EAPCI Board 2024–2026 Elections
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EAPCI Board 2024–2026 Elections

Electronic voting took place from 29 March to 18 April 23:59 CET. The election results were officially announced during EAPCI's EuroPCR in Paris, on 14-17 May 2024.

The new Board has taken office as of 14 May and will serve your Association for the period May 2024 - May 2026 under the presidency of Prof. Alaide Chieffo, FESC.

Elected Candidates

Executive Board 2024-2026



M_Gilard.jpg Prof. Martine Gilard, France (FESC) 

Application form - Vision - CV - Motivation letter



Dejan Milasinovic.png Dr. Dejan Milasinovic, Serbia 

Application form - CV - Motivation letter



FR.png Prof. Flavio Ribichini, Italy (FESC)

Application formCV - Motivation letter


PCR representatives

salvatore brugaletta.jpg Prof. Salvatore Brugaletta, Spain (FESC)

Application form - CV  - Motivation letter



ML.JPG Prof. Maciej Lesiak, Poland (FESC)

Application form - CV - Motivation letter 


Nominating Committee 2024-2026

A. Baumbach.png Prof. Andreas Baumbach, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (FESC)



Carlo di Mario.jpg Prof. Carlo di Mario, Italy (FESC)



Haude 2024.jpg Prof. Michael Haude, Germany (FESC)



Photo Petronio '24.jpg Prof. Anna Sonia Petronio, Italy (FESC)



Patrick Serruys.jpeg Prof. Patrick W. Serruys, Ireland (FESC)



William Wijns.PNG Prof. William Wijns, Ireland (FESC)


Key dates

  • 1 February: Announcement and call for applications for the positions of President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer, and for the Nominating Committee 2024- 2026
  • 29 February 23:59 CET: End of eligibility EAPCI voting members (as per EAPCI Bylaws)
  • 9 March 23:59 CET: Deadline for applications to the positions of President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer, and deadline for applications for the Nominating Committee 2024-2026
  • 9 - 29 March: Nomination of candidates by the Nominating Committee 2024-2026
  • 29 March - 18 April: Online voting
  • 18 April 23:59 CET: Deadline for electronic vote
  • 14 - 17 May: Announcement of results at EuroPCR 2024. Effective change of Board at EAPCI General Assembly

Related documents

 Key information regarding voting process

EAPCI Bylaws have now replaced the EAPCI Constitution (validated by the ESC Board on 25 August 2023).

  • In accordance with these new bylaws, only EAPCI members having settled their dues 1 month ahead of an election (i.e. when the voting platform opens) and who are still members on the date of the actual votes, have voting rights. As of 1 January 2026, members must have settled their dues at least 3 months ahead of an election and still be members when the voting platform opens. Only EAPCI Members having settled their membership dues by 29 February 2024 (23:59 CET), have eligibility and voting rights.
  • Individuals who meet the above criteria will be emailed a personalised link to the voting platform. If you think you are eligible but you have not received the voting link via email, please contact eapci@escardio.org.
  • Voting will be by secret ballot. If only one candidate is proposed for any position (e.g., when there is no other candidate), voting will take place nonetheless (with three voting options: agree / disagree / abstain). The proposed candidate will be elected by simple majority in his/her favour.


The EAPCI Board 2024-2026 Elections are managed by the 2022-2024 EAPCI Nominating Committee chaired by Prof. Dariusz Dudek, FESC, in his position as EAPCI Past-President.

The Nominating Committee Members are:

  • Prof. David Erlinge (Sweden), FESC
  • Dr. Valeri Gelev (Bulgaria), FESC
  • Prof. David Hildick-Smith (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland), FESC
  • Prof. Andrejs Erglis (Latvia), FESC
  • Dr. Bernard Chevalier (France), FESC
  • Prof. Gerald Werner (Germany), FESC

If you have any questions, please contact EAPCI at eapci@escardio.org.