WHAT IS A MEDICO LEGAL REPORT? Medico legal is an adjective that means "about medicine and law" or "from a medical point of view." It is often used when describing legal cases involving medical matters. Here are some examples: a medico legal report, a medico legal statement, and a medico legal opinion. These phrases are also used as nouns: a medico legal institution and a medico legal expert. WHAT IS A MEDICO LEGAL REPORT? A medico legal report is a medical expert's assessment of your injury for your personal injury compensation claim. They are also known as workers' compensation doctors, AMS doctors, or accident injury doctors, and they often have a different outlook than your general practitioner. The lawyers and insurers choose them for their expertise in injury compensation claims. They do not work with your GP and are unlikely to be your regular doctor, as this would create a conflict of interest. Medico legal experts must follow the Ministry of Justice guidelines to ensure their reports are factual and impartial. They cannot be tailored or slanted to meet the criteria that a solicitor requests, as this would be considered unethical. This makes them an invaluable resource for claimants as they can help to calculate potential compensation amounts. WHAT IS A MEDICO LEGAL STATEMENT? The provision of medico legal reports is a regular part of the practice of general practitioners. A non-medical audience generally sees these reports, and their opinions may be subject to scrutiny and challenge in court. Therefore, GPs must take great care in preparing medico-legal reports so that they are accurate, comprehensive, and easy to understand by those reading them. Medical expert witnesses are frequently called upon to provide their opinion in legal proceedings relating to claims for compensation, such as those following personal injury accidents and cases of medical negligence. Competent medical experts can take a step back from their medical mind' and think about the facts of the case differently– they can employ what is known as the medico-legal mind.' This enables them to better communicate their findings to instructing lawyers and the courts. It also helps the legal resolution process in compensation claims move forward more quickly. WHAT IS A MEDICO LEGAL OPINION? Medico legal assessment is an integral part of your injury compensation claim. It involves an appointment with a medical legal doctor who is not your treating physician. The content of a medico legal assessment directly impacts your injury compensation payout amount. Medico legal assessments are conducted by doctors who your lawyers or insurers choose to assess your level of disability and impairment ratings. Preparing a solid medico legal report requires specialised knowledge and expertise. This includes a thorough chronologic review of all medical records, expert medical opinions, narrative summaries, synopsis of your treatment, medication charts, and billing information. It must also be completed within a reasonable timeframe. CONCLUSION: A key challenge for attorneys fighting medico legal cases is the presence of opposing medical professional opinions. This can be a significant obstacle to obtaining adequate compensation. However, some strategies can help to overcome these obstacles. These include ensuring that your medico-legal report is honest and accurate, contains verified information, and avoids omitting critical information.