

Are you ready to turn your expertise into an enterprise?

If you have ever thought about any of the following to yourself:

✅ Yes, I have a 9 to 5 job. I get paid well, but I feel I do not have good options other than working until I retire at 65 to 70 years old.

✅ I feel that I have been putting my time and sweat to my boss’ business. If I lost my job or get ill, I would have no passive income.

✅ I know what I want for my life and finance, but I don’t know how to start a business. Let alone build a successful one. I have too much at stake – family, kids at private school, mortgage, etc.

✅ I have tried business or side hustle before, it didn’t go anywhere. And it was exhausting.

✅ No one understood me. Not even my family. I have always been educated to do a job as an engineer. That’s all I knew. But I know I have more to give!

✅ I can’t stand it anymore. I have a burning desire to build better health, relationship, and wealth around my life. I need help and mentorship.

Palantir Entrepreneur Incubation (PEI) Programme is where your impossible becomes possible.

Hear what the committed entrepreneurs currently in the PEI programme have to say

Joseph Peng

Joseph has known William Zhang since 2016. He started the programme in May 2022. Currently running his structural engineering business with a revenue north of AUD $1M in less than 12 months!

Kevin Ding

Kevin has know William Zhang since 2017. He started the programme in May 2022. Currently turning his BIM Management/Modeling business and working on projects valued at AUD $600M and more. Current revenue AUD $700K per annum.

Roni Shlemon

Roni has known William Zhang since 2020. He started the programme in July 2022. Currently turning his structural/remedial engineering business and working on construction engineering, disputes with construction lawyers and property owners. Current revenue $800K+ per annum.

Tianhong Gu

Gu has known William Zhang since late 2022. He started the programme in November 2022. Currently running his facade engineering business and working on multi-million dollar projects with Tier-1 clients. Current revenue AUD $250K per annum.

Orak Toma

Orak has known William Zhang since 2020. He started the programme in May 2022. Currently turning his structural engineering business and working on commercial projects, structural products, warehouse structures, and post-tensioned structures. Current revenue AUD $1M+ per annum.

“Insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results” – Albert Einstein.


It’s time to take your life, your family, your income, your health, your impact, and your dream to the next level.


The Palantir Entrepreneur Incubation Programme is where you can grow with like-minded professionals who believe they can make a difference to themselves, their loved ones, their industry, and their lifestyles.


The best part is, you will be guided every step of the way.


Fill out the form below to start your conversation

PEI - Contact Us

William Zhang

Featured on Forbes Australia | 22k+ Followers on Linkedin | 100k+ Followers on IG | B.Eng M.Eng GCBA MIEAust CPEng NER DEP PDP PER (NSW) RBP (VIC) RPEQ (QLD) APEC | Founding Director of Palantir Consulting | Initiator of the PEN and PEI Programme | Organiser of Palantir Engineers Networking (PEN) RADIUS Event

Father of two. Husband. Serial entrepreneur and tennis enthusiast.

I am the living example of how to grow from a fresh immigrant to a mutli-million dollar business owner. I work less than 10 hours a week. Other than my family and tennis, I spend majority of my time mentoring and coaching like-minded people to grow their personal, leadership, and entrepreneurial skills.

How do you want to spend your 86,400 seconds everyday?

Frequently Asked Questions

The PEI Programme will require your time and dedication in building your own business. Your commitment of time would gradually increase from 1 hour a day to 8 hours a day pending your business growth.

While we are not charging you for starting the programme, note that you would need to have a stable financial position to start any business.

You may also need your spouse’s support before starting the PEI Programme.

1. Stand on the giant’s shoulder.

  • Tap into established brands immediately which would otherwise cost you tens of thousands of dollars.
  • Mimic some proven business growth systems (subject to executing a Non-disclosure Agreement due to Intellectual Protection).
  • Learn from the best in the industry in terms of how to scale your business to build a 6 to 7-figure annual passive income from a scaled system, team, and business cash flow.
  • Possible client base access for the immediate start of your business.
  • Attend high-end networking events for free (such as the RADIUS event).

2. Access to crucial resources that you otherwise would not be able to.

  • Access to some of the most valuable skill libraries, systems, methodologies, and training courses to advance your technical knowledge and ability.
  • Access to professional meeting rooms and offices to facilitate your learning and creations.
  • Access to software packages that would otherwise cost you tens of thousands of dollars to buy.
  • Access to legal and accounting support from our professional network.
  • Access to international opportunities including travel and establishing business and working overseas.

3. Access to funding to grow your business with minimum risk.

  • At the right timing and for the right candidate, we will support you financially for an agreed period of time to facilitate your growth without unnecessary stress. In return, the chosen candidate will have the opportunity to generate income to benefit both parties. It’s designed to be a win-win situation.

4. Learn how to operate a professional services business.

  • You may choose to learn as deeply as you like in terms of how to make a business work from 6 key aspects: Sales, Marketing, Product development, Management, Finance, and Culture.
  • The PEI program will provide guidance and support as you experience the fun and challenging aspects of entrepreneurship first-hand. 

5. Learn how to build a team, a system, and a network of people for your greater success

  • You may be intimidated by the idea of leading a group of people. Yes, it is a lot of responsibilities there. One thing is for sure, leadership is a skill that can be learnt and trained. All it takes is someone’s open mind and dedication to the training.
  • PEI can provide you with opportunities for strategic partnerships with other businesses, helping them access new markets, technologies, and resources.

6. Access to mentorship from other successful entrepreneurs

  • It says’ Your net worth is the average of the 5 people you most hang out with.’ Brian Tracy says, ‘Your mind is the average of the 5 people you most hang out with.
  • In a structural consulting business, mentorship and guidance are essential in terms of learning from experienced professionals about industry-specific challenges, such as building codes and regulations, and best practices for delivering quality and innovative solutions.
  • With your consent, you will be able to learn how to build close relationships with successful entrepreneurs in various industries for the purpose of establishing a life-long mentorship for reaching not only your career peak but your life purposes as well.
  • You will also be able to learn with other like-minded new entrepreneurs in your industry expertise which would help you with your accountability and improve your confidence.

Module 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship in the Consulting/Professional Services Industry

  • Overview of the consulting industry and market trends
  • Introduction to Entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial mindset
  • Identifying business opportunities and assessing market demand
  • Understanding the legal and regulatory framework for consulting businesses

Module 2: Developing a Business Plan

  • Business planning and strategy development
  • Market research and analysis
  • Financial forecasting and management
  • Developing a marketing and sales strategy
  • Understanding risk management and liability in the industry

Module 3: Building a Team and Managing Projects

  • Building and managing a team of skilled professionals
  • Developing project management skills and techniques
  • Developing practical communication skills with clients and contractors
  • Time management and resource allocation

Module 4: Intellectual Property and Innovation

  • Understanding intellectual property and its importance in the consulting industry
  • Identifying opportunities for innovation in the industry
  • Developing strategies for protecting and monetizing intellectual property

Module 5: Fundraising and Financial Management

  • Understanding funding sources and financing options for consulting businesses
  • Financial management and budgeting
  • Preparing for audits and managing financial risks

Module 6: Networking, Marketing, and Branding

  • Building a professional network
  • Developing a strong brand identity and marketing strategy
  • Developing effective sales and negotiation skills

Module 7: International Expansion and Emerging Trends

  • Identifying opportunities for international expansion in the consulting industry
  • Understanding cultural differences and adapting to new markets
  • Staying ahead of emerging trends in the industry, including new technologies and methods

Module 8: Scaling and Growing the Business

  • Developing a growth strategy and scaling the business
  • Developing strategies for managing expansion and maintaining quality
  • Understanding mergers and acquisitions in the industry

The time to plant the tree is 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

If you are good at what you specialised in, if you already have built one or two strong client relationships, you are ready to go any time. All you need to do is sign up your details, we will contact you for the next steps to start owning your life.

If you only want to learn, but you are NOT ready to start your business, simply get in contact with William Zhang on Linkedin for a free pass to a startup programme.

If you are ready to start immediately, you would need to go through a vetting process. If you qualify at the end of the process, you would get access to funding to start your business. Details to be discussed case by case.