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Basic Meditation Instructions
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Basic Meditation Instructions

Before you begin, remind yourself of your motivations for practising. Whatever reasons you have for wanting to meditate, bring them to mind, e.g. to have more focus, or deal better with stress.

Decide how long you will meditate for and commit to dedicating that time to practise. Select your meditation object - this could be any sensations in the present moment, the sensations of the body, or the sensations associated with the breath.

Set a timer and be as still and quiet as possible until it goes off.

  1. Posture
  1. Find a comfortable posture that allows you to find a balance between being relaxed and alert. Allow the spine to lengthen so that the crown of your head is gently being pulled upwards.
  2. Close your eyes or keep them open with a soft gaze.
  1. Relax
  1. Relax the body. Release any tension in your shoulders, neck, jaw, and eyes.
  2. Take a few moments to appreciate that you’ve allocated this time to practise and you can put aside all other tasks and concerns. If there is anything occupying your mind such as worries or doubts, resolve to set them aside until after your practice. Appreciate any sense of stillness or quietness.
  3. Remain as still and quiet as possible for the duration of the meditation.
  1. Intention
  1. Resolve to practise patiently and diligently for the length of the session.
  2. Place your attention on your meditation object, bringing it into the foreground.
  3. Allow all other sensations such as sounds and thoughts to remain in the background. Let them be, while you watch your chosen meditation object.
  4. Your mind will very likely move towards thoughts or sensations other than what you intended. When you recognise this, take a moment to appreciate that you noticed and congratulate your mind on being aware. It is not a problem that the mind drifts! The important thing is becoming aware of what the mind is doing.
  5. Gently bring your attention back to the meditation object. It doesn’t matter how many times you do this in a session - each time you are training the mind.
  6. Repeat these steps for the duration of the meditation session.

Remember that the only bad meditation is the one you didn’t do!