Why Students at Evans Hairstyling College Lead Rexburg’s Hair Trends

Evans Hairstyling College
3 min readMay 14, 2024

Evans Hairstyling College is not just a center of learning for aspiring hair stylists; it is a pivotal force in defining and driving hair trends in Rexburg. The college’s profound impact on the local beauty scene, particularly in Rexburg Hair Salon establishments, positions it as an influential entity in the ever-evolving world of hair design.

Comprehensive Curriculum: A Blend of Tradition and Innovation

The curriculum at Evans Hairstyling College is meticulously designed to blend traditional hairstyling techniques with innovative practices. This educational strategy ensures that students not only master the essential skills but also push the boundaries of creativity and style. The inclusion of modern hairdressing techniques and trend analyses in the curriculum empowers students to experiment and innovate, leading them to set new trends rather than merely following existing ones.

Practical Exposure and Real-World Application

Students at Evans are given numerous opportunities to engage with real-world scenarios through internships and collaborations with local Hair Salons in Rexburg ID. This practical exposure is crucial as it allows students to apply their learned skills in genuine customer interactions, fostering a deeper understanding of client expectations and current market trends. This direct engagement with the community helps students gain confidence and a reputation, often positioning them as trendsetters in the local hair industry.

Creative Freedom and Encouragement

At Evans Hairstyling College, students are encouraged to explore their creative boundaries. This ethos is cultivated through various creative projects and assignments that challenge students to come up with unique styles and techniques. Such an environment not only fosters creativity but also builds a strong sense of style individuality among the students, enabling them to influence and lead Rexburg’s hair trends upon graduation.

Collaboration and Networking

The college actively promotes collaboration among students, alumni, and professionals within the Rexburg Hair Salon community. Networking events, guest lectures, and workshops with industry leaders provide students with insights into the professional world and upcoming trends. These interactions not only inspire students but also create avenues for them to introduce their innovative ideas into the mainstream market, thereby influencing local trends.

Alumni Success Stories

The success of alumni from Evans Hairstyling College further underscores its role in leading Rexburg’s hair trends. Many graduates go on to establish or work in prominent Hair Salons in Rexburg ID, bringing with them the latest techniques and creative concepts learned during their time at Evans. Their success and influence serve as a testament to the college’s effective education and training model.

In conclusion, the leadership of Evans Hairstyling College in setting Rexburg’s hair trends can be attributed to its advanced curriculum, practical training, fostering of creativity, strategic collaborations, and the continued success of its alumni. These elements combine to ensure that the college not only contributes to but also leads the innovation and style that define the local hair salon industry.



Evans Hairstyling College

Evans Hairstyling College is a team of professionals where we train students with the latest equipment and techniques.