Crisis, Culture, and Civility," with new podcasts released each day from October 28-31, 2024. For more information visit

Oct 28, 202458:00
10-Minute Tech Comm/TBR Podcast Carnival 2024

10-Minute Tech Comm/TBR Podcast Carnival 2024

This episode of 10-Minute Tech Comm was produced as part of the 2024 TBR Podcast Carnival, "Politics/Rhetorics: Navigating Crisis, Culture, and Civility." The 2024 TBR Podcast Carnival occurs October 28-31, 2024, with new podcasts released each day. For more information visit

Oct 28, 202432:02
166: Call: 2024 TBR Emerging Scholar Award

166: Call: 2024 TBR Emerging Scholar Award

Episode 166 features the Call for the 2024 TBR Podcast Emerging Scholar Award. Nominations are due October 22, 2024. The full call is available here: Follow TBR Podcast on social media @thebigrhet and visa

Sep 23, 202403:30
165: CFP: 2024 TBR Podcast Carnival

165: CFP: 2024 TBR Podcast Carnival

Episode 165 features the CFP for the 2024 TBR Podcast Carnival, "Politics/Rhetorics: Navigating Crisis, Culture, & Civility," which occurs October 28-31, 2024. The full CFP is available here: Follow TBR Podcast on social media @thebigrhet and visa

Sep 04, 202405:52
164: Dr. Jason Tham

164: Dr. Jason Tham


Dr. Technical Communication, Design, Editor, Publishing, International Scholarship. Jason Tham is an associate professor and assistant chair of the Department of English at Texas Tech University. He is working on projects related design thinking, emerging technologies, collaboration studies, and technical communication pedagogy. He is the incoming editor of Computers and Composition. Episode 164 is another entry in TBR Keystone Perspectives series and serves as the Season 10 Finale. For more information visit and @thebigrhet across social media platforms.

Jul 29, 202458:34
163: Dr. Ben Wetherbee

163: Dr. Ben Wetherbee

Keywords: Rhetorical Theory, Rhetoric of Film, History of Rhetoric, Writing Program Administration, Michigan. Dr. Ben Wetherbee is Assistant Professor of English and incoming Director of Composition at Northern Michigan University, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in rhetoric, writing, composition theory, and literature. His research on rhetorical theory and history, rhetorics of science, writing pedagogy, and film theory has appeared in Rhetoric Review, the Journal for the History of Rhetoric, the Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, the Journal of Contemporary Rhetorics, and Present Tense, among other periodicals and collections. He also serves as Review Editor of enculturation: a journal of rhetoric in society. For more information visit and @thebigrhet across social media platforms.

Jul 23, 202452:23
162: Drs. Leigh Gruwell & Charles N. Lesh

162: Drs. Leigh Gruwell & Charles N. Lesh

Keywords: Mentoring, Research Methodologies, Teaching Writing, Writing Studies, Public Writing. Leigh Gruwell is associate professor of English at Auburn University, where she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in writing and rhetoric. Charles N. Lesh is associate professor of English at Auburn University, where he regularly researches and teaches community and public writing, subculture, space and place, and rhetorical theory. Gruwell & Lesh are the editors of the book, "Mentorship/Methodology: Reflections, Praxis, and Futures." For more information visit and @thebigrhet across social media platforms.

Jul 16, 202453:18
161: Live from Computers & Writing

161: Live from Computers & Writing

Keywords: Computers & Writing Conference, Fort Worth, Rhetoric and Composition, Academic Conferences, Karaoke. Episode 161 of TBR Podcast features sounds and soundscapes from the Computers and Writing Conference at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas, from June 21-23, 2024. For more information visit and @thebigrhet across social media platforms.

Jul 09, 202416:34
160: Drs. Jacob Babb & Zachary Beare

160: Drs. Jacob Babb & Zachary Beare

Keywords: Editing, Publishing, Composition Studies, Collaboration, Writing. Jacob Babb is Associate Professor and Assistant Chair of Rhetoric and Technical Writing at Appalachian State University. Zachary C. Beare is an associate professor of English, the Director of First-Year Writing, and a Core Faculty Member of the Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media Program at North Carolina State University. He and Jacob Babb are the incoming editors of Composition Studies, the oldest independent journal in the field of rhetoric and composition. For more information visit and @thebigrhet across social media platforms.

Jul 02, 202457:39
159: Dr. Patricia Fancher

159: Dr. Patricia Fancher

Keywords: Queer Rhetorics, Archival Research, Techné, Computing, Digital Storytelling. Patricia Fancher has a PhD in Rhetoric and studies rhetorical theory, feminist and queer rhetoric and digital media. She teaches Writing and Gender Studies, Digital Storytelling, Rhetoric, among other courses. Her research has been published in Peitho, Composition Studies, Rhetoric Review, Present Tense, Computers & Composition and Enculturation. She's also published creative non-fiction essays in The Sun, Huffington Post, Washington Post, Northwest Review, Catapult, and LARB. For more information visit and @thebigrhet across social media platforms.

Jun 21, 202447:02
158: Live from Rhetoric Society of America

158: Live from Rhetoric Society of America

Keywords: Rhetoric Society of America, Denver, Rhetoric, Academic Conferences, Interviews. Episode 158 of TBR Podcast features interviews and soundscapes from the Rhetoric Society of America Conference in Denver, Colorado, from May 23-26, 2024. For more information visit and @thebigrhet across social media platforms.

Jun 12, 202429:25
157: Dr. Jessie Male

157: Dr. Jessie Male

Keywords: Memoir, Disability Studies, Writing Pedagogy, Non-Fiction, Non-Tenure Track. Dr. Jessie Male is a nonfiction writer and teacher-scholar with specializations in Disability Studies and Memoir. She is currently the Postdoctoral Associate in Disability Studies at the University of Pittsburgh, where she teaches, develops programs to support disabled studies and faculty, and curates a speaker series, "Creating a Culture of Access". She has an MFA in Memoir from Hunter College and an MA and PhD in English from The Ohio State University. Her current book project, Disability Memoir: A Study in Pedagogy and Practice, explores the writing and teaching of Disability Memoir by merging personal narrative with literary, rhetorical, and pedagogical analysis. For more information visit and @thebigrhet across social media platforms.

Jun 04, 202453:13
156: Dr. Erin A. Clark

156: Dr. Erin A. Clark

Keywords: Feminism, Technical Communication, Intersectionality, Deepwater Horizon, Methods and Methodologies. Dr. Erin A. Clark (previously Erin A. Frost) is a technical communication specialist and associate professor at East Carolina University. She serves as Coordinator for East Carolina’s PhD program in Rhetoric, Writing and Professional Communication and she is affiliate faculty in rhetoric and composition, gender studies, and ethnic studies. Her scholarly interests center on issues of gender and feminism in technical communication, most often as they manifest in rhetorics of health and medicine, environmental rhetorics, and risk communication. Her new monograph Feminist Technical Communication demonstrates how rhetorical feminist approaches are vital to the future of technical communication. For more information visit and @thebigrhet across social media platforms.

May 14, 202442:48
155: Ramsey Archibald

155: Ramsey Archibald

Keywords: Police Corruption, Alabama, Local Reporting, Pulitzer Prize, Baltimore. Ramsey Archibald is a data reporter originally from Alabama. He worked at for nearly a decade, where he was part of a team that won multiple awards in 2023, including the Pulitzer Prize for local reporting. He now works for the Baltimore Banner, a non-profit news organization. He loves sports, including football and basketball, and is a pretty decent home chef. He’s the proud father of Eloise, a 1-year-old human, and Penny, a 5-year-old dog. Visit and follow the podcast @thebigrhet.

May 02, 202449:04
154: Dr. Lindsey Harding
Apr 23, 202439:31
153: Selena Loureiro

153: Selena Loureiro

Keywords: Digital Writing, Digital Publishing, Digital Rhetorics, Internships, Podcasting. Selena Loureiro is a fourth-year undergraduate student focusing on digital writing and publishing at York University in Toronto, Canada. Selena served as a The Big Rhetorical Podcast Intern in Spring 2024. For more information visit and @thebigrhet across social media platforms.

Apr 16, 202439:27
152: Dr. Brandee Easter

152: Dr. Brandee Easter

Keywords: Digital Publishing, Digital Rhetorics, Feminist Rhetorics, Pedagogy, Digital Authoring. Dr Brandee Easter is an Assistant Professor in the Writing Department at York University. Her research and teaching focus on digital rhetoric, feminist rhetoric, and software studies, and her work has appeared in Rhetoric Review and Feminist Media Studies. In 2020, she received the Rhetoric Society of America Dissertation award, and her upcoming book, Visual Rhetoric, co-authored by Dr Christa J. Olsen, won the University of Michigan Press and Sweetland Publication Prize in Digital Rhetoric in 2022. For more information visit and @thebigrhet across social media platforms.

Apr 01, 202452:32
151: Anuj Gupta

151: Anuj Gupta

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Writing Studies, ChatGPT, Writing Pedagogy, Genre Theory. Season 10 Premiere. Emerging Scholar Series .Anuj Gupta is a doctoral candidate in the Rhetoric Composition program in the Department of English at the University of Arizona. In the past, he has helped build one of India’s first college level writing programs at Ashoka University as a WPA. A winner ofKairos’ Graduate Student Research Award, CCCC’s Scholars for the Dream Award, & the AACU’s K. Patricia Cross’ Future Leaders Award, Anuj’s research has appeared in journals like Open Praxis, Composition Studies, and and in edited collections like TextGenEd. He is currently working on his doctoral dissertation where he is studying the impact of Generative AI chatbots on academic and technical communication by analyzing ChatGPT prompts as an emerging genre of writing. For more information visit and @thebigrhet across social media platforms.

Mar 26, 202454:27
Episode 150: Dr. Jordan Frith (Keystone Perspectives)

Episode 150: Dr. Jordan Frith (Keystone Perspectives)

Keywords: infrastructure; mobile technologies; science, technology, and society; cultural history, internet of things. Dr. Jordan Frith (he/him) is the Pearce Professor of Professional Communication at Clemson University. His primary research focuses on technical communication, mobile communication, social media, and communication infrastructures. His work is inherently interdisciplinary, and he has also published 40+ academic articles in a variety of disciplines, including technical communication, communication studies, media studies, and geography. His newest book—Barcode—was published in November 2023 as part of the Object Lessons series. In addition to his research, Dr. Frith is the editor-in-chief of the Association of Computing Machinery’s (ACM) Communication Design Quarterly. Follow @thebigrhet and visit for more information on TBR Podcast.

Dec 21, 202353:58
Episode 149: Dominique Zino and Maria Jerskey

Episode 149: Dominique Zino and Maria Jerskey

Keywords: institutional ethnography, linguistic justice, community colleges, social theories of writing, literacy. Dominique Zino and Maria Jerskey are professors at Laguardia Community College. Dominique teaches the full range of courses in the English Department’s composition sequence and teaches regularly in interdisciplinary learning communities for first-year students. Her scholarship focuses on writing studies and writing program administration, currently appears in Teaching English in the Two-Year College and WPA Journal. Maria Jerskey is a Professor of Education and Language Acquisition at City University of New York's LaGuardia Community College and the founder and director of the Literacy Brokers Program, which promotes the publication practices of multilingual scholars at LaGuardia (and beyond). Also featuring the 2024 RhetCanada CFP. Follow @thebigrhet and visit for more information on TBR Podcast.

Dec 18, 202301:00:29
Episode 148: The Prison House of the Circuit

Episode 148: The Prison House of the Circuit

Keywords: Foucault, surveillance, media genealogy, power, circuits and circuitry. The Prison House of the Circuit presents a history of digital media using circuits and circuitry to understand how power operates in the contemporary era. Through the conceptual vocabulary of the circuit, it offers a provocative model for thinking about governance and media. The authors, writing as a collective, provide a model for collective research and a genealogical framework that interrogates the rise of digital society through the lens of Foucault’s ideas of governance, circulation, and power. The Prison House of the Circuit ultimately demonstrates how contemporary media came to create frictionless circulation to maximize control, efficacy, and state power. Follow @thebigrhet and visit for more information on TBR Podcast.

Dec 04, 202356:33
Episode 147: Dr. Michael Lechuga

Episode 147: Dr. Michael Lechuga

Keywords: Indigenous methodologies, anti-colonial rhetorics, migration, cultural studies, settler colonialism. Dr. Michael Lechuga is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication & Journalism at the University of New Mexico. He researches and teaches Rhetoric, Migration, Settler Colonial Studies, and Cultural Studies. He explores how migrants from Mexico and Central America are subjected by the US's austere migration control structures and political attitudes. His current research focuses on the role that technology plays in border security mechanisms, the ways colonial logics map race onto bodies, and the political possibilities for reestablishing our deep cultural connections land. Follow @thebigrhet and visit for more information on TBR Podcast. 
Nov 27, 202353:59
Episode 146: Dr. Holly Hassel

Episode 146: Dr. Holly Hassel

Keywords: writing, first-year writing, artificial intelligence, teacher training, Jeopardy. Holly Hassel is director of composition at Michigan Technological University. Her research interests focus on the teaching of college writing, writing assessment, writing program administration, two-year college writing studies, and feminist pedagogy. Her research and scholarship have appeared in many edited colections and peer-reviewed journals including College English, College Composition and Communication, Teaching English in the Two-Year College, the Journal of Writing Assessment, Pedagogy, and others. Her recent book publication is the coauthored A Faculty Guidebook to Effective Shared Governance and Service in Higher Education (Routledge, 2023); and the forthcoming coauthored Reaching All Writers: A Pedagogical Guide to the Evolving Writing Classroom  (Utah State UP, 2023). Follow @thebigrhet and visit for more information on TBR Podcast. 

Nov 15, 202301:01:56
Episode 145: Dr. TJ Geiger II

Episode 145: Dr. TJ Geiger II

Keywords: deliberative rhetoric, invention, religious rhetorics, archival methods, Texas. Dr. T J Geiger II is an assistant professor of Technical Communication and Rhetoric in the Department of English at Texas Tech University. He is the author of Faithful Deliberation: Rhetorical Invention, Evangelicalism, and #MeToo Reckonings. A feminist scholar of religious rhetorics and deliberative discourse, his recent work has turned to archives and to the history of the rhetoric of science through a study of the life and work of Lula Pace: a science professor at the center of a pre Scopes trial teaching of evolution controversy that roiled early 20th century Texas Baptist life. Follow @thebigrhet and visit for more information on TBR Podcast. 

Nov 06, 202358:13
Episode 144: Jennifer Burke Reifman, Loren Torres, and Mik Penarroyo

Episode 144: Jennifer Burke Reifman, Loren Torres, and Mik Penarroyo

Keywords: assessment, undergraduate research, intersectionality, student-centered, education. Jennifer Burke Reifman, Loren Torres, and Mike Penarroyo are researchers in the UC Davis Student Assessment Researchers (StARs) program. The Student Assessment Researchers (StARs) program believes that student voices should be included in conversations about assessment of student learning at UC Davis. Undergraduate students have the opportunity to share their experiences, perspectives, and expertise of their academic journey through the Curious Aggies (CA) project. The CA research inquiry is a dynamic and collaborative effort with a strong emphasis on humanizing research through the partnerships created by our student researchers. Follow @thebigrhet and visit for more information on TBR Podcast.

Nov 01, 202351:59
Episode 143: Halley Cotton

Episode 143: Halley Cotton

Keywords: teaching writing, environmental humanities, poetry, Birmingham, Cahaba River. Halley Cotton is the managing editor of the Birmingham Poetry Review, contributing editor for NELLE, and production manager for both publications. She is the founding director of the SPARK Writing Festival, and her work has appeared in places such as The Greensboro Review, Poetry South, and Smokelong Quarterly, among others. She is the recipient of a 2022 State Council on the Arts Poetry Fellowship. Cotton teaches freshman composition and literature. When she’s not busy kayaking or finding four-leaf clovers, she’s studying folklore and writing/reading poetry. Follow @thebigrhet and visit for more information on TBR Podcast.

Oct 23, 202344:06
Episode 142: Dr. Genie Giaimo

Episode 142: Dr. Genie Giaimo

Keywords: Writing Centers, Labor, Wellness, Neoliberalism, Institutional Structures. Dr. Genie Giaimo is assistant professor and director of the Writing Center at Middlebury College in Vermont. The author of over two dozen peer reviewed articles and chapters, their work has been published in Praxis, Journal of Writing Research, The Journal of Writing Analytics, Teaching English in the Two-Year College, Research in Online Literacy Education, Kairos, Across the Disciplines, The Journal of Multimodal Rhetorics, and several edited collections. They are also the editor of Wellness and Care in Writing Center Work, an open-access digital book with WLN: A Writing Center Journal. Follow @thebigrhet and visit for more information on TBR Podcast.

Oct 16, 202354:27
Episode 141: Dr. Sharon Mitchler

Episode 141: Dr. Sharon Mitchler

Keywords: Community Colleges, Pedagogy, Rural, Critical, Student-Centered. Dr. Sharon Mitchler is a professor of English and humanities at Centralia College, a small, rural community college. She teaches a range of undergraduate courses in composition, literature, humanities, ethics and film. Her current research focuses on critical rural pedagogy and teaching for transfer. She is a frequent presenter at 4Cs, TYCA-PNW, and TYCA-National. Her scholarship has been published in Teaching English in the Two-Year College and Composition Studies. She is a former national chair of the Two-Year College English Association. Follow @thebigrhet and visit for more information on TBR Podcast.

Oct 10, 202351:31
Episode 140: Drs. Annette Vee, Tim Laquintano, and Carly Schnitzler
Oct 03, 202301:03:47
Episode 139: Emily Gresbrink

Episode 139: Emily Gresbrink

Episode 139 of The Big Rhetorical Podcast features an interview with the 2023 TBR Podcast Emerging Scholar Award winner, Emily Gresbrink. Emily Gresbrink is entering their fifth year at the University of Minnesota (UMN) as a Ph.D. Candidate in Rhetoric, Scientific and Technical Communication. Their work reflects a passion and commitment to technical communication and how that clicks with user voice, social justice, and digital media. During their time as a graduate student, they have published a number of co-authored and solo authored projects found in Programmatic Perspectives, The 39th ACM International Conference on Design of Communication, UX as Innovative Academic Practice, and IEEE ProComm (Forthcoming). These works have covered a range of topics, including technical communication mentorship, COVID- 19 and digital risk communication, graduate student precarity and advocacy, social justice pedagogy, and professional writing. Follow TBR Podcast @thebigrhet.

Sep 25, 202349:15
Episode 138: Dr. Isabel Pedersen (2023 TBR Podcast Carnival Keynote Interview)

Episode 138: Dr. Isabel Pedersen (2023 TBR Podcast Carnival Keynote Interview)

This episode of The Big Rhetorical Podcast was produced as part of the 2023 TBR Podcast Carnival, "Artificial Intelligence: Applications and Trajectories." The 2023 TBR Podcast Carnival takes place August 28-31 with new podcasts released each day. For more information visit

Aug 31, 202349:48
TC Talk/TBR Podcast Carnival 2023

TC Talk/TBR Podcast Carnival 2023

This episode of TC Talk: A Tech Comm Podcast was produced as part of the 2023 TBR Podcast Carnival, "Artificial Intelligence: Applications and Trajectories." The 2023 TBR Podcast Carnival takes place August 28-31 with new podcasts released each day. For more information visit

Aug 31, 202341:33
Writing Remix Podcast/TBR Podcast Carnival

Writing Remix Podcast/TBR Podcast Carnival

This episode of Writing Remix Podcast was produced as part of the 2023 TBR Podcast Carnival, "Artificial Intelligence: Applications and Trajectories." The 2023 TBR Podcast Carnival takes place August 28-31 with new podcasts released each day. For more information visit

Aug 31, 202355:05
Rhetoricity/TBR Podcast Carnival 2023

Rhetoricity/TBR Podcast Carnival 2023

This episode of Rhetoricity was produced as part of the 2023 TBR Podcast Carnival, "Artificial Intelligence: Applications and Trajectories." The 2023 TBR Podcast Carnival takes place August 28-31 with new podcasts released each day. For more information visit

Aug 30, 202359:10