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CounselX Pro - Inquiry
Thank you for your interest in using CounselX Pro for your legal needs. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questionnaire.
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Organization Type
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Company Name
Location (HQ)
Number of Employees
Legal Needs and Preferences
Primary Legal Needs (please check all that apply)
Legal Talent Needed
Scope of Legal Engagements (e.g., Project-based, Ongoing Support)
Geographic Areas of Legal Operation
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Points of Contact
Name of Point of Contact
Email Address
Phone Number
Additional information
How did you hear about CounselX Pro?
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What specific features or capabilities are you looking for in a legal services platform?
Is there any other information or specific requirements you would like to share with us?
Thank you for providing the information. Our team will review your requirements and reach out to you
soon to discuss how CounselX Pro can meet your legal needs. Welcome to CounselX Pro!
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