Likeness Release Form - American University
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I hereby authorize American University to photograph or film me and consent to the use of my likeness and image in any and all publications, educational materials, research, marketing, advertising, news media, and Web materials. I understand and agree that such materials, including all negatives, positives, digital images, and prints shall become and remain the sole property of American University and I shall have no right or title to such items. I agree that the University does not owe me any compensation for the acts that I have consented to in this agreement. I further understand and agree that these materials may be kept on file and used by AU for potential future purposes and further agree to release the University from any and all liability arising from or in connection with the taking, use, publication, or dissemination of such materials.

I agree with the statement above.
Digital Signature - (Type you full legal name here: First Name,  Last Name)
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