This category refers to any woman exposed to (physical, emotional, sexual, and or financial abuse) that was committed by member/s within the same household or outside the household.
Therefore, the victim would be:
Based on the definition of trafficking by law: “Trafficking is the recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring or receiving persons by means of threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or of position, taking advantage of the vulnerability of the person or the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person for the purpose of exploitation (UAE Federal Law 51)”.A case will be categorized as a victim of trafficking in the following circumstances:
– If deception was used in the process of recruitment (i.e. they were not told the truth about the nature of work she would when she was first contacted by the recruiters).
– If there was no deception, but the victim had no choice as the recruiters had full control over her (i.e. even if she knew about the nature of work, and showed no resistance).
– If a child was exploited by recruiters for commercial sex (prostitution, or any other forms of body exploitation) on financial or labor exploitation.
– If the victim experiences any kind of exploitation without being able to refuse, for the sake of gaining money or other benefits for the recruiters.
Child Abuse refers to violence (physical, emotional, sexual, and/or neglect and deprivation) experienced by a child inside or outside the household (i.e. in any setting). At the time the violence occurred, the victim is less than 18 years old and experienced abuse/violence other than trafficking.
Therefore, a victim of child abuse would be:
Domestic violence is a type of violence that occurs between family members and intimate partners which usually takes place at home. It is the use of force by a person to maintain power and control over the other.
Abuse is never the victim’s fault, it happens to people of all ages, races, and religions.
Slapping, hitting, kicking, grabbing, pushing… etc.
– Name calling, yelling, criticizing, neglecting, intimidating through facial expressions, actions and tone of voice, controlling where they go, and whom they talk to..
– Forcing someone to engage in sexual acts or watch pornography against their will.
– Making a person financially dependent and try to keep her from getting a job.
Unexplained frequent injuries
Anxiety, and depression
Isolation and withdrawal
Low self esteem
Sleep deprivation
Chronic health problems
The victim fears threat, physical harm, losing children, or the blame of others, still loves the abuser and hope she/he will change.
Develop a safety plan and discuss it with your children
.Seek counseling, psychotherapy, and support for you and your family.
CALL the police if you are in danger, get a medical report in case of any type of physical abuse, make sure you take your money, car keys, clothes, passports and important documents for you and your children
Getting out of an abusive relationship is not easy, however,help is available. Learn how to protect yourself and seek your options, always be prepared and careful. Abusers try to control the victim’s life, and when the victim attempts to leave they get worse. If an argument seems unavoidable, move to another room or an area with easy access to an exit.
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