9th LEVINAS PHILOSOPHY SUMMER SEMINAR “Imperatives of Alterity and Law in Levinas and Kant”

Pradžia: 2024-07-15 09:00
Pabaiga: 2024-07-19 17:00

LPSSContrary to philosophy’s normal epistemological predilection, both Kant and Levinas argue for “the primacy of practical reason,” for “ethics as first philosophy,” finding morality at the root of all intelligibility. Yet for Levinas moral imperative arises as responsible response to the other person’s alterity while for Kant it arises as dutiful respect for law in the other and oneself.

Through explication of texts and discussion, this seminar aims to clarify the grounds and some of the moral and political consequences of their agreement and disagreement.

Seminar will take place at Vilnius University, Lithuania, on July 15-19, 2024

Director: Prof. Richard A. Cohen (University at Buffalo, NY, USA & Vilnius University, LT)

Assistant Directors of Seminar: Prof. James McLachlan (Emeritus, Western Carolina University, NC, USA) and Assoc. Prof. Jolanta Saldukaitytė (Vilnius University, LT)

Seminar program

List of participants

This year seminar is a part of the research project “The Reception of Emmanuel Levinas’ Thought in Contemporary Philosophical Discourse” funded by the Research Council of Lithuania (grant Nr. S-LIP-22-62) & Institute of Philosophy at Vilnius University

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