Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes?

In this article, we will discuss about can bearded dragons eat tomatoes or not. The answer is yes. Bearded Dragons can eat tomatoes.

But not on a regular basis. There might be a lot of confusion in this case. We will clear them one after another. 

Our website has been dedicated for a long time for bearded dragon lovers. As pet owners, it is our responsibility that we take care of the lives that we are responsible for full stops in most cases, we actually love our pets.

But we lack the passion and attraction of learning information regarding the specific animal. Especially, if it is an exotic animal, things can be quite difficult. 

Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes

Tomatoes are well enriched with minerals and vitamins. But there is always a downside to everything that is good. In this article, we will discuss about all of the myths and all of the common misconceptions that there are in the market. We suggest you to read through the whole article and stick to the end of it. 

Tomatoes are an important source of minerals for bearded Dragons 

Many people ask this question. “Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes?” the direct answer is yes. But different types of tomatoes can cause different sorts of reactions inside the animal. As bearded Dragons are mainly from the desert and tropical countries, they have a wide variation of food habits. They are omnivorous. This means that they are compatible with consuming both vegetarian and non-vegetarian food. 

There are several questions that might be roaming inside your head right now. “Can bearded Dragons eat cherry tomatoes?” 

All of the questions will be answered one by one. Tomatoes are a great source of nutrition and other important elements inside a bearded dragon. As they are quite fragile in their digestive system and capability of swallowing something. It is very important that we keep an open eye for any sort of problems that might occur. 

Nutrition of every 100 grams of tomato 

Name Amount 
water 94.78 gram 
energy 16 kcal 
protein 1.6 gram 
total liquid [fat] 0.19 gram 
fiber 0.9 gram 
sugar 9.75 gram 
calcium 5 milligram 
phosphorus 29 milligram 
sodium 42 milligram 
vitamin C 16 milligram 
Iron  0.47 milligram 
vitamin D 0.08 milligram 
Vitamin A 75 milligram 
vitamin E 0.12 milligram 

with the table above, you can see the nutrition value of 100 grams of tomato. Before jumping into the benefits and the downsides of tomatoes, we thought that having a look at this table will give you a better insightful stop because when we are discussing about benefits or downsides, you need to learn this information first. It will help you easily decide if tomatoes are actually important or if they are lacking in any major nutrients. 

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As you cannot feed better Dragons with any type of food that you want, you need to be careful in a full stop despite of the fact that they are omnivorous, it is not true at all that you can feed your bearded dragon with anything. You need to be attentive and careful enough while feeding it. 

More info on can bearded dragons eat tomatoes or not 

Bearded Dragons can safely eat tomatoes. That is for sure. With information from experts from vet researchers, we have several proofs and confirmed Intel on this.

Tomatoes are listed as one of the safest foods for bearded Dragons. It is also quite suitable for baby bearded Dragons as well. The only thing that stands between actually feeding it and not doing it is the exact amount. Unit to be precise with the amount.  

Just as you hear those tomatoes are good for bearded dragons, that doesn’t mean that you can feed all that you want. There are limitations to that as well. You need to learn about the exact amount that you can feed your beardie. It’s only a matter of time when you learn the information about the item that you want to feed your dragon. 

Before telling you more about just tomatoes, have a look at some other items as well. Try to get a grip about why and how to make a proper and all-around diet list for a bearded dragon. That will help you out a lot. 

And if you don’t have any idea about that, feel free to check out some of the other articles on this website. Who knows what you might find next! 

What type of tomatoes can a bearded dragon eat? 

There are lots of different types of tomatoes in the market. Some are classed as by their size. Some are classed by their species of botany.

We don’t want to get into so much about the details about the type in details. But let’s talk a bit about which tomatoes you can feed a bearded dragon. 

This might be able to answer to one of the most common questions, “can bearded dragons eat tomatoes?”

Let’s start with cherry tomatoes. These are one of the most common tomatoes found in the market around you all year long. As they are mostly used for decoration and salad toppings, they are found almost everywhere.  

type of tomatoes

Firstly, cherry tomatoes are basically a small species of tomatoes. In terms of the food values, they are pretty much the same as the regular tomatoes. 

This means that the average amount of tomatoes that you can feed to a beardie is still the same. There will be a part in this article about the number of tomatoes that you can feed to a bearded dragon. 

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Regarding the question about can bearded dragons eat cherry tomatoes or not, yes, they can. But the amount needs to be strictly limited. 

How much tomato can a bearded dragon eat? 

Tomatoes are not something that you can feed in a large quantity. There are reasons for that. The reasons will be discussed in the next parts of this article. Before doing that, you need to know that you cannot feed too many tomatoes to your bearded dragon. 

For an adult bearded dragon, the amount is quite small. You can feed around a quarter of tomatoes or around two or three cherry tomatoes once a month. Yes, you heard that right. Once in an entire month!  Does this mean that tomatoes are toxic for a better dragon? No, absolutely not. But more than the prescribed amount, the vegetable can cause severe toxicity inside the bearded dragon.

Why you shouldn’t feed more than the prescribed amount 

First of all, tomatoes have an unhealthy ratio of calcium and phosphorus in them. In a previous article, we have discussed that having a maintained ratio of phosphorus and calcium is important at all times.

And the ratio is the same. This means that if you feed one gram of phosphorus, you need to feed one gram of calcium to the bearded dragon. 

As you can see from the table given above in this article, tomatoes have an uneven ratio of phosphorus and calcium in them. Which makes it quite contrary to the previous statement.

As we need to feed a proper and equal ratio of phosphorus and calcium to bearded Dragons, we cannot feed too many tomatoes do them. 

Now, the question arises regarding why you should feed tomatoes at all? If there is so much downside and so many difficulties of feeding it, then why should you even consider it? 

There is a reason for that. Tomatoes contain high levels of fiber and water particles as well as vitamin A and vitamin C in a properly balanced ratio.

So, if you want to give your bearded dragon cherry tomatoes or other medium-size tomatoes as a salad topping just once a month come up it will help them to get a proper supply of fiber and other important minerals. 

Bearded Dragons don’t have any tendency of drinking water as an extra object. Having juicy items such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, beaches help them a lot in terms of getting the proper water requirement fulfilled on a daily basis.

But always remember that you can feed tomatoes only once a month to your bearded dragon. If you feed more than the prescribed amount, you can cause a severe number of complications and uncomfortable situations inside the bearded dragon. 

Are tomatoes safe for baby bearded Dragons? 

Yes, baby bearded Dragons can eat tomatoes. But within just the prescribed amount. Baby bearded Dragons require a comparatively higher amount of nutrients and vitamins. Especially in comparison to an adult one.

Apart from the items that can cause toxicity such as sweet potatoes or white mice come up baby bearded Dragons are prone to getting proper nutrients from almost any type of recommended food in their list. 

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A high percentage of the nutrients that a baby bearded dragon usually requires comes from insects and plant-based foods. Which also includes tomatoes.

Baby bearded Dragons should be presented with tomatoes just as an occasional treat. Not as a regular item. And this occasion can occur at best three times in an entire month.

You can see that the average capability of tomato consumption of a baby bearded dragon is three times more than an adult one. But still, it is quite less. So, you need to be cautious and attentive enough. 


How much tomatoes can a bearded dragon eat?

A bearded dragon can eat around 1/4 of a medium-sized tomato. Or, two or three cherry tomatoes in an entire month. You can give it either by chopping it into small pieces or feeding it directly. Or, you can use that amount of tomato as a salad dressing.

Can bearded dragons eat tomatoes?

Yes, they can. Bearded Dragons can indeed eat tomatoes. But the number and the type of tomatoes are something that you should be aware of.

What can bearded Dragons not eat?

Better Dragons are omnivorous. But that doesn’t mean that they can eat everything. Toxic vegetables, mushrooms, beetroots, insects that release toxins and liquid chemicals upon attack should we avoid it at all cost.

Can bearded Dragons eat tomatoes and cucumber?

Tomatoes should be fed in a really small amount to bearded Dragons in the whole month. As far as cucumber goes, it is recommended that you should mix up small pieces of cucumber inside the salad. Try not to feed it directly to the bearded dragon. As the excessive amount of water can fill up the stomach of the animal and cause it not to eat the other items that are actually necessary.

What vegetables are safe for bearded Dragons?

Leafy greens, juicy vegetables are mostly safe for bearded Dragons. Vegetables such as sweet potatoes, cucumber, tomato, spinach, lettuce, and similar other vegetables are quite helpful for bearded Dragons to get proper nutrients from.

And we had a dragon eight potatoes?

Not direct potatoes. But sweet potatoes. Better Dragons can eat sweet potatoes. There is a whole article discussing sweet potatoes on our website. Feel free to check that out to learn more information about this.

Can bearded Dragons eat raspberries?

Bearded Dragons actually love raspberries. They are quite excited as well. Within a prescribed manner, you can feed raspberries on a regular basis to bearded Dragons. They are quite enriched with important nutrients and vitamins for them.

Can bearded Dragons eat strawberries?

Bearded Dragons can eat strawberries. But with a proper mix up of other fruits and vegetables. Not directly.

Can bearded Dragons eat bananas?

Bearded Dragons actually can eat bananas. But there is a problem with that. We have discussed that bearded Dragons should have an equal ratio of Phosphorus and calcium in their food list. But bananas have an uneven ratio of phosphorus and calcium. Which makes it quite hard and imbalanced for the bearded dragon to digest. But you can still feed bearded Dragons with bananas only once or twice with small pieces. Especially if your bearded dragon is lacking phosphorus in its system.


In this article, we discussed about can bearded dragons eat tomatoes or not. Bearded Dragons can indeed eat tomatoes. But not as a regular food item. Rather than tomatoes should be fed within a very little amount, such as a quarter of a medium-sized tomato or, two or three cherry tomatoes in an entire month. You should be cautious and responsible for the actions that you are taking for the animal. If you need any information regarding any other sector of bearded Dragons, feel free to check out the other articles available on our website. If you need any recommendation for anything else, let us know in the comment section or reach directly to us with the contact information given below. 

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