Artist Submissions for SPRING REVERB 2025!
SPRING REVERB is a four-day exhibition that promotes, develops and showcases the Kingston music scene. With concerts, panels and special guest talks, SPRING REVERB will uncover emerging artists, bridge deals with visiting industry, provide opportunities for learning, and be a great music-party downtown Kingston! This years festival runs May 29 - June 1, 2025!

Our open call for artists runs until February 17, 2025!

All artists who submit via this online form will be reviewed by the selection committee. The selection committee is committed to programming artists/ bands of varied genres + ages, while aligning with Spring Reverb's goals of equity, diversity, and inclusion. The selection process is based on artistic merit, the timing of latest releases, and pairing with other artists in the lineup. All submissions will be reviewed thoroughly.

Other stuff:

  • Unfortunately, showcase spots are limited and there will be far more applicants than spaces available (support spots are often at the discretion of headline artists).
  • All applicants will be notified of our decision (please remember - programming is subjective!)
  • We encourage all artists to apply but preference will be given to local artists from the surrounding area
All submissions will be reviewed and notified by May 1, 2025. 

For questions about programming contact

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Email *
Primary Contact (Name) *
Artist/Band Name *
Where is the band based? *
If you are from outside of Kingston, do you have any connections to the city? 
Links to your music *
Links to social media *
Website link
Genre *
Artist/Band bio *
What is the coolest thing that's happened to your band so far? (This is your chance to brag and/or mention famous bands you've opened up for.)
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