


/Fullstack Chat App with Advance features using MERN stack

Fullstack Chat App with Advance features using MERN stack

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12 modules

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Master the MERN stack by building a fullstack chat app with advanced features


Learn how to build a powerful fullstack chat application with advanced features using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js) stack. This course will guide you through the entire development process, from setting up the backend with a MongoDB database to creating the frontend user interface with React.js. By the end of this course, you will have a fully functional chat application that can handle real-time messaging, user authentication, and other advanced features.

Key Highlights

Build a fullstack chat app using the MERN stack

Implement real-time messaging functionality

Add user authentication and authorization

Learn how to handle advanced features like file uploads and notifications

What you will learn

Learn to set up a MongoDB database

Understand how to configure and connect a MongoDB database to your application, and learn basic database operations.

Create a backend server with Express.js

Use Express.js to build a RESTful API that will handle the communication between the frontend and the database.

Build the frontend with React.js

Develop the user interface of the chat app using React.js and leverage the power of reusable components.

Implement real-time messaging functionality

Integrate a real-time messaging system using technologies like WebSockets or Socket.io for instant communication between users.

Add user authentication and authorization

Learn how to implement user authentication and authorization using technologies like JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure access and user management.

Handle advanced features like file uploads and notifications

Extend your chat app by adding functionalities such as file uploads, notifications, and other advanced features to provide an enhanced user experience.



8 attachments • 33 mins

Intro to course

What is Mesh architecture

How webRTC works behind scenes

Signaling Server

STUN server

What is SDP

TURN server

ICE Candidates

Preparing Environment

4 attachments • 17 mins

Node.js Installation

Creating server & Installing dependencies

Initializing Basic server logic

Scaffolding React app

Creating Client Side

16 attachments • 1 hrs

Creating pages & setting up routing


Creating intro page

Creating Join page

Creating Room Page Layout


Creating room label

Creating participants section

Creating group chat section

Creating Video Controls

Microphone Button

Camera Button

Screenshare Button

Hang up Button

Fixing scroll issue

Adding theme

theme folder

Toggle Theme Button

Managing App State

16 attachments • 1 hrs

Adding navigation to intro page buttons

Making Controlled Inputs

Managing user role

Setting up redux store

Creating app slice

Setting roomID in store

Visualizing Redux store

Customising Join Page

Cancel join button

Checking if room exists

Creating JoinRoom Handler

Making API call & handling error

Storing name and meeting ID in redux store

Testing host & join room

Storing themeMode in redux store

Storing connect only with audio preference

Creating signaling server

14 attachments • 1 hrs

Preparing for room connection

Getting local stream

Creating loading overlay

Creating connection with Socket.io server

Connecting to socket.io server from client side

Emitting an event to server to create new room

Testing event emitted for creating new room

Creating create new room handler

Gettting Room ID from server

Showing Real users connected to Room in participants list

Creating join room handler

Testing joining room

Leaving room

Closing room if none user left

Implementing webRTC

17 attachments • 1 hrs

Reacp of webRTC connection

Prepare for connection

Handle connection prepare event

Starting with simple peer

Handling stream event

Handling signal event

Passing signaling data to connected users

Emitting event - connection init

Displaying incoming stream

CSS File

Displaying Incoming Streams

Cannot read property 'call' of undefined

1 page

Testing webRTC Connection

Setting video resolution

Fixing Participants List Bug

Removing Peer Connection when user disconnects

Testing Leave room functionality

Adding room controls

7 attachments • 41 mins

Mute Microphone Functionality

Disable video functionality

Testing audio & video controls

Screen sharing - preview

Fixing bug with disabling screen share


1 page

Switching video tracks

Audio Call

3 attachments • 33 mins

Connecting only with audio

Creating only audio label

Fixing small bugs

Creating TURN server

2 attachments • 17 mins

Fetching TURN server credentials from Twilio

Implementing TURN server in Peer Connection

Creating chat functionality

One to One Chat


2 attachments




When you complete this course you receive a ‘Certificate of Completion’ signed and addressed personally by me.

Course Certificate


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Once you enrol in a course, you will gain access to a dedicated online learning platform. All course materials, including video lessons, lecture notes, and supplementary resources, can be accessed conveniently through the platform at any time.

Can I interact with the instructor during the course?

Absolutely! we are committed to providing an engaging and interactive learning experience. You will have opportunities to interact with them through our community. Take full advantage to enhance your understanding and gain insights directly from the expert.

About the creator

About the creator

Learn from CodingMonk

👨‍🏫 Expert Instruction: With over 30,000 developers taught since 2022, Shreyansh is a seasoned web developer and top  instructor. Benefit from a curriculum blending real-world projects, deep explanations, and theory lectures.

👨‍💻 Career-Ready Confidence: Gain the knowledge and confidence to ace job interviews and become the sought-after React developer companies are looking for.


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