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Legal Professionals - CounselX Pro 
Thank you for your interest in joining the CounselX Pro. Please take a few minutes to complete the following questionnaire.
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Personal Information
Provide your personal information in the section below:
Full Name
Email address
Phone Number
LinkedIn Profile
Location (City, Country)
Professional Background
Fill the information below relevant to your professional background
Current Job Title
Law School Attended
Year of Graduation
Bar Admission (State/Country):
Areas of Legal Expertise (please check all that apply)
Work Experience
Please provide the answers below to share your work experience
Number of Years in Practice
Current Employer/Firm
Previous Legal Positions (Please list up to three most recent)
Skills and Certifications
Languages Spoken
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Certifications or Specialized Training (if any)
How did you hear about CounselX Pro?
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What motivated you to join the CounselX Pro Legal Talent Network?
Availability and Preferences
Availability for Projects/Engagements
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Preferred Type of Engagements (e.g., Consulting, Contracting, Full-time Employment)
Preferred Geographic Areas for Engagements
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Additional Information
Please provide a brief summary of your legal expertise and what sets you apart as a legal
Is there anything else you would like us to know about you or your legal career?
Thank you for taking the time to complete our intake questionnaire. We will review your information and
contact you shortly. Welcome to CounselX Pro!
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