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Principal: _____________
Revision Dates
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Table of Contents
Preamble 3
Article I - NAME 3
Article IV - OFFICERS 6
1.1 Elections 6
1.2 Term of Office 7
1.3 Meetings 7
1.4 Quorum 8
1.5 Voting and Decision Making 8
1.6 Vacancies 8
1.7 Attendance 8
1.8 Consultation 9
1.9 Consultation by the Board 9
1.10 Minutes and Financial Records 9
1.11 Annual “Year-End” Report 9
2.1 Chair/Co-chair 9
2.2 Secretary 10
2.3 Treasurer 10
2.4 Principal 11
2.5 Council Members 11
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Notice of Election 14
Nomination Form 15
All York Catholic District Schools are expected to review the Constitution at the first meeting after
Catholic School Council elections.
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The education of our children is a shared responsibility which involves the schools, students and their
families and the Church. The main goal of Catholic School Council is to “promote the best
interests of the School Community”. This Constitution and the following By-laws are drafted in
accordance with the Education Act and Regulations.
The Catholic School Council operating as an advisory council will strive to provide an
opportunity to build community, strengthen the home/school/parish partnership and work together as
a community of believers committed to putting the values of our faith into practice in the education of
our children.
The name of this Catholic School Council is the Catholic School Council,
hereinafter referred to as the “Council”.
The purpose of school councils is, through active participation of parents, to improve pupil
achievement and to enhance the accountability of the education system to parents [O.Reg. 612/00, S.
A school council’s primary means of achieving its purpose is by making recommendations in
accordance with Ontario Regulation 612/00 to the principal of the school and the Board that
established the council [O. Reg. 612/00, s. 2(2)].
Council members are to maintain a school-wide focus on all issues. Council meetings are not a forum
of discussion about individual parents, students, staff, Trustees or other council members.
The Council will work within the policies, mission statement and goals of the school, the York
Catholic District School Board (Board), hereinafter referred to as the “Board”, and the Education Act
and Regulations. Council is an advisory body. The Council will provide advice to the school principal,
and where appropriate, to the school board on matters such as:
● development/promotion of faith community;
● local school calendar of events;
● school code of conduct behaviour;
● student dress code;
● recruitment of school volunteers;
● parent engagement opportunities;
● curriculum and program goals and priorities;
● the process and criteria applicable to the selection and placement of principals and
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● school budget priorities, including local capital-improvement plans;
● school-community communication strategies;
● school-based services and community partnerships related to social, health, recreational and
nutrition programs;
● local co-ordination of services for children and youth;
● development, implementation, and review of board policies at the local level;
● learning partnerships;
● corporate sponsorships within the parameters established by the Board.
(a) All members on a Council are valued and equal partners. Each elected or appointed member
receives one vote.
(i) The principal does not participate in votes taken by the school council or by a
committee of the school council.
(ii) If more than one Parish Representative is designated from the affiliated Parishes, it must be
understood that only one vote is allocated to this position.
(b) The Board encourages all Councils to have student representation.
(c) A school council shall be composed of the following people:
(i) Parent members shall be elected by Parents and Guardians of students enrolled in the
(ii) In the case of a school with one or more secondary school grades, one pupil enrolled in the
school who is appointed by the student council, if the school has a student council, or one
pupil enrolled in the school who is elected in accordance with section 5 of Ontario
Regulation 612/00, if the school does not have a student council. In the case of a school
with no secondary school grades, one pupil enrolled in the school who is appointed by the
principal of the school, if the principal determines, after consulting with other members of
the school council, that the council should include a pupil.
(iii) One teacher who is employed at the school, other than the principal or vice-principal.
(iv) One person who is employed at the school, other than the principal, vice-principal or any
other teacher (i.e.: Secretaries, Custodian Educational Assistants, Educational Intervenors,
Designated Early Childhood Educators, Lunchtime Supervisors, Office Support Workers);
(v) One School Community representative shall be appointed by the Catholic School Council;
(vi) One person appointed by an association that is a member of the Ontario Federation of
Home and School Associations, the Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education or
Parent Partenaires en Education, if the association that is a member of the Ontario
Federation of Home and School Associations, the Ontario Association of Parents in
Catholic Education or Parent Partenaires en Education is established in respect of the
(vii) Parish Representative(s) designated by the Parish or Parishes affiliated with the school;
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(viiii) The Principal shall be a designated, non-voting member.
(d) Parent/Guardian(s) shall form the majority of members of the Council.
(e) The Principal will communicate with the Pastor of the Parish or Parishes affiliated with the school
to confirm a Parish Representative who will be designated as a member of the Council. In a
situation where a school is affiliated with more than one Parish, representation must be
sought from all Parishes concerned. If more than one Parish Representative is designated
from the affiliated Parishes, it must be understood that only one vote is allocated to this position.
(f) A person is not qualified to be a parent member of the Council if they are employed at the
school their child attends, and may only be elected as either the teaching or non-teaching staff
representative (i.e.: An Office Support Worker is a Board employee, part of a Union and has a
permanent position. Therefore, this person would qualify for election only as a non-teaching
(g) A person who fulfills a staff’s absence on an emergency basis but is not a certified teacher of the
Board and is not part of a Union nor holds a permanent position, may be elected to the
Council as a parent member.
(h) A parent, who is employed by the board but does not work at the school their children attend,
may be elected as a parent member as long as they declare to other parents that they are
employed by the school board prior to their election. This information shall be recorded in
the minutes of the first Council meeting.
(i) A person elected or appointed as a member of a school council holds office from the later of,
the date he or she is elected or appointed; and the date of the first meeting of the school council
after the elections held in the school year, until the date of the first meeting of the school council
after the elections held in the next school year.
A member of a school council may be re-elected or reappointed, unless otherwise provided by
the by-laws of the council.
The membership of a Council shall not exceed 25 persons. The maximum number of parent
members shall be 18. If there is no student representative, the maximum number of parent members
shall be 19.
In the event that the number of voting parent members (including OAPCE representatives), does not
constitute a majority of the Council, the composition of voting non-parent members will be adjusted in
consultation with the appropriate Superintendent.
The Officers of the Council shall be the Chair/Co-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Past Chair(s)
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and such other Officers as Council deems are required to carry out the activities of the Council. All
Officers of the Council shall be parents/guardians of students in the school. No person shall hold
more than one office in any given school year. The members shall elect from the established Catholic
School Council, the Officers of the Council at the first council meeting.
1.1 Elections
An election of parent members of a school council shall be held during the first 30 days of each
school year, on a date that is fixed by the chair or co-chairs of the school council after consulting with
the principal of the school. The principal of a school shall, at least 14 days before the date of the
election of parent members, on behalf of the school council, give written notice of the date and time of
and the location or means to access the election to every parent of a pupil who, on the date the notice
is given, is enrolled in the school.The written notice shall be delivered to the parent by email or by
electronic means and by posting the notice on the school’s website.
The election of parent members of a school council shall be held in person, at a location accessible to
all members of the school community. If for any reason a nominated parent cannot attend the
election, the parent member must provide a reason and notify the Principal of the school one week
prior to the election.
The Principal shall:
● provide nomination forms;
● At least 14 days before the date of the election of parent members, on behalf of the school
council, give written notice of the date and time of the location or means to access the election
to every parent of a pupil who, on the date the notice is given, is enrolled in the school;
● Request a profile from all candidates and make these available to the electorate;
● Conduct the elections by secret ballot;
● Count the ballots;
● Notify all individuals standing for election of the results before the results are released to the
school community.
● Release the names of successful candidates on the school website. A list of candidates and
the vote results will be kept on file for use in the event of vacancy on the council.
The council of the previous year will remain established until the new council is formed.
The election procedure shall be as follows:
(a) The Principal shall prepare and distribute ballots to all parents attending the Election
Meeting, including all candidates. Each ballot shall contain a list of all the candidates.
(b) The election shall be by secret ballot cast by parents present at the Election Meeting.
(c) Ballots shall be counted by the Principal in a public process.
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(d) If there is a tie in the number of votes between two (2) or more candidates, the tie will be
broken by the Principal drawing the names of the tied candidates until all of the Parent
Member positions are filled.
(e) The Principal shall announce the names of those elected as Parent Members at the Election
(f) All ballots and related information shall be retained by the Principal for one (1) year and
shall be kept confidential.
1.2 Term of Office
At the first election of the properly constituted Council, newly elected members of Council shall be
elected for a term of one (1) year, from the date they are elected or appointed until the date of the first
meeting of the School Council after the elections held in the next school year.
A member of the School Council may be re-elected or re-appointed for additional terms.
1.3 Meetings
The first meeting of the newly elected members of Council shall take place in person within the first
35 calendar days of the school year, after the elections held and on a date fixed by the principal of the
school. The Council shall hold a minimum of four (4) meetings per year and shall be held either in
person, at a location that is accessible to the public, and/or by electronic or telephonic means.
A member of a school council who participates in a meeting through electronic or telephonic means
shall be deemed to be present at the meeting.
All meetings of a school council shall be open to the public. The principal of the school shall, on
behalf of the school council, give written notice of the date and time of and the location or means to
access each meeting of the council to every parent of a pupil who, on the date the notice is given, is
enrolled in the school. The notice will be given to the parent by email or by other electronic means
and by posting the notice on the school’s website. The Council may choose to stream their meetings
to the public.
The school community may be invited to provide input to the Council. In its role as an Advisory body,
it is the responsibility of the Council to come to a final decision/position with respect to the issue/topic
being addressed. The Principal of a school shall consider each recommendation made to the
Principal by the school council and shall advise the council of the action taken in response to the
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1.4 Quorum
A meeting cannot be held unless quorum is met. Members are encouraged to notify the Principal
and/or Chair if they will be absent in order for meetings to be rescheduled in a timely manner if
quorum is not met.
A meeting of the council cannot be held unless,
(a) a majority of the current members of the council are present at the meeting; and
(b) a majority of the members of the council who are present at the meeting are parent members.
1.5 Voting and Decision Making
Each member of the Council is entitled to one vote in votes taken by the Council. Each
member of a committee of the School Council is entitled to one vote in votes taken by the
committee. If there is a student member, they can vote and must count towards quorum. If a student
member leaves early it is the obligation of the Principal/Chair to check that quorum still remains.
The principal is not entitled to vote in votes taken by the School Council or by a committee of
the School Council. If more than one Parish Representative is designated from the affiliated Parishes,
it must be understood that only one vote is allocated to this position.
1.6 Vacancies
If any elected position becomes vacant, the Council shall appoint the necessary number of
eligible person(s) to serve the balance of the term of office. First consideration of appointees
shall be given to any unsuccessful candidate(s) who ran in the last election, in order of finish,
followed by outreach strategies. If the appointment fails to fill all positions, the Council shall
proceed to operate as long as a parent/guardian majority exists.
A vacancy in the membership of the School Council does not prevent the Council from
exercising its authority.
1.7 Attendance
Council members shall make every effort to attend meetings. Council members who find they
are unable to attend meetings on a regular basis, shall be asked to reconsider their commitment.
Notice in writing shall be sent to any Council member who has missed three (3) consecutive
meetings to reconsider their commitment and position as council members.
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1.8 Consultation
The Council shall communicate regularly with parents/guardians and other members of the
School Community to seek their views and preferences with regard to matters being addressed
by the Council so that these are reflected in the advice the Council provides to the school
Principal, to the Board and to the Ministry.
1.9 Consultation by the Board
In addition to its other obligations to solicit the views of Councils under this act, the Board is obliged to
solicit the views of the council with respect to the matters outlined under section 19 of O. Reg 612/00.
1.10 Minutes and Financial Records
a) A council shall keep minutes of all of its meetings and records of all of its financial transactions.
b) The minutes of the Council meetings and records of financial transactions shall be
accessible by any person at the school for examination.
c) The recorded minutes of all the Council meetings and records financial transactions shall be
submitted to the Principal of the school.
d) Accurate accounting shall be maintained by the Principal and the Treasurer of the Council to
comply with the requirement of accountability and transparency to the school
e) (a) and (b) do not apply to minutes and records that are more than four (4) years old.
1.11 Annual “Year-End” Report
The School Council shall annually submit a written report on its activities to the principal and to
the Board by September 20th each year. This report will include a report from all committees,
including all fundraising activities. Councils should use the template provided here by the Board. The
report will be made available to the entire school community by delivering the notice to the parent by
email or by other electronic means and by posting the notice on the school’s website.
2.1 Chair/Co-Chair
The Chair/Co-Chair of the Council shall:
● New members to the Council Executive should attend the Council Orientation Workshop
offered by the York Catholic Parent Involvement Committee held annually in the Fall
● Prepare, in concert with the Principal, the agenda for Catholic School Council,
Executive or Subcommittee meetings
● Chair Council meetings
● Ensure that the minutes of Council, Executive or Subcommittee meetings are recorded,
maintained and kept for four years
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● Participate in information and training programs
● Communicate with the school Principal as required
● Ensure that there is regular communication with the school community posted on the
Council section of the school website
● Consult with senior board staff and Trustees, as required, and submit annually a
written report of the Council activities to the Principal and the Board.This Year-End Report will
be posted on the school website
● Respect the confidentiality of all information that may be received regarding any
pupils or staff while being a volunteer and/or Council member and refrain from releasing that
information to any person in accordance with the Municipal
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
2.2 Secretary
The Secretary of the Council shall:
● Ensure that the minutes of the Council meetings are recorded and retained for a minimum of
four years
● Keep a record of the proceedings of all other Council meetings (i.e.: Executive or
Sub-Committee meetings) for a minimum of four years
● Attend to all official correspondence and communication, posting of notices and filing
of records as directed by the Council in collaboration with the Chair and Principal, and in
accordance with Board policies and procedures.
In the absence of both the Chair and Vice Chair at meetings of Council, the Secretary shall call
the meeting to order and preside until the Council elects an acting Chair for that meeting.
2.3 Treasurer
The Treasurer shall:
● Entrusted with the receipt, care and management of all Council funds in accordance with
Board policies and procedures
● Prepare all deposits and ensure that they are signed by both the Treasurer and Chair
or Co-Chair
● Ensure that all deposits are prepared by a minimum of two (2) Council members, one being
the Treasurer, to confirm deposit amounts
● Prepare all documentation for the payment of invoices authorized by the Council
● Provide an account of all transactions and a current financial statement (budget vs.
actual analysis) at regular Council meetings, or whenever required
● Ensure that all financial records of the Council remain at the School and are available for audit
● Prepare a full Financial Statement prior to the Council’s Annual
General Meeting
● Develop budget proposals based on Council approved expenditures
● Retain all financial records for four years.
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A full financial statement of the Council year shall be prepared by the Treasurer and presented at
the AGM.
2.4 Principal
The Principal of the school shall:
● Give written notice of the date and time of and the location or means to access each meeting
of the council.
● facilitate the establishment of the Council and assist in its operation;
● support and promote council’s activities that are consistent with the board’s Policy 606,
Catholic School Councils;
● seek input from the council in areas for which it has been assigned advisory
● act as a resource on laws, regulations, board policies, and collective agreements;
● obtain and provide information required by the council to enable it to make informed
● communicate with the chair of the council, as required;
● ensure that copies of the minutes of the council’s meetings are kept at the school;
● assist the council in communicating with the school community;
● encourage the participation of all parents/guardians and of other people within the
● assist the Chair in developing the agendas;
● perform the duties as outlined in Ontario Regulation 613 - Operation of Schools.
2.5 Council Members
The members of the Council shall:
● Provide informed advice to the Principal on matters related to student achievement,
well-being and continuous school improvement
● Maintain a school-wide perspective on issues
● Participate in Council meetings
● Participate in information and training programs
● Act as a link between the Council and the school community
● Encourage the participation of all Parent/Guardian(s) and of other people within the
school community
● Respect the confidentiality of all information that may be received regarding any
pupils or staff while being a volunteer and/or Council member and
refrain from releasing that information to any person in accordance with the Municipal
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
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The Council shall make appointments to such Standing Committees of the Council (committees
which exist year after year and meet regularly) and Ad Hoc Committees of the Council
(committees appointed to deal with a specific issue, report on it and then are disbanded) as may
be required to carry on the activities of the Council and shall, where possible, appoint a Chair of
each such committee from among the Council members. Committee membership shall be drawn
from the members of the School Community. The Chair of the Council and the Principal, or their
designate, shall be members of each Standing and Ad Hoc Committee. All Committees shall report to
the Council to obtain final approval of the committee’s recommendations.
In accordance with section 15 (2) of Ontario Regulation 612/00, every school council shall make a
by-law that establishes rules respecting participation in school council proceedings in cases of conflict
of interest and establish a conflict resolution process for internal school council disputes.
Pursuant to Section 3.1.18 of Policy 606 Catholic School Councils, the York Catholic District School
Board reserves the right to disband a Council in the event of a conflict that cannot be resolved, and/or
behaviour contrary to the Council’s role and responsibilities.
All fundraising activities shall be conducted in accordance with Board Policies and Guidelines (Policy
603A School Fundraising, Policy 603B Fundraising for External Charitable Purposes and Policy 803
School Generated Funds).
a) Funds raised are to be used for a purpose approved by the Board and/or Principal. Catholic
School Councils shall ensure that Council funds and school resources are not used to promote
a particular viewpoint.
b) Any funds and assets generated through fundraising activities assisted by the Council are the
property of the Board.
All Council funds shall be held in the school bank account in designated Council subledgers.
In exceptional circumstances, where the Council has their own bank account, the Chair and Treasurer
shall have cheque signing authority on the Council bank account, with only the aforementioned
signatures necessary to validate cheques.
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Expenditures shall be defined as money outlay without expectation of monetary return.
Expenditures for events wholly or partially funded by the Council are to be presented in budget
form for approval by the Council.
Receipts must be furnished for all expenditures.
General count of money must be done by two people at the same time.
All fund raising activities must be in accordance with Board Policy 603A and 603B on FundRaising.
The Council shall not operate in a deficit.
The year-end balance of the Council sub-ledger account shall be kept to provide for a sufficient
operating balance to initiate Council activities in the following school year.
The Council shall arrange for an independent review of its books and records by a trusted member of
the school community at the end of Council’s term if a major, Board approved fundraiser has taken
place during the term (built into the sub-ledger oversight of the school Board).
There will be no honorarium paid to members of the Council. A person shall not receive any
remuneration for serving as a member. Reimbursement for expenses incurred as members of the
School Council shall be in accordance with relevant procedures established by the Board and
Section VII above.
The York Catholic District School Board reserves the right to disband a Catholic School Council in the
event of a conflict that cannot be resolved, and/or behaviour contrary to the Council’s role and
responsibilities. Elections to reconstitute a new Council will be held in accordance with Ontario
Regulation 612/00.
The Constitution and the By-Laws of the Council may only be amended by the York Catholic District
School Board.
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Appendix A
Catholic School Council members have a special commitment to their school. They demonstrate
enthusiasm, a desire to make a difference and a willingness to contribute in a meaningful way to
strengthen the partnership between school, home and parish.
If you would like to put your name forward and become an active participant in your child’s
education, please call the school office at [ insert School phone number] for a declaration package. It
may be sent home with your child, or you may choose to pick up a package in the main office.
Successful candidates will hold their elected position for a term of one year and will be expected
to attend the monthly meetings. We as parents can make a difference to our children’s education.
Being a member of council provides us with an opportunity to make recommendations to the
school, the school board and interact with other parents and staff. No one is singularly
responsible for decisions. A representation of parents who reflect the diversity of our school
population is needed.
Deadline for submission of nomination forms:
Communications of candidate’s names to the school community:
Election Day:
First council meeting:
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Please fill in the appropriate section below to declare your candidacy, or to nominate someone
else, for an elected position as a parent member on the Catholic School Council.
I wish to declare my candidacy for an elected position as parent/guardian representative
on the school council.
I wish to nominate_________________________________________ for an elected
position as parent/guardian representative on the school council.
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Home phone: ________________________ Business phone: ________________________
E-Mail: __________________________________________
I am the parent/guardian of __________________________________ who is currently
registered at this school.
I am an employee of the board: □ yes □ no
The person I have nominated is the parent/guardian of ______________________________ who
is currently registered at the school.
The person I have nominated is an employee of the board: □ yes □ no
Please include a brief bio of yourself or the candidate you have nominated which will be
published for election purposes:
e.g. occupation, background, interests, volunteer work
Return this form to the school office by______________________________________________
You will be notified when your nomination has been received.