TUS Discussion / More map categories
July 26, 2021, 09:13 AM by FoxHound...... to receive a proper TUS map category. Some of them have no maps in TUS, but they can be ported here. ............ have only 1 or a few more maps, but I included them because I think all original ideas that require ............ -designed kind of map would be more noticed by the players and maybe more people will contribute ............ maps for the schemes. If these are too many categories, well ............ the categories could be separated by notability or by ............ numbers. If the ones with very few maps available cannot be ............ , I hope at least the maps with dozens of maps receive proper ............ . Here's the list: Surf Race (9 WMDB) Mole Forts (9 WMDB / 26 ............ ) Boom for Weapons (15 WMDB) Kill The King (20 WMDB / 8 TUS) PX Kill The King (8 WMDB) ............ (28 WMDB) PX Rope Race (WMDB 23) PX Capture The Flag (WMDB 22) Plopper (23 TUS) Trick Before ............ (7 WMDB) Ghost Knocking (4 WMDB / 5 TUS / 1 NLF) Sheep Glitch (5 WMDB / more in BTP) BWFWHRR (6 WMDB) ............ WMDB) Jump Race (5 WMDB) Dangerous Water (6 WMDB) Beat The Sheep (5 WMDB) Counter-Strike (4 WMDB) Cannon ............ (5 WMDB) Runaway (5 WMDB) Plinko (4 WMDB) Multi Sheep Race (4 WMDB) Pool (4 WMDB) Multi Super Sheep ............ Raid (3 WMDB) Quoridor (3 WMDB) Basejump (3 TUS) Sheep Crating (3 TUS) Trick WxW (3 WMDB) Mineball (2 ............ (1 WMDB) Bowling (1 WMDB) Ping-pong (1 WMDB) Dodge The Meteors (1 WMDB) Comet Dodging Race (1 WMDB) Sink ............ Hysteria Race (1 WMDB) Mine Race (1 WMDB) King of the Ring (1 WMDB) House of Crates (1 WMDB) Target ............ Race (1 TUS) Petrol on Ice (1 WMDB) The Maze Wormer (1 WMDB) The Hunger Worms (1 WMDB) ............ Race (1 WMDB) Jet Zook (1 TUS) Take out the Mine (1 WMDB) Black Hole Golf (1 WMDB) Black Hole ............ 4 Elementos (1 WMDB) Worm Tennis (1 WMDB) Capture The Flag Shopper (1 WMDB) ......
Schemes / Bet You Beat The Sheep - BTS based scheme
May 07, 2020, 08:29 AM by rUNaW4y...... of BTS scheme by Nail, based on Check Points for the BIG RR maps (instead of TTRR maps). It is based ............ points (pts). The rules are quite simple: The attached map is 5 ............ START, on Check Point #1, ... on Check Point #4). The Check Points are at the end of each Stage, below ............ each player should declare his intention in chat. The possible choices are: I BET I BEAT THE SHEEP ( ............ B in the chat before starting your turn): • YOU BEAT THE ............ IN TIME: +2PTS • YOU DO NOT BEAT THE SHEEP (E.G. YOU FAIL SOMEWHERE WITHIN THE MAP ............ YOU DO NOT GET IT IN TIME): -2PTS I BET I DO NOT BEAT THE SHEEP (write NB in the chat before starting ............ turn): • YOU BEAT THE SHEEP ANYWAY: 0 PTS • YOU DO NOT BEAT THE ............ , AS PROMISED (E.G. YOU FAIL SOMEWHERE WITHIN THE MAP): -1 PTS Scheme: ............ me know your interest in order to: 1) Improve the scheme; 2) Provide quite difficult maps. Your ......
Challenges / BTS
April 03, 2020, 04:49 PM by rUNaW4y...... this? Wouldn't it be quite nice to ......
Schemes / Beat The Sheep
August 08, 2010, 05:35 PM by NAiL...... Introducing Beat The Sheep! BTS is the closest you can get to ............ a real time rope race, albeit against a sheep. Think you're a hardcore roper? Can you rope ............ for over 4 minutes without falling, and beat the sheep to the finish? Think you have what it ............ ? Think you can handle the pressure? Will you be one of the few wormers ............ to say that they have beaten the sheep? Map here: http://www. ............ Please don't extract the map and scheme from the replays, as they have ............ been updated since then. Good luck, and if you do manage to beat the ............ on Wormtube here: Current Sheep Beaters! ......
Schemes / Re: FoxHound's Unfinished Projects (2024) - Ideas to the public
July 28, 2024, 02:38 PM by FoxHound...... would be good if a programmer made a program for these types of maps. I'll explain the map and the ............ by text: The map is a randomly-generated map (from WA map ............ white map using WA map editor features. Then, this map is edited using image editor programs ............ as MSPaint, GIMP or Photoshop to fulfill the whole map with weapon sprites. The weapon sprites ............ zone is completely filled with grenade sprites. The sprites are almost touching each other, this way, ............ 's always possible to know in which weapon the worm is standing at, to be able to use it. It is ............ shot or SDET? Should utilities receive sprites on the map? I'm inclined to make all utilities free to ............ , maybe even blowtorch and drill could be free (they could be used at any weapon sprite). If we play ............ sdet, it would need a rule limiting the number of shots, probably. Maybe only weapons ............ a good crater (explosion radious) should be on the map, because weapons like skunk would make the ............ difficult to dig for good weapons buried near the water. So, if a map receive a skunk sprite, it ............ need to have few skunk sprites, otherwise it would be hard to find other weapons. ............ in this scheme is part of the strategy, because you can dig to a very good ............ destroy all weapon sprites of a weapon, to impede the enemy to use them. I might upload here some ............ of this idea. I tested with many people, I hope they don't mind if I share the replays here, I don't ............ there's bad chat on them. Quote from: h3oCharles on ............ . I think he had a map and a scheme, but he lost them. So, the idea remained and the scheme and the ............ are still to be made. The scheme would be very easy to do, but the map ............ several testings just like schemes that explore the animal movement, such as Beat The Sheep, Help The ............ , etc. It would be a Shopper map, but designed to the skunk collect crates and jump obstacles. Worms ............ 't be able to move (I guess). I think there would be no Ninja Rope in the scheme, I don't ............ the details of what kredens thought. I think it could ............ , because with multishot you can collect the crates with skunk and attack during the same turn. ......
Challenges Comments / Re: Challenge #197, Beat the Sheep Challange
April 27, 2024, 06:09 PM by TheWalrus...... challenge was so fun, the sheep rekt me alot, can't believe i never heard ............ racing the sheep More people should try ......
Challenges / Re: Want to host a challenge? (Mod request)
February 04, 2013, 09:03 PM by timo...... 'd like to host a "Beat the Sheep" I want use this map: ......
General discussion / Re: WA speed run: any interest?
January 15, 2017, 12:10 PM by TheKomodo...... 15, 2017, 12:08 PMunless you can paste all the maps together in the same huge map, and connect ............ painful tapping too fast too long, which is another reason I tend to avoid TTRR(And pull out of JPRR ............ a very long time. Was it Cueshark who created "Beat The Sheep" or wasn't it Nail? Or someone? That ............ pretty cool, it became quite popular for a while then died down, but was a huge map that lasted 5-10 ......
General discussion / Help NAiL!
July 10, 2013, 10:19 PM by NAiL...... guys long time no see! I lhink ive lost all the 100s of maps I made as I lost my backup usb, sad ............ 8( Many of you played Beat the sheep with me, remember that second map I did ......
Maps Comments / Map #10221, beat the sheep by timo
February 06, 2013, 01:35 PM by Masta #11
Files Comments / File #609, Cueshark's Beat The Sheep tool-assisted by StepS
February 21, 2014, 07:37 PM by timoi like this unhuman replays
Maps Comments / Map #1905, Beat The Sheep - Episode 1 by Cueshark
February 19, 2014, 01:12 AM by StepS...... , which I did yesterday. Use Ctrl+Home to ignore the sheep. ............ , how can I revote here? I didn't notice there were 3 rating charts... ......
Files Comments / Re: File #929, realtime super sheep rope race
March 21, 2016, 03:24 PM by XanKriegorgj. Beat the Sheep 2.0
Schemes / Re: TTRR variants
October 19, 2012, 12:02 PM by Ray...... with this thread wrong. I just put out some ideas there that could be played by better players or even ............ roping with these variants set in mind could help you get better ............ . Quote from: barman on October 18, 2012, 09:26 PMThe "extreme" variants are essentially unplayable, ............ the best rope racers rarely finish in all 3 turns. ............ 's possible if you play more safely, but it makes the game more boring doesn't it? Would some of them ............ I very much disagree that that makes it boring. Beat The Sheep requires consistent roping, but not ............ Quote from: chakkman on October 18, 2012, 10:10 PMThe thing with these variations is that they simply ............ 't be used... big maps never really enforced themselves too for the "classic" schemes. It's not ............ the unwillingless to learn something new, it is just ............ the schemes played in classic league are so well ............ play, that it basically makes no sense to spice them up in any way, imo. Yes, good point there, ............ be used in tournaments for example, not ever in the Classic League, I never thought that, as you said, ............ simply the original schemes are too well-thought out. So ............ to anything... simply putting out some ideas there. Quote from: Statik on October 19, 2012, 05:17 ............ but why to count the average time if we can just sum 3 times? if (a+b+ ............ ) > (x+y+z) then (a+b+c)/3 > (x+y+z)/3 I just wanted to sound ............ from: ANO on October 19, 2012, 07:16 AMI like the kind of variations, gj. Maybe another one, ............ time "Finish-to-start". 3 worms... everything is the same than in TTRR but you have to do the classic " ............ to start" and you have to do a time even there, so you'll add both the times. Yea, also a ............ will see some tournaments coming up with one of these variants. Give them a chance, see how it goes ......
Challenges Comments / Re: Map: xAZ01xRRx07 in challenge #139
March 16, 2012, 08:44 PM by Desetroyah...... , Dulek got the one of the two moves I used, that tap over the ............ in the middle instead of another extension. the second ............ also obvious but hasnt been used yet. After the first day playing it I gave up on the 3rd missed ............ 29"50 and I prefer playing beat the sheep atm xd PS: n1 Dulek, that 28.58 was ......
Schemes / Re: schemes for begginers?
August 17, 2010, 01:59 AM by ninobeat the sheep