The Board's Finance and Facilities Committee, charged with the consolidation of facilities in response to the aging buildings and the decline in enrollment, is establishing an ad-hoc Consolidation Subcommittee.
The scope of the Consolidation Subcommittee's responsibilities will be to recommend to the Finance and Facilities Committee a proposed facilities plan for consolidation for Board consideration. It is an expectation that the Consolidation Subcommittee will use the facilities information available, current facilities research, and local educational program needs to guide their deliberations.
Consolidation Subcommittee membership shall include the Finance and Facilities representatives of the School Committee, one representative from each town’s Select Board and up to six parents and/or citizens representing a cross-section of the communities. The Superintendent of Schools, School Business Manager, and Director of Operations shall be ex officio members of the committee.
Consolidation Subcommittee members shall meet on a regular basis as required. Here are the meeting dates tentatively scheduled; January 10, February 7, March 27, April 24 and May 22. Additional meetings may be added. The meetings will be 5:30-6:25pm at RSU #4’s Central Office. An agenda for each meeting will be developed and a person will be designated to keep minutes for each meeting.
Please complete this form on or before December 6, 2023. Committee members will be notified of their selection by December 15, 2023. The first Facilities Consolidation Committee meeting is scheduled for January 10, 5:30-6:25pm at the RSU 4 Central Office.
Thank you!