WAME Webinar: Archiving, Preservation, and Long-Term Access for Digital Journals
Date: March 10, 2025
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 PM UTC (click here to confirm your local time)
Access: FREE and open to all with an interest in digital preservation for scholarly outputs. Current WAME membership is not required. This webinar will be recorded; following the event, a link to the recording will be shared with all those who have registered.

Topics to be covered:
  • Why it's important for journals to actively preserve what they publish, and how to do it
  • The costs of journal preservation -- and the consequences of failure to preserve for researchers, publishers, funders, universities, rights holders, and readers
  • How preservation networks including PKP PN, CLOCKSS, and the Global LOCKSS Network each work in different ways to preserve and provide access to digital journals
  • Preserving OJS journals via PKP PN, CLOCKSS, the Global LOCKSS Network, and other services: What are the steps involved
  • Trigger events: what they are, what happens when journal content is triggered, and how readers can find archived journal contents
  • How authors, researchers, editors, publishers, librarians, and others can be powerful advocates for journal preservation
Alicia Wise is Executive Director of the CLOCKSS Archive. She has worked to increase access to research information for 25 years as an academic author and in roles with funders, libraries, consortia, and publishers.
Mariya Maistrovskaya is a Senior Publishing Support Specialist with the PublicKnowledge Project (PKP). In this role she provides user support for PKP's open-source software and advises on the best technical and workflow solutions for journal publishers. Mariya is passionate about open access, open science, and good documentation.
Snowden Becker is Community Manager for the LOCKSS Program at Stanford University, which develops and supports the open-source LOCKSS software and related tools. She works with the LOCKSS Program team to help users and community-based networks worldwide apply the "lots of copies keep stuff safe" approach to meet their digital preservation needs.
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What topics related to journal preservation are you interested to learn about in this webinar? Are there any specific questions you would like speakers to address, if time permits?
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