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January 2016

Orlando, Florida

District 35-0 Region 3 Zone 7

Message From Lion Dennis Dulniak - President

better place. Please accept my personal invitation to

join us at a future meeting, learn about our Club ... I’ll

even buy your first meal! We meet every 1st and 3rd

Tuesday at 6:30 pm social and 7 pm our meeting

begins, Twin Rivers Golf Club Grill, 2100 Ekana

Drive (off Lockwood) in Oviedo. I’d love to hear

from you –,


Yours in Lionism,

Lion Dennis

President 2015-2016


ions – Worldwide Volunteers ...

We Care, We Serve for nearly a


Our Oviedo-Winter Springs Lions

Club chartered in 2000 is a relatively

young group of volunteers with strong

emphasis to helping those with sight and

hearing impairments. As part of Lions Clubs

International, world’s largest service club organization

with more than 1.4 million members in 46,000 clubs

in 208 countries and geographical areas around the

world. In fact, our Club is fully engaged to celebrate

our 100th anniversary culminating with Lions Clubs

International’s Centennial goal in 2017 of serving 100

million people! Among the Centennial Service

Challenge Campaign service goals of youth, vision,

hunger and the environment, our accomplishments and

ongoing efforts include:

Engaging Our Youth: collected reading books,

clothing, toys, personal items and food for the

Seminole County Families in Transition (FIT)

program that supports homeless students in our public


Sharing the Vision: held monthly Eye Clinic at the

Orange Blossom Family Health Center for screening,

eye exams, used eyewear and sunglasses to homeless,

unemployed and community needy. In 2015, we

collected over 200,000 pairs of glasses and placed

over 30,000 prescription glasses on financially

distressed people worldwide.

Relieving the Hunger: collected food and provided

gift cards for Thanksgiving and Christmas to needy

families and the FIT program.

Our dedicated Lions are always seeking other

community members willing to share in the caring,

service and humanitarian efforts that make our world a

The Oviedo-Winter Springs Lions in conjunction

with the Central Florida Chapter of the Professional

Opticians of Florida proudly presents the



to Benefit the


January 31, 2016


10350 Emerson Lakes Blvd.

Orlando, Florida 32832

Registration: $99.00 per golfer

Registration includes: Greens fees, cart fee,

pre-round range balls

and Awards Luncheon


HOLE IN ONE PRIZE: 2016 Chevrolet

(if over 60 players)

Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and more

Call Lion Ted 407-366-0761 or e-mail or Doreen 407-765-5600

email,or, for more information

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Oviedo-Winter Springs Lions

2015-2016 Club Officers

President: Lion Dennis Dulniak 407 971-9966

Immediate Past President: Lion Ted Erion


st Vice President: Lion Vish Punit


nd Vice President: Lion Tom Conaughty


rd Vice President: Lion Charles Sheaves

Secretary: Lion Ginny Murray

Treasurer: Lion Vern Hysell

Membership: Lion Dot Myers, PDP

2 Year Director: Lion Dee Hulbert

2 Year Director: Lion Pat Stamm

1 Year Director: Lion Paul Schwimmer

1 Year Director: Lion Pat Schulte

Lion Tamer: Lion Dee Hulbert

Tail Twister: Lion Denise Garland

Appointed Club Positions:

Bingo Chair: Lion Tom Conaughty

Book Scholarship Chair: Lion Vish Punit

Budget Committee Chair: Lion Ted Erion

Centennial Project: Lion Pat Schulte, Chair

Charity Committee Chair: Tom Conaughty

Chaplain: Lion Richard Challis

Project Right-to-Sight: Lion Paul Schwimmer

Eyeglass Collection Chair: Lion Pat Stamm

Golf Tournament Chair: Ted Erion

Gumball Machines Chair: Lion Jack Elliott

Lions Pride Day Chair: Lion Dee Hulbert

Publicity Chair: Lions Dianne & Bill Christian

Sunshine/Pride Chair: Lion Dee Hulbert

White Cane Chair: Lion Ted Erion

35-O District Governor

Lion Jacquie Tripp

386 316-5810

35-O 1st Vice District Governor

Lion Steve Hilaire

407 715-1422

35-O 2nd Vice District Governor

Lion Irving “Tito” Navarro


District Website:

Multiple District 35 Website:

Lions International Website:


his Newsletter is published, edited and

printed by CBD Printing, LLC for the

Oviedo-Winter Springs Lions Club.

Lions Dianne & Bill Christian

Newsletter Co-Editors CBD Printing, LLC

303 986-2049


hank You Twin Rivers Golf Club in

Oviedo for allowing the Oviedo-Winter

Springs Lions Club to meet at your restaurant

twice a month. The service and food is super. A

Great Big Thank You to all the

hard working BINGO Teams.

We could not do it without you!

Our dedicated teams give up a

Thursday evening to run our Club’s

Charity BINGO held at St. Alban’s

Church Hall, on Aloma Avenue.

Located on (Aloma) SR 426 between Dean Rd &

Tuskawilla. For more information CALL Lion Cathy

at 407 679-9585.


OWS Upcoming Events & Speakers

 Jan 5, 2016: Program Meeting - Kyle Johnson,

Lighthouse Central Florida

Lion Vish presiding @ Twin Rivers Golf Club 7:00 pm

 Jan 8-10: MD 35 Winter Conference, Radisson,


 Jan 18: Zone 6 Meeting, Kissimmee

 Jan 19: Business Meeting @ Twin Rivers Golf Club 7:00


 Jan 23: District 35-O Cabinet Mtg @ Wesley Center, 950


th Street, Clermont 10:00 am

 Jan 31: 4

th Annual Charity Golf Tournament, Eagle Creek

Golf Club 7:00 am

 Feb 2, 2016 Beth Kassab, Orlando Sentinel columnist

and Oviedo "burbs" resident

 April 7–10: Southeast LCI Leadership Institute, Fruitland

Park, FL

Being a Lion and Lions KidSight USA


can honestly say that my time as a Lion has

been wonderful. It has been great meeting so

many different people all looking to do the

same thing: Serve. I had never heard of the

Lions club before, but once I became a

member, I could not believe how it could've

been possible. I love that our daughter can participate in some of

the events that we do, like Eyeglass Sorting and White Cane

Day. I am grateful that we can raise her around such amazing

people and an even more amazing organization. Lions Jonathan

and I are always looking to do more. What more can we do for

our community?

One thing in particular that I am taking charge of in our area

is a program called Lions KidSight USA. Since 80% of learning

is visual, it is critical to ensure that our children can see well.

Part of what we plan to do in the Lions KidSight USA program

is to screen children ages 6 months to 6 years for a number of

eye disorders, primarily amblyopia also known as lazy eye. As

with any new project we take on, we need members to volunteer

their time to screen and help follow up with families to ensure

that all of our local children get the eye care and education they


We are looking forward to 2016 being another great year

serving our community as Lions. Come and join us!

Lion Toniann Arias

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2015 Oviedo-Winter Springs Holiday Party

What it Means to be a New Lion


eing a new Lion is an adventure for me – new people to meet, new challenges to face, new

ways to be part of the community and a new me.

Being a new Lion is similar to being an attorney who serves the public, those who cannot

afford to hire an attorney to represent them in court in that both are dealing with those who need

assistance and do not have the resources to obtain the services needed. To be a part of Lions

Club International and the Oviedo-Winter Springs Lions Club is an amazing feeling. I am

looking forward to being a part of a great organization that helps those who needs the most help.

I feel a great deal of pride being a Lion because Lion Clubs International and Oviedo-Winter Springs Lions Club are well

respected in the community and valued. I am proud to be a new Lion in serving others.


nce again our Annual Holiday

Party was a evening filled

with good music performed by

Danial Jordon, yummy food from

Stefano’s Catering and the best

Lions Fellowship possible.

Wishing everyone a 2016 filled

with Peace, Good Health and


To all Lions thanks for what you


A Picture is worth 1,000 Years

Books for Families in Transition

Lt to rt; Lions Pat Schulte, Nancy

& Dennis Dulniak

OWS Lions provide gifts for Families

in Transition: Lt to rt; Lions Dennis

Dulniak, Jack Elliott, Ted Erion,

Charlie Sheaves, Pat Schulte and

Nancy Dulniak

Representing OWS Lions Club, Lions Nancy & Dennis

Dulniak & Lion Pat Schulte (far right) present books to

Principal Dr. Tina Erwin (center), Jane Millen behavior

support specialist.

Representing OWS Lions Club, Lions Dennis & Nancy make

FIT book donations to Layer Elementary School

Representing OWS Lions Club, Lions Dennis & Nancy

make FIT book donations to Highland Elementary School