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Port Huron - RSVP Form - May 8, 2024
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RSVP's must be received no later than FRIDAY, MAY 3 AT NOON.
Any RSVP's after the deadline will be charged $30, instead of the standard $20 luncheon fee.
Stacey Forbes
Your answer
Do you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions? If so, please list below:
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I agree to pay $20 for my lunch (or $30 if I RSVP after the deadline, stated above). I also agree to cover payment if I am unable to attend.
What method of payment do you plan on using?
Cash, check or card at the door
Payment via Square (Copy & paste the corresponding link listed below)
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Payment Link - $20 - Standard RSVP
Payment Link - $30 - LATE RSVP
Guests are welcome!!
Please provide this form to any guests who would like attend so they can RSVP.
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