Jokowi's Closing Act: 14 New Strategic Projects Launched


President Joko Widodo has greenlit the addition of 14 new National Strategic Projects (NSPs), with construction slated to commence in 2024. Airlangga Hartarto, the Coordinating Economic Minister, stated that these new NSPs will generate employment opportunities and not require state budget allocations. "The president has approved it, and there are new NSPs with adjustments in nomenclature and changes in the scope of the NSPs themselves," he said on Mar. 20.

According to Airlangga, from 2016 to February 2024, the Indonesian government completed 195 NSPs, all fully operational. Additionally, 41 NSPs have been completed in 2024. Here are the 14 new NSPs to be undertaken by investors:

  1. Development of Pantai Indah Kapuk Tropical Concept
  2. Development of Wiraraja Industrial Park, Galang Island
  3. North Hub Development Project, Offshore East Kalimantan
  4. Development of Neo Energy Parimo Industrial Estate, Central Sulawesi
  5. Patimban Industrial Estate, Subang
  6. Development of Giga Industrial Park, Southeast Sulawesi
  7. Development of Kolaka Resource Industrial Park, Southeast Sulawesi
  8. Development of Stargate Astra Industrial Park, Southeast Sulawesi
  9. Development of Surabaya Water Front Coastal Area
  10. Development of Neo Energy Morowali Zone, Central Sulawesi
  11. Development of Integrated Zone in Bumi Serpong Damai
  12. Development of Toapaya Bintan Industrial Park, Riau
  13. Development of Toll Road in Section Harbour Road II, North Jakarta
  14. Development of Inner City Toll Road in Bandung

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