<aside> 💡 Many have asked—and I listened. I’m working on a community & will host my blueprints, resources, and a weekly office hour there (to answer any one-off questions) once it’s ready. For now, keep using this Notion doc and stay tuned.



Make.com is a fantastic piece of software and more people should know how to use it.

But there’s a problem:

To solve this, I’m creating a guide to Make.com. The goal: teach freelancers, agency owners, and developers how to actually make money using the platform.

You don’t need any experience with Make.com at all to understand this. All of the “introductory” stuff will be in the first couple videos, and everything after that will be practical Make.com builds for high ROI systems. I want this to be a comprehensive resource, but I also don’t want it to be a thought experiment—the entire focus is going to be on “how do I make systems that companies use today to save $ or generate revenue”. AI is hot as hell right now so I’ll also make sure to include it as quickly as possible.

The format will be the same as my usual videos: longform, in-depth, 20-30 mins, etc. I’ll record one per day until I’m finished the guide and share them as each video is being created. I’ll throw in a few “request” builds, too, so if you want me to create something specific just let me know in the comments and if I have time I’ll get to it before I finish. I will include blueprints to every scenario that I build so you can just copy and paste them into your own businesses after, or use them as stems for your own products.

Here’s the outline:

  1. **Make.com (formerly Integromat) Introduction**: what is this, what is Make, why do people use it, what’s the main strength versus other platforms or coding, etc.
  2. **Make.com basics**: signing up, modules, operations, all of the unimportant shit you need to know before we start.