In June 2019, in an interview given to the Financial Times, Russian President Vladimir Putin baldly declared that the liberal idea had outlived its purpose as the public turned against immigration, open borders and multiculturalism. If liberalism has indeed come into conflict with the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population then evidence should show that it is in retreat. Ipso facto, so should Enlightenment values that underpin liberal democracy. A key aim of the book is to garner evidence. Is the liberal idea characterised by Putin accurate or rather a caricature divorced from reality? Modern Europe and the Enlightenment explores whether the policy stance on the issues outlined above, and a host of similar topics being tackled by European governments, are consonant with Enlightenment values. The Enlightenment covered an array of issues on every aspect of life wherein reason was rigorously applied to solve problems, gain understanding and discover facts. It was a successor to the sc
This author does well with gathering info and painting a clear picture of Western Europe and Eastern Europe attitudes in relation to enlightenment values. The author does a great job describing the challenges of immigration as an enlightenment value, mainly the unenlightened values of immigrant population, including intra-EU. The first 5 chapters I recommend, chapter 6 it falls off a cliff. The author proclaims that the most prolific and widespread crackdown by government over their citizenry ever in Western Europe, COVID 19 restrictions, were a triumph for enlightenment values. Hahaha. The author and Sam Harris must spend their evenings walking hand in hand around Atheist Park. Chapter 6 is just the predictable and boring Sam Harris view of the World. The book seemed hastily edited. There is an entire half paragraph that appears to not be placed in the right part of the book. I know without a shadow of a doubt though, that the author did not do this intentionally, because he has no freewill.
This book is an excellent attempt to trace the legacy of the enlightenment (or lack thereof) to present day Europe. The core argument is well-sourced and cohesive but unfortunately it suffers from extremely poor editing. While this fault cannot be placed on the author, it really holds back the impact of the book.