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说唱圈急需新鲜的说唱歌手。Rap star是可以被培养的吗?带着这个思考,爱奇艺成立了一家说唱经纪公司,邀请业界知名且专业的合伙人一起开展“少年说唱企划”,发掘、培养说唱新人,颠覆传统说唱歌手的成长路径。每位加入‘说唱企划’的说唱新人,公司将为其提供各项顶级资源,他们需通过公司的系统专业培训后,登上公演舞台表演,接受说唱圈最具权威的评委团、公司管理层(BOSS团)及观众的评判,最终打造出最无畏的少年说唱厂牌。
The rap world is desperate in need of new rappers. But can rap stars be cultivated? With this question in mind, iQIYI established a management company and invited a few well-known professionals in the industry to carry out this "young rapper project" — to discover and cultivate new rappers by providing them with some very untraditional growth paths. The company has had the best resources ready for each rapper that joins the project. Members will be trained systematically before they can perform on stage. Their performances will be reviewed by the most authoritative rap judges, bosses and audiences. The most fearless young rap label will then born from this stage.
Watch the show on iQiyi with multiple subtitles. 1 new episode every Saturday at 20:00.